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Salutations from Deepest Darkest Essex


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Good afternoon from Deepest Darkest Essex in the UK


I have been drawn, inextricably, into the realms of the White Side by friends and colleagues.

Im normally a Steampunk person, and lately been drawn into the Cosplay fraternity by my most beloved Daughter.

I find myself now being pulled into the future and a Galaxy far far away.........


Yes, I have dared to venture into the realms of the Storm Trooper.


Now, i normally Cosplay The Undertaker, and shall be Cosplaying Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier version), so as you can already guess, i'm a pretty big guy .


I rushed in before even looking at this site and purchased (second hand, i may add) a storm trooper outfit, only to find the manufacturers version to be seriously slated here

However, the money is spent and its now what i'm stuck with.

It was , however, an absolute bargain. Especially as much of the clear protective film covering the armour is still in place.

Its something i can hopefully work with, but you may find me asking what appears to be really stupid question.


I've watched Ritchie Stormtroopers you tube guides and absolutely loved every minute on the practicality side, and the first thing i realised was that attaching the armour by the supplied method was absolutely Sponge Bob Square Pants {Yes, its the stormtrooper-costumes deluxe extra large set..... please don't send me your commiserations), so it looks like i'll be making up some elastic tabs and popper sets. and making a proper job of it whilst being able to fit into the armour without an entourage of costume dressers accompanying me.

I'll also be Weathering the costume and helmet for the sand trooper look. No children's sandpit will be safe from me or cats now..


My idea is not to actually be true to original, but to pass first glance and second double take, but there'll be no fooling the die hard officianado with this outfit, i'm afraid, but it would be nice for it to stand up to a little scrutiny at least.


Anyway, ill stop rabbiting on and get on with stripping all that bleeding self adheisive velcro out  i think.


Best wishes,


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Hi Steve. 

Welcome aboard. Here are some great references for building your armour , strapping and all. 


If you are thinking of making the kit into a sand trooper, they would fall under the Mos Easley Police Department detachment (MEPD)




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Hello and welcome aboard, good luck with the research, hope to see a build thread from you soon

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We do know quite a bit about the white armor on here, so feel free to ask any and all questions! Is your intention to join the 501st or just to assemble that kit that you have?


As previously stated here, if you want to ask Sandtrooper specific questions - the correct forum would be found here: https://forum.mepd.net/

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