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Captain Enoch "It's just a halloween costume right?"

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So this project started off as a Halloween build and has spiraled out since I started it about a week ago. I was just going to use rub-n-buff for the gold but now I am doing gold leaf, I was going to wear a red kilt and now I am going to either order or make a proper kama.


Right now I have the helmet printed and assembled but I have been fighting a de lamination of the dome along the brow. I tried to use thin layers of UV resin and it is having having some reactions with the Bondo spot putty and its not curing to the spots with the resin. I have drilled it out and am working on filling it in, next time I will just reprint the part.


For right now the mask is done but I may have to redo it to get the texture better.




Hopefully I can have the helmet done in a few days but for now the armor is printing.


Edited by Zerodameaon
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Well, I got the paint or spot putty to stop reacting by just cutting that spot out and building it up with plastic epoxy and superglue. Now it is time to primer and sand the base white primer then do the nice white paint.

Also scaling the armor is fun, I am a bit short and my thighs are pretty big so I can't scale everything uniformly. I am basically doing prints of slices of the armor at critical spots with zero infill and one outer wall.

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Face plate looks great. Take care with the armour to make sure it remains in proportion to your self and also the reference. On some of the files the proportions aren't quite right in places so keep an eye out for that.

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Scaling is going to be the most tricky part, I got the front and back scaling right on a piece and forgot about the height so it was scaled for someone like 6'6". 


Also I think I need to reprint the helmet, this layer separation is fighting me. I will feel like I have whatever is offgassing solved and then I will come back a day later and the paint will have softened. 




I drilled out the entire spot but I think trying to layer spot putty or really anything in there may be a issue.




I think I am to the point of reprinting and if I have that issue again I will just toss the parts that are bad. 



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Spot (blade) putty is great for small scratches but can causes issues once paint is applied, too thick and it doesn't fully cure and the thinners can eat into it,  I use automotive filler for bigger areas. 

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On 8/30/2024 at 3:51 PM, gmrhodes13 said:

Spot (blade) putty is great for small scratches but can causes issues once paint is applied, too thick and it doesn't fully cure and the thinners can eat into it,  I use automotive filler for bigger areas. 

I have seen some on youtube just slather this stuff on thick, I am wondering if they just flew through the build so fast it wasn't an issue until later.


Also scaling is likely going to be the hardest part of all of this.

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