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TLJ vs TFA accuracy requirements

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Hi troopers, I'm in the middle of my first armor build right now and I've got a couple of questions. I'm one of those unfortunate folks who ordered a helm and TFA FOTK build kit from Anovos way back in 2016. I received my TFA bucket in 2016, and only just now received the armor kit from Denuo Novo.

Here's the thing though, the 2016 Anovos bucket is TFA, which is different than the TLJ or ROS helms. It's got the infamous round clips, no teeth, etc. However, the kit that I received isn't TFA, it's TLJ/ROS; it's got square clips, the newer cod, etc. 

Obviously, I'll have to go find a new cod piece, but what about the clips? Would I be able to get certification with square clips and a TFA bucket? 

I could just find a TLJ/ROS bucket and use the armor as is, but that's pretty expensive when I've already got a serviceable helmet that looks almost right. 

Then again, I've got a resin printer and could make a set of round clips. Aside from the cod and the clips, are there any other differences between TFA and TLJ/ROS body armor that I should be aware of? What would you guys choose to do here?

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Even with a TLJ helmet some of the armor does need work to be approved, joining and filler some areas is needed, either ABS paste sand and polish or filler and paint.



Differences between the two are 

Helmet, lots of differences, clips, shape, teeth, frown, and of course the shape/details of the clips as well as extra gap around the clip in TLJ/TROS version



TFA Anovos (albeit there was the premier fiberglass and at least 2 plastic versions so they may vary)



TLJ screen used helmet, note the gap around the clip and shape/details compared to TFA



Denuo Novo TLJ has similar clips and no gaps like the TFA Anovos so it's not very screen accurate.



Justin @TheRascalKing offers 3D files for helmet clips, you would have to change sizing to suit your helmet 






Anovos/Denuo Novo have a step, similar to Finn but still not quite right, many add a filler piece of ABS and add ABS paste, sand and polish, Justin has a nice DN build here 

forearms tlj.png






TLJ has a separate pipe as well as cut out on the housing

The TFA TDS were solid resin and weighed 1.5kgs. For TLJ they completely redesigned the TD, cut-out the apertures and created a lightweight insert.




There are also some difference in the blasters, more info in this thread


At the end of the day it's all down to your GML (garrison membership liaison) and what he/she/they will approve at base level, some are stricter than others, some may miss small details, detachment only looks after the higher level approvals L2 and L3, more detail info on higher levels you can contact the @Deployment Officer Team and also check out the CRL's (costume reference library) 

CRLcomplete.jpg TK - Stormtrooper: The Force Awakens
CRLcomplete.jpg TK - Stormtrooper: The Last Jedi


First Order Battle Group for everything FOTK related


Locating your local 501st garrison https://www.501st.com/maps/



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