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Azoroes Enoch

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Hey folks,


Pretty late in my progress but I'll try to give all of you a bit of a overview along the progress. Pictures may vary a bit as I'm gathering all my pictures from all the different sources.

Hope all of you got fun, as always I'm open to critics or suggestions!



Started as a 3D-print, everything exept greeblies in ABS on my RatRig Vcore and my Bambu P1S

I'll save you from a lot of sanding pictures, files was mixed for maximum perfection:



Painted everything in Ral9016



Pretty happy with the paintjob, nearly too nice to destroy later on



First fitting, don't judge yet, there is more to come and I'm still not done at the moment




Fitted the Cogs, already gave me a good amount of headache



Didn't like any colour I had so i mixed it myself




Started Strapping



Gold. A lot of gold (total run time for gold leaving approximatly 15h)






Prepared Strips to make the border of the Kama



Top already strapped, undersuit is still to loose and the wrong colour





started weathering...and took everything of later on as I wasn't quite pleased



I clear coated everything between 4 and 10 times to give the gold leaving enough protection (always freaked me out when the clear coat was drying)




Sewing the undersuit tighter



fitted the eyes perfectly (took a lot of trial and error!) Also looks pretty creepy from the inside




Getting closer with fitting, ignore loose belts and neck seals!




started weathering again after endless youtube sessions and trying to find my way







gave everything after rethinking and redoing another coat of varnish, two heavy layers and one dusting to get the right sheen





started with the blaster, not much to add here, mostly abs with a handle out of resin and knobs out of aluminium





Shoulder belts added, waiting for the correct ones



Kama, done by my wonderful friend Anne / @Xavenia (more on this later)






coloured the undersuit darker




Still a good amount of work, but I'm positive to be done soon!

Edited by azoroes
Changed the pictures to be directly visible
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A good how too here


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Nice work so far.


Just watch out for print lines and cracks

3D printed components must have no visible print lines and must be smooth for a realistic appearance.



You may also want to distress/weather your red cogs



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Thanks gmrhodes13 for the first reviews!


first point...not even the best sanding and finishing prevents you from tipping over a finshed prop, shoved it away for later all the time as its nearly invicible...but you are right, lets get this fixed!



Also thanks for the second pic, helped me a lot! Think this is the way!



EDIT: now I'm happy with it!


Edited by azoroes
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Here are all the hard parts:








Upper Armor (front/back/shoulder straps)











Backplate (I hope it's acceptable to ignore the fastener, its dissappearing under the upper part and is giving a better grip for a better fitting)

















Thight(s) (second following for obvious reasons)




















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Pretty good so far but my main comment is I think the weathering is too heavy and dark.  If you look at the references you can see the weathering is pretty even and pretty light other than a few spots.  


You blaster grip is also incorrect, the screen blaster has a set of golden bars on the grip.  There are some images in the CRL thread here 


Looking at them vs you blaster you could probably apply it as an overlay.


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I fully understand your concerns with the weathering looking too dark. I always had this in mind, but given the fact the scenes with Enoch are always filmed with a pretty dark setting I went that way. The pictures are taken with rather bright light in my painting booth, I also tested the effects of the weathering with weaker lighting as also with more distance, that's where it bonds together pretty smooth. 


I took all pictures from the different parts in maximum lighting to highlight all the details, a lot of them I also was able to capture correctly only by brightening the screenshots a lot. 


You seem to be right with the blaster, but that's a problem for later-me as it's first used/needed for a good fitting holster and the costume always comes before the blaster. 

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So here are some fitting test pics:











Shoes (arriving on tuesday)

Getting Velcro on the gloves (once they are fully dried)

Strengthen the attatchment of the lower legs (any ideas anyone? at the moment its just velcroed on the front and thats not enough)

other neckseal (I got some more to test here)

Belt(s) and holsters

Shoulder belts (still unsure what to do)



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I am still of the opinion the weathering is too heavy.


The gloves look a bit too brown, but maybe lighting?


Also please check the working CRL for the descriptions of the Kama panels, some are quoted as fabric not leather. This was discussed in the thread with the references used to come to these conclusions.



