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Hopeful but Intimidated

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Hello there, long time lurker here.  Joined the 501st as a Security Services Officer, since that outfit had a lot less construction needed for approval, and arrived right after my TK.


My original plan was to join the 501st as ANH stormtrooper, and I purchased back in 2016 an ANOVOS TK kit.  I think it's the second run, because there are only two snaps attached to the cloth portion of the belt, since I remember there being a lot of issues with the first run of their belts.  Either way, I have a full kit, which I've cut out and trimmed down.  Had to toss the body-glove that came with, because the ink bled onto an area of my ab-plate, forcing me to use wet sandpaper and Novus to restore it.  I'm inching along when it comes to progress after pulling the box and contents out of storage, because I'm terrified of misunderstanding the various guides and instructions and putting holes where they don't belong, etc.

I'm trying to avoid leaning too hard on my local squad (Southern California Garrison), as I don't want to come across as too needy or helpless.  I feel I need to know how to build it, because that's the only way I'll know how to upkeep it in the long run.


After finishing both of the arms, I'm moving onto the torso and belt.  The belt is just confusing at this point, I'm not sure where to start with it, or if I need to make changes to it.  Perhaps if I provided a picture of what I have, it'll be easier to advise?  I've attached a picture of what I think is everything for the belt.  I remember there being changes to the ANOVOS kits during their production run, so I just want to make sure I'm not about to make unnecessary adjustments.



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Hello and welcome, some belt info for you:

Tony has an in depth build:

Belt Assembly by ukswrath


Bending the ABS Belt by gazmosis, Boba_Skywalker3

Attaching Belt to Abs by GnrlGrievous

Holster Placement on Belt by CableGuy

Current (2021) Holster Placement by gmrhodes13 (follow-up to previous thread above)

Removable Holster with Snaps by Harbinger

Belt, Holster, & Drop Boxes video tutorial by RWA (youtube)



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I personally wouldn't worry at all about getting help. For me personally I would love to build another stormtrooper but I don't have the space in my apartment so helping others build theirs is fun for me. It's like asking a pc builder for help on building a computer. They LOVE sharing their knowledge and building.


The links that @gmrhodes13 sent are the exact ones I used, especially the first one of UK Wrath's build thread. Follow that and you should be good

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Thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments and support.  I'll be sure to double-triple check everything before I start, and I appreciate the fact I'll have multiple guides to reference for this.  Hopefully I'll be finished with this project by late September, in time for a troop.  I'll be sure to post updates if I have any questions or concerns.

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Hi Christopher,


Welcome to the FISD.  Always feel free to ask as many questions as you need,  we are here to help you succeed.


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On 8/24/2024 at 8:17 PM, Trooper Nez said:

I'm trying to avoid leaning too hard on my local squad (Southern California Garrison), as I don't want to come across as too needy or helpless.  I feel I need to know how to build it, because that's the only way I'll know how to upkeep it in the long run.


Please DO lean on us! No one woke up knowing how to build a stormtrooper - it's something we learn over time and hopefully with the help of others. I hope no one gave you the impression that you were being needy, and we have many quality mentors who would be happy to help - myself included.


Ensure you've joined us on our Facebook group and try to make it out to an armor party in the future!





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I can understand the intimidation factor, since as a kid I never even built model cars. So needless to say, I was overwhelmed with my TK build, so it sat idle for almost 3 years. My advice, lean on others for support, and focus on solving one problem at a time when building.

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I have an Anovos kit that I started in 2017. Follow UKSWRATH’s instructions step by step and you should have no problems. That’s what I did.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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