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Posted (edited)

Hi team!
Sending in my EIB application with my ANH Stunt suit from AP (AuthenticProps).


Trooper Information

    Name :  Eric Poirier
    FISD Forum Name :  0megaRed
    Legion ID :  30874
    Garrison :  Garnison Forteresse Impériale
    Height :   5'8"
    Weight :  157lb

    501st link : https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=39928

Costume Information

    Armor Maker :  AP
    Helmet Maker :  AP

    Gloves and flexible ANH Stunt Hand plates :  AP
    Neck Seal :  DarmansProps
    Soft Belt :  AP (fixed to torso)
    Boots :  KeepTrooping
    Holster :  AP
    Fans :  Henry's Helmet Fans
    Blaster :  Unknown

Social Media Consent : Yes

**EDIT : Modifications done ; 
   - Hovi-MIX tips and insides painted white,
   - Free floating shoulder 'bridges' in rear,
   - Bicep armor fixed higher, forearm armor slightly higher, to improve shoulder-bicep gap, 
   - Thighten shoulder straps at bicep,
   - Latex hand plates completely mounted to back of gloves (before they were only partly mounted),
   - Thermal detonator 'rolled' down to lower raised control panel and round detail,

   - Lower 'butt plate' curled more forward/up,

   - Both shin guards positioned at same height,
   - Inserted contrasting background to action shot.

EDIT (pictures 1 -5 redone with modifications done) :
1- Front


2- Back

3- Right side

4- Left side

5- Action shot

6- Abdomen botton plates

7- Cod and posterior plates connections

8- Interior strapping

9- Abdomen detail


10- Single male snap

11- Single male snap

12- Forearm detail (shaved slight return edge on forearms) :

13- Sniper knee plate 1

14- Sniper knee plate 2

15- Thigh armor 1

16- Thigh armor 1

17- Thigh armor 2

18- Thigh armor 2


19- Helmet front (new pic of front of helmet with painted Hovi-MIX tips and insides white) : 

20- Helmet left

21- Helmet right

22- Helmet back

23- Green lens

24- Hovi-MIX tips (new pic of front of helmet with painted Hovi-MIX tips and insides white) :

25- Neck seal

26- Thermal detonator

27- Thermal detonator

28- Belt and holster

29- Belt

30- Boots

31- Gloves and flexible hand plates

32- Flexible latex hand plates

33- E-11 blaster, left

34- E-11 blaster, right

35- E-11 blaster, D-ring

Edited by 0megaRed
updated pics
  • Like 1

Thanks for the heads up!
that's something I never thought of doing, should I wait 'till the app team mentions it? Would it pass EIB status 'as is'?


I do plan on going to Centurion level so it will be done! :)

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, 0megaRed said:

Thanks for the heads up!
that's something I never thought of doing, should I wait 'till the app team mentions it? Would it pass EIB status 'as is'?


I do plan on going to Centurion level so it will be done! :)

If you have a look at other EIB applications you may notice it has been asked as a L3 Centurion requirement ;) 

Here's just one 

Centurion Requirements:

A bit of filler in the gaps on the bottom of the thigh joint in the back will need to be applied.  This can be done with ABS paste or Sugru.

CRL L3: Lower thigh ridge joins (front and rear) shall butt-up flush against each other. Any gaps must be backed with ABS or filled as not to be noticeable.



jFjKRhd.jpg      QzuTjD1.jpg  f4xHZFh.jpg


You should be fine for EIB :duim:


You may want to just take out the extra material in the corners of your forearms ;) 




Also add a little white paint to the rim of your hovi's 

  • Correct Aerators/Hovi-MIX tips are present. Screens used shall be of a wide type mesh, with the rim of the mic and the inside white or painted white.


biQW7GE.jpg?2   yjHcKIA.jpg?1  


           rmMCj1s.jpg?1   WYFQFmd.jpg?2



There are a couple of other things you may want to address, note these are suggestions and you are welcome to disregard and wait for the DO's review, but if you have time wouldn't hurt to address some.


Your arms are touching in several places, I would try to bring your biceps up (they are quite low), giving you more room at the elbows. 

Shoulder elastic around bicep looks loose (rear photo)

Your shins at not at the same height on the boots, adding some velcro or elastic inside can help keep them down. 

Belt could come up a bit: 

  • The top of the ABS ammo belt should sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels.