The shoulder bells could be better positioned, but thats just a dressing issue, and carful with the under suit bunching up.


You also are using OT TK boots, not R1/TOTK style boots as required.

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First point - as already said, I'm pretty pleased with the look so far 


The gloves are pretty shiny in this angle, already treated them with some mattening varnish, this should already do the trick. 


Im not going with you that most of the kama is out of fabric. We carefully choose to make it fully out of leather out of multi le reasons:

The pictures always have a texture that's not quite comparable with anything else than leather (not canvas or something similar either) 

The movement when watching the scenes, it's pretty stiff and acting just like it would do if it's out of leather. 

The figures (even so they are not my go-to source #1 I still took them in as there is no difference in materials as far as I can tell) 


Shoulders are an placecement thing, they are held in position by the Bizeps, something I just have to correct next time suiting up


Shoes... As mentioned above, on their way, but I needed something to wear, otherwise the shins would have slipped away

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16 hours ago, azoroes said:

Im not going with you that most of the kama is out of fabric. We carefully choose to make it fully out of leather out of multi le reasons:

The pictures always have a texture that's not quite comparable with anything else than leather (not canvas or something similar either) 

The movement when watching the scenes, it's pretty stiff and acting just like it would do if it's out of leather. 

The figures (even so they are not my go-to source #1 I still took them in as there is no difference in materials as far as I can tell) 

We try to avoid figures as reference as they are not screen reference. Here we've used one to get a better idea of the rear layout but I would not use them as a guide for materials.


As it stands the CRL says fabric. And so a leather skirt would not be compliant.  So far no one has contested that the front centre panel and the rear panels are fabric.  The texture is visibly different to the 2 drop panels and belt, the colour also differs slightly. IMO it's some kind of silk or similar, the same as used for the Night troopers wraps.


If you can provide an episode and rough time stamp of when you are referring to the flow I can go and watch.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb themaninthesuitcase:

We try to avoid figures as reference as they are not screen reference. Here we've used one to get a better idea of the rear layout but I would not use them as a guide for materials.


As it stands the CRL says fabric. And so a leather skirt would not be compliant.  So far no one has contested that the front centre panel and the rear panels are fabric.  The texture is visibly different to the 2 drop panels and belt, the colour also differs slightly. IMO it's some kind of silk or similar, the same as used for the Night troopers wraps.


If you can provide an episode and rough time stamp of when you are referring to the flow I can go and watch.

The point so far is that like 5? Ppl who probably never worked with fabric and or leather themselfs worked on this crl because it's a rare costume. 

I am the one who made the leather parts and belt and if you go to the underworld detachment or the rebel legion where actually fabric and or leather are the Main Parts of costumes they will tell you the same. It took me one Minute to figure out what materials to use. So far I have made 2 close to screen accurate costumes from Ahsoka (Shin Hati and great Mother Klothow) and helped make the Qira CRL plus World first Rey Skywalker with 7 other beautiful Reys (not including a screen accurate Maul with two different leatherbelts (the underbelt exactly glued like enouchs belt) . So I guess I have some experience not only in making costumes but making costumes for the official clubs. I am pretty sure you know more about return edges and how to trim Abs but leather and fabric are just two completly different things. For the tabbards we are talking about thinner leather (i used calf since goat is to small for the big panels) which gives exact the same texture you got in the promoshot but has the exact stiff movement when walking. Shin hati for examples has a silk kama with a untypical heavy silk (woven raw silk) but it flys while moving. The same happens to all fabrics if they are not made stiff like phasmas cape or kylos sleeves with some additional waxing or coating. 

I attached you shots where you can clearly see that this kama has to be heavy plus the Enhanced promo shot where the typical leather/leather like Material is 100% certain without a doubt. Meaning I challange the choice of fabric for kama and belt. Also the belts edges are glued around like started before not sewn. No visible seam and the classic Look of leather clued to each other. Can take a picture of the Maul belt I have made with the exact Look. 

