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An Update from Xavier


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An update.



I signed the final papers to what will be the first home I will ever own!


We will be getting the keys on Tues or Wed.


These last few months have been the most stressful of my life as I had to deal with keeping my children now 3 and 6 happy and blissfully unaware of the crime committed against us and deal with having to find a house (we were renting but are now going to be home owners thanks to the first time buyers program and FHA)


Needless to say the pressure was crushing at times but every time things seem to fall apart or hope was all but lost like magic the 501st was there with a kind word or a positive vibe which kept me from giving up. It has been a roller coaster ride that I tried to keep private because I did not want to further burden you all with a daily reminder of my reality.


I suffered insomnia at times not sleeping more then a few hours a week.

In fact last night was the first time that I slept a full eight hours!


I am at peace now thanks to all the kind brothers and sisters I have in the 501st.


For those who have asked the arsonist that created this mess was never caught but life it too short to be consumed with hate and vengeance when I have a loving healthy family , a killer new set of armor and the love of my brothers and sisters here at the 501st!


God Bless each and everyone of you!


4ever in your debt



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Hello Xavier!


I'm still not part of the 501st (I'm waiting for my first armor) but I have custody of my 5 YO son, and we've been through a lot together, so I know exactly what you're talking about. As fathers we try to give them the best experience we can, and sometimes it's our duty to carry the weight on our shoulders. It's not easy sometimes.


I read about what happened to you, and it's all very sad. But I'm happy that you found a way out of your tragedy and seem to be returning to normal life again.


My best wishes for you and your family, from sunny Spain.



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I'm glad things have worked out for you. I know it's cliche, but sometimes the greatest blessings can be found in the worst of circumstances. It looks like that's the case for you.


Congratulations on your new home.

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I just came aware of what happened, but let me tell u that i am glad that all is falling back in place. Congrtas on the House and new suit!!! Stuff like this is way i am pround to have Brother and SDisters like u!!!!!

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