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Expanding my site Maybe...


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I wanted to get you all's input.


Think I should do troopers as well?




I have just upgraded to 100 page layout, so I have plenty of room. With OTBD dead, (I think, Still no word from Doug) what if It was integrated into this design and layout?


Is there anyone else working on a project like this?



I would need tremendous help from the FISD... I would need to build a database and pictures of all the armor and such all over again...

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Guest DavetheDane

Great Nathan - you can do it!!


some ideas:


- The various makers - a bit like Starwarshelmets - but perhaps with even more back ground info - statements from the makers if possible (it may spin off a lot of noise and BS)..

- The costume - piece by piece - detailed pics and explanation - what where used in the movie etc.

- Fan pictures - a bit like swh, but perhaps even more pics.


Brak's buddy has a great site with a lot of good info on the Sandtrooper...


I think the site should cover all the bad guys from the original trilogy... Some kind of encyclopedia?


So like e.g. Stormtrooper ANH version - 3 versions -


- back ground info and pics - original

- Other info: e.g. real screen used costumes auction - prices etc.

- the costume break-down

- Fan made costumes - the story, lineage, pics, comments from the makers

- Fan pics


Well just some ideas - but I would think it would be cool to have one place covering all the info - detailed etc. Perhaps even with a forum functionality?


Good luck - pleanty of hours a head of you!!

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I would just focus on the TK and Vader, but the scout is a thought.


Sandtroopers I agree are covered well. I however have no intent on forum use. that is what we here are for.


Food for thought. Thanks Dave.

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I say stick to what you know. TB & TK and of coarse vader. I surprised you do a ghostbuster thing



But I know nada about it... :P Just who to send money too... ;)


I too hope that OTBD isnt dead.. Just no info for months... :(

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