Your belt is slightly on an angle

Trim the sharp corners off the tops of the thigh coverstrips or they will dig in you when moving




If your stickers aren't too old you could add some tape, pry them off carefully and replace a pencil width from the cheek

  • Ideally, the tube stripes are positioned approximately a pencil width from the side of the cheek.




Ab and kidney look to be overlapping

  lA0qpzp.jpg?1  K0dBed7.jpg?1  0y5NexF.jpg?1

Drop boxes should align with the end of the plastic belt

For Level 3, Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box.


      JuwSduC.jpg?1  vo0s2dK.png?1 

Detonator could come down a little 


Hand plates do not look like they are affixed to the gloves, could be in wrong position

 xIF87bF.jpg?1    cGt94Ya.jpg?1


Looks like you have velcro under your rear shoulder straps, these should free float.

Arms touching

Overlap side AB/Kidney

Posterior touching thighs

Loose shoulder bell elastic



Using a contrasting background is best when taking your photos, especially for those like your GWL (garrison web liaison) or FISD honor gallery editor ;) 


Once again these are suggestions, you are welcome to wait until you hear from the Deployment Team 


Good luck with your application :duim:


thank you gmrhodes13 for taking the time to 'dissect' my armor and fitment!
this is exactly what I needed to focus on specific parts to get my suit on to the next level!

  • Like 1

Hi Eric, 


Thank you for your EIB application.  Your armour is looking great and I must comment that I think you have the cleanest paint job on your ab buttons that I have seen to date.

Before approving you for EIB, we are going to need a few fixes to your kit. 

Lets start at the top and work our way down.



We will also need a bit of white paint on the tip of your Hovi - Mix Aerators.  This should be a pretty quick fix with a few minutes of painting.

CRL L2: Correct Aerators/Hovi-MIX tips are present. Screens used shall be of a wide type mesh, with the rim of the mic and the inside white or painted white.



CG44hT7.jpg  NhKvWsR.png  hN9RWUO.jpg


Shoulder armour / Biceps


Your shoulder armour strap looks to be a bit loose I suspect this may be due to the biceps armour piece sitting too low.  The shoulder strap should wrap around the body of the biceps.  For a better overall look, we will ask to bring your biceps and forearms up a bit to provide symmetrical gaps between the biceps and forearm and the forearm and hand plate.  This will likely just require some minor modifications to your strapping.



QghT6uh.jpg LCtU5pO.jpg    HI64Qjh.jpg  HOKXcOH.jpg


Hand Plates


Your hand plates do not appear to be completely attached to the gloves.  They should not be lifting as seen on your application photos but instead should be completely attached on all sides.  A few minutes with some adhesive should easily correct this.


Basic CRL: Roughly pentagonal in shape, the hand plates are mounted securely over the back of the glove. As an alternative to plastic, these may be made out of latex or latex-like material.



mu8R278.jpg    HXA6oHc.jpg  TRMDpGu.jpg


Thermal Detonator

The control panel detail on your thermal detonator is a bit too high.  The circle portion and raised rectangular sections should face to the back and not up.  This can be corrected by carefully opening up the curl of the bracket to allow the detonator to roll down a bit, allowing the panel to face more to the back.


Basic CRL: The white control panel raised ribbed pad faces the rear, with the controls/round washer style detail closest to the right end cap.


jABPelR.jpg  HOKXcOH.jpg  nqCxdRu.jpg




When dressing, ensure that both shins are sitting evenly,  your left shin is sitting a bit high.  This can be fixed with a bit of velcro between the bottom of the shin and the tongue of the boot.



9DFWycl.jpg  Qf4Nnyg.jpg  Dqfqp54.jpg

  • Like 1

Thank your for all your comments!


With those visuals it will make it easier to work on.

*the Hovi Mix tips are already painted with updated pictures in original post.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Made fixes to my armor and helmet, and re-took pictures 1 - 5, 12, 19 and 24.

Edited post #1 with new pictures to show modifications.

Edited by 0megaRed
  • Like 1

Hi Eric, 


We are almost done with your application.  We just want tocheck some of the measurements on your thermal detonator.  Could you please post a photo like the one below showing the 4 measurements against a ruler?  Thank you.



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I used the above reference picture as guide for sizing.

