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Any market for an Anthony Forrest RS Props Sandtrooper helmet?


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Hi, I’m wondering if there is any market for an Anthony Forrest limited edition signature Sandtrooper helmet from RS Prop Masters? Mine is number 51/100. I wasn’t planning on selling it, but life has a habit of throwing us curve balls, and so here I am wondering if there’s a market for them? I’d be including a display case too. Anyone know the best place to sell (eBay?) and a guide price, or is there a better channel for selling items like this? All advice appreciated. 

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You could post it in our sales area (you need to have at least 5 forum posts) Also on MEPD home of everything Sandtrooper https://forum.mepd.net/


Ebay would probably be the best bet.


As to price RS Props had one up for sale on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151970503909333.1073741836.265114729332&type=3&paipv=0&eav=AfYE3zrnTC6bSvBdSPmXCNmYkghpRqO8Yga_ergaSWCXT84gmK0YsvsffkiMq-iIWa0&_rdr

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