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TK-10866 Requesting ANH HERO EIB Status [RS Props]

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  • Name = Olaf Rudolph
  • ID: TK-10866
  • Garrison = German Garrison, WSQ 
  • Armor = RS prop master
  • Helmet= RS prop masters
  • Blaster: SE14-R Imperial Arms



  • Social media consent (photos): Yes


  • Boots = RS prop masters
  • Canvas belt = RS prop masters
  • Hand Plates = RS prop masters
  • Electronics= Homemade
  • Neck Seal = RS prop masters
  • Holster = RS prop masters
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If you are having issues adding photos many use a free image host "Imgur" upload photos there then copy and past the direct links into your forum post, a how to here 


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Looks like you are needing a few other photos, have a read of this checklist 




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Hello, thank you very much for your patience and support.
Attached, according to the specifications, are the detailed photos.

the body photos follow.

After a long study of the CRL on the ANH Hero, in my opinion the costume meets the requirements for Level 3 (Centurion) certification.



































































Einen E11 Blaster habe ichbei Troopercooler bestellt. 


Bis zur Lieferung trage ich auf nicht offiziellen LFL Veranstaltungen diesen Blättern.


Die Körpefotos reiche ich kurzfristig nach.


Vielen Dank und viele Grüße




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Hello Olaf,


Looks like you are ready for application to EIB.


I am moving your thread to the "Requesting  EIB Status" sub forum. Our Deployment Officer will be with you shortly.


Good Luck !

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  • giskard8 changed the title to TK-10866 Requesting ANH HERO EIB Status [RS Props]

Hello Olaf,


Thank you for your patience while we looked over you EIB application.  We have looked at your costume and will require a few corrections before we will be able to grant your EIB status.  Please feel free to reach out if you need any advice with the modifications.


1. For the shoulder straps;


The shoulder straps do not overlap the tabs on the top of the back plate.  This may be corrected by shortening the elastics connecting the chest and back plates over the shoulders to bring the back piece up, provided that there is room in the butt plate area to accommodate this.  If not, the shoulder straps may need to be removed and reattached slightly higher on the chest plate or possibly replaced with a longer set.



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2. For the abdominal armour;


The gap between the abdomen armour and the kidney armour should be no more than 1/2".  You already have a shim in place, but it will need to be a bit longer.  Please note as well, that if you are aiming for level 3 approval, the gap will need to be completely closed.


L2:Any gap between the abdomen and kidney armor is no more than 1/2" (12.5mm) wide.



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With respect to the shims, they should be flush with the kidney armour and not glued to the underside.  A new shim will need to be placed butting up against the kidney armour to provide a smooth transition.  A piece of ABS should then be placed on the inside to provide backing and support.


L2: Any shims used to achieve this effect are of a similar material and color as the abdomen and kidney armor. Shims fit flush and seams are allowed.





3. For the thermal detonator;


We will need a few adjustments on your thermal detonator.  With respect to the screws, they do appear to have been painted black but most of the paint seems to have chipped off.  A few minutes with some black paint should do the trick.


L2: Clips shall be attached with slotted type, flat or dome top style screws, and be black (two per clip).



  6TLw75U.jpg    704ZOfr.jpg  dounUMJ.jpg


Also with your thermal detonator, the clip ends appear to be raised where they meet the control panel.  These should sit flush.  This can be corrected by carefully bending the ends slightly for a tighter fit with the edge sitting right against the control panel.


L2:Thermal detonator belt clips are positioned with little to no gap between the clips and the end caps.



9u5prKz.jpg  DIvvR9Z.jpg     704ZOfr.jpg  dounUMJ.jpg



4. For your blaster;


We will require you to do a bit more sanding and refinishing as there are still some visible print lines which are not allowed for level 2.


L2: 3-D printed blasters can not contain visible print lines and must be sanded smooth for a more realistic appearance.


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As a final note, when dressing, try to ensure that the gap between the biceps and elbow is the same as the gap between the forearm and hand guard.  On your submission photos, your right forearm is shifted up and your left biceps and left forearm are sitting low.  You may need to make a few strapping adjustments to correct this.


VYrBT7v.jpg   3k0dkZ8.jpg



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