Hi guys. It's been a while since my last thread here. Been busy by others projects, personnal life, etc... you know what I mean.
Props missed me so I decided to get back to an old project.
By the past, I made some screen printed decals for some stormtroopers and TIE pilot helmets in the accurate way. But it was a very very long process and a little bit painfull.
I improved the way to create those decals. Still not perfect (but the screen used decals weren't ^^) but I guess better.
As you can see on the pics below, ESB style (which appears on ESB stunt, MKII and ROTJ V1) is different from ROTJ style (which appears on ROTJ V2, stunt and "Hero").
Shape and color.
For the ESB style, I used reference pictures and close up of screen used helmet and corrected the shape since it's curved on the helmet and that I needed the shape flat.
For ROTJ style, I used a resin cast of a screen used ROTJ helmet (those call Hero ROTJ) which was casted with its original decals.
The blue stripes are the same for both (I used the ROTJ shape).