Promo shot for the Material:



Movement shots:


Episode 6 when thrawn arives

There is also a shot were he Turns which I could find in the screen caps pictures because it's a short second


Those folds will not happen to fabric. 


Good back view with another "leather crinkle" 



If you want to challange the leather choice please show me one single fabric (which is not leather like pleather) that has the texture plus the Movement. 



And sorry for mistakes, i am not native English speaker and its sometimes hard to explain. 

Edited by Xavenia
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None of us have claimed to be an expert, most of our CRLs are hard armour and that is most of what we know yes. However rather than coming and throwing insults at us, participate.


The CRL thread is here



Please post your images there and we can discuss it. 

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb themaninthesuitcase:

None of us have claimed to be an expert, most of our CRLs are hard armour and that is most of what we know yes. However rather than coming and throwing insults at us, participate.


The CRL thread is here



Please post your images there and we can discuss it. 

The reason why I wrote that I am not an English native is exactly because a translate discussion is different and tends to Sound rude. To be fair I did not Throw any insults just said that your Expertise is not fabric and mine is not armor which I believe makes it even again. If that came cross as an insults sorry for that.

However you came at my work with a basic: the crl so far says it has to be fabric, which just puts a stamp on the whole discussion (that's hasnt been there yet)

If you instead write something like: oh you used leather, can you show us and explain to US your choice? That's also a very different approach you could get people to partisipate in writing an crl!

Also I will not write this in the crl Chat since I simply do not have the time to help writing a crl at the moment but i believe azeroz will do so since it will be his costume and we went leather Shopping together so he knows how to argue. The pictures you can take anyway :)


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Alright guys, found the perfect shoes at the world famous Oktoberfest the other day!


just kidding of corse, big thanks to my friend @Action Jackson for handing me over his spare pair of FO-TK boots

Also, have a good look on our sweet SESQ-Merchandise (the lederhosn 😁) designed by the fantastic @Laubi


I tried my very best to get all I gathered on knowledge of the costume into the CRL thread. All I was able to collect was based all on the screenshots we made ourself or screen caps (but they only have one picture per second, first world problems...). I never ment I am using the Hot toys figure as my reference, but in my eyes it was kind of good to see they also interpreted it the same way I did, as they surely had better pictures or the costume itself to work with. Badly I haven't got he luck to know the production team, so all I collected was from the various sources seen above. Maybe it would also be an option to leave suggestions in terms of material choice out, as long as it has the matching look it has the matching look. 

What about setting the material choices free to go on lvl 1 and the suggested materials from lvl 2 or higher? I mean gold leaving  and cracks are lvl 3, in my eyes painted on gold color destroys the look so much more than the choice of the material  as long as it goes with the look 


also I recolored the gloves as just matting it down didn't quite please me, mixed it to be as close to the kama as possible to keep the overall look 


the shinier undried part is the mixed color, just need to make good pics of it

Also it was quite a struggle to get all details of the gloves and hide the remaining stitches, but as long as you are not looking with a microskope it will stand its look. Don't worry, this is the old color



last but not least for now present the probably ugliest undersuit trouser I have ever seen...Its a pair of XXL sweater arms sewn onto a leggins 😁 not pretty like that, not pretty worn...but as soon as hard parts go on it's perfect! (I know the color looks off, thats the lightening of the shop together with my camera)



Tonight we'll keep on with the belt, prepare for minor corrections in the pending CRL here as well from me 🤐

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Here we go, first pictures just came in: 

As I always said, the weathering is spot-on in my eyes, all in all it's a matter of lighting and a good person behind the camera. 

I am 100% pleased with what came out of this built. There are minor changes I but nothing big. 






The changes I want to do:

Extending the gloves so they don't slot put this easily. 

Rubber band on the undershirt so I can fix it to my hand and save myself from constantly pulling it up. 

Giving the shoes to a shoemaker to get a thinner shaft because it's quite tight with the shin armor 

Some more push buttons to prevent slipping of some parts while moving. 

Weathering the shores (totally forgot that, my bad) 🤣

Blaster handles. 

Neck seal (I used another one as I the other one slipped out too often) 


Edited by azoroes
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