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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK-4902

Member Title

  • Position
    Expert Infantryman

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Carmichael, California


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Central California Garrison

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  1. Congrats, Jenn!!! You look fabulous in your armor. Welcome to the EIB ranks…
  2. I bought the Starkiller saber you have linked for my wife (building her a TKC), only I got it through eBay, not Esty. Same seller though. And it only took a couple of weeks to receive it as far as I remember. It's a good looking saber, bright, with nice weathering, but definitely NOT a battle saber. If you're looking for a saber to do a lot of fancy twirling or battling, this is not it. I'd only recommend it for hanging on your belt, posing for photos, or very light flipping around. Some of the pieces are just glued on and will start flying off if you get too crazy. This is what happened to me anyway. I've since modified it with a good set of bunny ears from CSS and have added sound. I still have some more mods to make, but it was a good start for what I needed. Hope that helps...
  3. I recently purchased that MTK armor set and am now in the process of building it for my sister. So far so good... It's a great kit.
  4. Asymmetry is very important for the proper look of a Stormtrooper, especially when it comes to the helmet. A few scrapes and scuffs are just fine, but no overly bumpy or taped up pieces. In other words, find a happy medium and everybody wins.
  5. Hey Juan, your current CO and your new CO will need to be informed of your transfer request. They'll need to work together to get you switched over into your new garrison. I'm not sure about Garrison Carida's policy on transfers. But in my garrison, the person requesting to be transferred in must troop one of our events before the transfer request can be fully accepted. Best of luck with your move!!!
  6. Well it's about time. Good to see you here Marie... Lookin' great as always.
  7. Had me going for a second, but it's just the drop box. Nice try though Eric.
  8. Yep, leave some return edge on, it'll help to keep the butt and back from sliding under the kidney plate. As far as which is up or down, the curvature of the kidney plate should fit the small of your back. So the belt sits in the more indented area and makes the armor look cinched tight. Hope that makes sense.
  9. Thank you so much!!! I could not have done it without the help of you all here at the FISD. I am honored to be a part of this Detachment and now a part of the Expert Infantry. I will wear the badge proudly. ~Brian TK-4902
  10. Sorry, some of the pictures turned out quite small and hard to see some of the details. There is a thin black line around the ear bumps; if this needs to be wider I can do that. Also the lenses are smoke bubble. Here's a larger close up picture, hopefully it shows those details a bit clearer...
  11. TK-4902 requesting ANH Hero EIB status. Name = Brian Clausse Garrison = Central California Garrison Forum Name = TK-4902 Height = 6' 5" Weight = 206 pounds Armor = AM Helmet = EFX-LE (the fiberglass one) Blaster = raccooncitypd (modified by me) Boots = TK Boots Canvas belt = unknown maker Thermal Detonator = TK4702 (Jesse) Hand Plates = AM Gloves = Nomex Flight Gloves Electronics= RomX / Aker Neck Seal = TK409 Holster = bmlt1138 (Bobby) Thank you for considering me for EIB status...
  12. Looking good Andrea... I agree with what the others have said so far. But one thing I noticed.. check your kidney plate, it looks like it might be upside down. Of course, it may be just the way the light is hitting it. Best of luck with your build, AM is a great armor, I love mine. ~Brian TK-4902
  13. Hi Everyone... I thought I'd share a few more pics with you all. Every year the Met Sacramento High School hosts a Star Wars Night where they screen the original trilogy for the students, faculty, and their families. This year we were invited to come hang out for the evening. And, of course, we were a big success. Everyone was thrilled to see us and even the principal says he squealed like a little girl with shear excitement as we came out for the first time (wish I had a cool principal like that back in the day). Anyway, it was a nice evening with good friends and good fun. To see all the pics click the PhotoBucket Link: http://photobucket.c...WarsNight052512 Mobbed at the door... Making new friends... Surrendering to the Rebel Younglings... The Faculty joins the Darkside... Mr. & Mrs. Stormtrooper... The Stars of the show... Thanks for looking. ~Brian TK-4902
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