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Novak Dimon

Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About Novak Dimon

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  • Location
    Jever, Germany


  • Attache Achievement Award
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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    German Garrison
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  1. Hello and welcome to the white zone.
  2. Congratulations Joseph, you are the right man for the job!
  3. Hallo Christian, welcome to the FISD! Here you will find every information you need to complete your armor. I’m looking forward to see your progress and hope to meet you on a troop soon. Cheers Christian
  4. Hi Rebecca, welcome to the FISD! Great work with your armor. Can't wait to see more.
  5. Congratulations brother and welcome to the FISD!
  6. Hello Marcel, welcome to the FISD! Good Luck with your approval, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
  7. Hello Vasco, welcome to the white zone. Great to have you here!
  8. Hi Jim, If you looking for new ABS shoulder straps I can recommend the ones from Troopermaster. Paul is delivering great quality and is from UK. Should be easy for you to get them.
  9. Hello Mark, welcome to the white zone! Great picture of your first troop! Christian
  10. Hi Thomas, welcome to FISD! Great that you changed your mind an decided to become one of us!
  11. Hello and welcome to the FISD! As said before, here is the place where you will find everything for your build! Check the resources and ask questions whenever something is unclear. We are happy to support you! Cheers Christian
  12. Hello Brothers, I have to report that I reached the goal of 25 Troops! Milestone and Troop Log Title: [42] TK21518 Troop Log Date and Event: 6/10/2017 -- #10 : the "Day Of The Armed Forces" in Fassberg I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. Milestone and Troop Log Title: [42] TK21518 Troop Log Date and Event: 8/25/2019 -- # 25 : 40th Harbour Fair in 26676 Barßel. I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. Let´s see how long I need until 50. Cheers Christian
  13. 2017 I performed my 10th deployment at the "Tag der Bundeswehr" (Day of the armed forces) in Faßberg. And there were more great Events like ComicCon in Hannover: Universum in Bremen: Or the start of Episode VIII:
  14. I completed my first Troop as a guest of the Coastal Hammer Squad at the Children's Treat in my hometown Jever. My armor was completed an I was awaiting the approval by the GMO. My kids went with me, my daughter as little Rey and my son was a Jawa. I am the Trooper at the right side, my little girl standing at the left. While on patrol with my son, a reporter of the local newspaper stopped us and asked for a picture. We found ourself on the front page of the newspaper the next day. My first troop as official member of the Legion: Absolutely famous was the Rogue One-Event that year:
  15. Hello brothers, After nearly 7 years of service for the Empire, I think it's time for me to create a troop log myself. My journey to become a Stormtrooper started in January 2015 when I registered here at FISD to research for my E-11 replica build and shared the results. After that I pre ordered a TK-Kit from ANOVOS. It arrived nearly exactly 7 years ago at February 8, 2016 The building took until June and since June 26, 2016 I am a proud member of the 501st Legion. My first, but unofficial troop was at the children's treat in my hometown, invited by the local 501st squad on June 5th, 2016. Troop Log: 2016 #1. 31/07/2016 : Share&Help Wilhelmshaven/Friesland #2. 03/09/2016 : District fair at Family Center in 26389 Wilhelmshaven #3. 26/11/2016 : Marktkauf in 26388 Wilhelmshaven #4. 15/12/2016 : Rogue One at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #5. 16/12/2016 : Rogue One at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #6. 17/12/2016 : Rogue One at UCI in Wilhelmshaven 2017 #7. 13/05/2017 : Wedding in 27619 Altluneberg #8. 20/05/2017 : MCM ComicCon 2017 Hannover #9. 27/05/2017 : Charity-Event at the "Universum" in Bremen #10. 10/06/2017 : Tag der Bundeswehr in Faßberg #11. 30/07/2017 : Summer Fair of the Bürgerverein Schortens #12. 02/09/2017 : District Fair 2017 in 26382 Wilhelmshaven #13. 06/10/2017 : Sick bed visit in the Children's Hospice "Joshuas Engelreich" in Wilhelmshaven #14. 13/12/2017 : Episode VIII at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #15. 14/12/2017 : Episode VIII at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #16. 16/12/2017 : Episode VIII at UCI in Wilhelmshaven 2018 #17. 03/02/2018 : Epicon in Münster #18. 04/02/2018 : Epicon in Münster #19. 12/05/2018 : Visiting the Children's Hospice "Joshuas Engelreich" in Wilhelmshaven #20. 24/05/2018 : SOLO at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #21. 25/05/2018 : SOLO at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #22. 25/08/2018 : Wedding in 26382 Wilhelmshaven 2019 #23. 20/01/2019 : Charity Event "Miteinander / Füreinander in Wilhelmshaven #24. 15/06/2019 : Tag der Bundeswehr in Faßberg #25. 25/08/2019 : 40th Harbour Fair in 26676 Barßel #26. 07/09/2019 : Cosplay Event at Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle #27. 19/10/2019 : Halloween Event at Tierpark Jaderberg #28. 18/12/2019 : TROS Cinema-Event at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #29. 19/12/2019 : TROS Cinema-Event at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #30. 20/12/2019 : TROS Cinema-Event at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #31. 21/12/2019 : TROS Cinema-Event at UCI in Wilhelmshaven #32. 22/12/2019: TROS Cinema-Event at UCI in Wilhelmshaven 2020 No Events because COVID-19 restrictions 2021 #33. 24/07/2021 : Lasertag Delmenhorst #34. 31/10/2021 : Halloween Event at "Gruseleum" in Hooksiel 2022 #35. 04/06/2022 : Fed Con in 53175 Bonn #36. 17/07/2022 : Bürgermarkt in 26409 Wittmund #37. 04/09/2022: Day 2 "Botanik goes Space" 28359 Bremen #38. 01/10/2022: Family Fair "25 years Hagebau" 26427 Esens #39. 22/10/2022: Day 3 - Halloween at Jaderpark, 26349 Jaderberg #40. 29/10/2022: Day 5 - Halloween at Jaderpark, 26349 Jaderberg #41. 19/11/2022 : Charity Event "Gala der goldenen Glocke" in 28832 Achim 2023 #42. 22/01/2023 : Handover of complimentary tickets for the Zoo to disadvantaged children - 26419 Schortens To Be Continued >>> I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. Cheers Christian
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