TD :

Overall length

Raised details length



End Cap

End Cap

Edited by 0megaRed
  • Like 1

Hi Eric, and thank you for your EIB application! 


CRL and EIB Application Requirements:

All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry.  Congratulations!  :salute:

You have done a great job on correcting the required modifications for EIB but also have made several of the corrections towards your Centurion Approval.  Hopefully we see this application very soon.


Other-Armor Fit/Assembly;

In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team.  Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions.





The screws attaching the ears, should align with the rear edge of the trap above them.  Although this will not affect your level 3 approval, it will increase the screen accuracy of your helmet.  Your left ear appears to be sitting a bit too far back and could come forward a bit as well.


CRL L3: Ideally, placement of ears (and screws) should closely follow the rear angle of the trap above them



IJiagkV.jpg  n7A4YmL.jpg    Jc14vot.jpg  mx2FdKs.png



Back Plate


Reducing the gap between your back plate and kidney plates would give a better overall look to your armour.  This should be a simple strapping modification.



ER5EP7d.jpg   Y9jEva0.jpg wXTnZxc.png



Your belt appears to be sitting on a slight angle,  for the best look, it should be straightened.



p16QGo1.jpg   mpC55Qq.jpg  BY2lylF.jpg


A slight trimming at the top of your coverstrips on the front of your thigh armour will prevent them from sticking into you when walking.  This will make your troops more comfortable.




Your blaster appears to be missing the bolt that is present in the base of the grip.  If this is the case, replacing it would improve screen accuracy.



TWphUgN.jpg  Ei8t5Sa.jpg



Centurion Requirements:

In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval.  Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper.



Your tube stripes are a nit too far away from the cheek.  We will need you to move them in a bit,  if they are decals, sometimes they may be carefully lifted and a new set may not be required.

CRL L2:  Ideally, the tube stripes are positioned approximately a pencil width from the side of the cheek.



7AYjpzL.jpg  qdCtLa4.jpg   XmJnWCA.jpg  RRrUKoe.jpg

The AP hovi tips have a wider ring around the front than what was seen on screen,  For centurion, we would like to see these corrected for better screen accuracy. This can be achieved by carefully dremelling out the inner portion of the ring.



H9ETeK0.jpg  rjSfJFM.jpg  hN9RWUO.jpg




Your forearms are a bit too wide for your arms.  They should be reduced in size slightly for a better fit for level 3.



eDqdV1l.jpg  0lNseRZ.jpg  HOKXcOH.jpg


Abdomen Armour


You have a bit of a gap on the left side of your abdomen / kidney connection and a slight overlap on the right side.  There should just be a single visible seam with minimal to no gap.  This may just be a simple dressing issue or may require a bit of modifications to the strapping.

CRL L3:  Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. Abdominal and Kidney Plate align horizontally at top.



PtDANL6.jpg FOULoGj.jpg  EvsFFJx.jpg  HOKXcOH.jpg




There are a couple of easy fixes for your belt for level 3 requirements.

The belt should sit with the top of the ABS portion just above the bottom of the lowest button on the large ab button panel.  This can easily be achieved with a bit of velcro between the belt and the abdominal armour to hold the belt up.

CRL L3: The top of the ABS ammo belt should sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels.




 tYjZ588.jpg  YeQCGRT.jpg  YeQCGRT.jpg


You have done a great job adjusting the position of your belt boxes, to line them up with the vertical edge of the ABS belt.  The drop boxes should sit just below the ABS belt, yours are just a few mm too high and should be dropped a bit (especially on the left side), so they sit just below the ABS belt with no overlap.  A drop of E6000 on the elastic holding the drop box is a great way to keep it in place.

CRL L3: Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box.



TlLzY5N.jpg 0v6Pigg.jpg   0lNseRZ.jpg  U0JvQBT.jpg


  • Doggydoc changed the title to TK-30874 Requesting [ANH Stunt] EIB Status (AP) 1086

Congratulations again Eric,  With respect to your Hovi Tips, here is a post I just put up outlining an easy way to fix them.



Posted (edited)

Thank you for the approval!

I'm pretty stoked on reaching the EIB level!


also, thank you for pointing out the points that need modifications for Centurion level.

It does seem like a lot, but I will tackle them one by one!

(Thanks for the link Doggydoc)


Next step, Centurion level!

Edited by 0megaRed

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