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I kinda made a big booboo and cut out too much of the armor on the forearms. I admit, I suck at crafts :o .


I hate myself... I spent ages cutting and scoring the armor with a darned x-acto knife and it just wouldn't budge (thankfully cos the plastic was too thick, something I was worrying about earlier :P) or I would score in a messed up way OR I would bump my wrists so much the old injury from my scooter accident was acting up. So stupid me tried to force it a bit, wham big ol piece 'o V cut out right out of the forearms.


I just don't have the patience nor the equipment for this thing... Blast it.


Any tips on how to fix this "sounds-like: mock-up" would be very much welcome. Also, an idea how to connect those blasted seams would be a nice additive cos I dunno if it needs overlapping or just pasting the strips on top of it. Heard only FX had overlaps, the rest was just match and paste or whatever.

Man I sure wish I had a bloody local garrisson supporting me now.


Sorry for the rant but I am extremely ticked off. :angry:

So I guess first thing to do is to chill and relax a bit.


Any help would very much be appreciated.




Got any pics of the damage Vincent? It would be handy to see where on the forearm the 'v' is.


I think that a butt joint and strip method on the forearms is acceptable, but I don't see why you couldn't overlap a little then attach the covering strip on the 'upper' part of the overlap ( if I'm wrong here, I'm sure one of the more knowledgable guys will correct me ).


Darren TK4841


For getting straight lines, use painters tape the cut along the edge.


As for the chunk out of the forearm, can you cut a tapered edge from the end of the button strip down to the edge. The continue it on the other piece for a uniform look? Any chance the forearms are too long for you and you'll need to trim them down anyway?


Another option may be to take the piece that has come out and glue it to a larger piece of ABS. This could then be used to butt up aginst the inside of the forearm.


ABS does sand and polish out pretty well, the only problem would be if the cut out piece does not fit back in perfectly.


Well I cut it to make it look a bit more tapered. Like a _/ \_ kinda ending looks pretty ok right now but so much for accuracy.


I've had it. Either I am plainly too fat for this armor and don't know jack about cutting plastic, or... I dunno. I'm going to get some shut-eye I reckon.


grab a tab of plastic and curve it in the exact shape of the inner forearm in the place the accident happened.


get the piece that you cut and place it in place again (NO GLUE YET) just to check it fits nicely, if it doesn´t then try getting the right shape again and repeat.


after you´re sure it fits, glue the piece to the plastic tab (the tab has to be bigger that the piece) and then glue the tab with the piece in place.


use any filler you need (bondo, white wall putty, etc) to make the scar disappear and sand it until it gets smooth.





hope that helps!


Well just going to wait till the gf brings the dremel here tomorrow and then we'll just sand stuffs off. I kinda like the look on the forearms now so that's a good thing.


Bad thing is, is that my back and wrists are acting up, making me quite annoyed with the armor so far :P. I guess I wanna rush too much and I know a lot of you'd tell me to slow down cos in the end it pays off. It's just that I have 3 more free days to spend on the armor and thought it would be cool to like zing it together and have it done with but heck did I misjudge that!


Anyways we're going to try the dremel sanding bit for trimming the curves and the larger areas will be trimmed with a scissor. Still need to find some webbing, underarmor and stuff so might do that tomorrow or next monday. Either way sorry that I come off so frustrated. I just wanna play with my new toys :P (especially since the E11 isn't on the list of to-haves anymore cos of the Weapons Law :angry:).


using my modeling experience, get yourself some 'green stuff' 2 part modeling putty from your local hobby store. it's flexable, sandable, and paintable. I'm using it on all my seams.

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