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Enoch is my Spirit Trooper

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Hello. My name is Ravik. Im not affiliated with anything as I have no knowledge of how this works. I just looked up Capt Enoch Cosplay "rules" and found this page. I 3d print my own armor. Im a lifelong SW fan...saw the OG in the theater when I was but a wee lad. I just wanna embody my Spirit Trooper ever since seeing hearing his voice and simply stating "Die well." to a Mandalorian Jedi. Anyway I think that about does it for an "intro". Oh Im in Colorado, Denver/Aurora area if that matters.

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Welcome Ravik! You're in the right place for all things stormtrooper related, including Enoch! Have you already started construction of your own 3D printed kit? Below you'll find a link to a resource through for the development of the Enoch CRL (costume reference library), as well as as one of several Enoch build threads here on the forum.




Looking forward to seeing your own build!

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Welcome! You've found the right place as there are a couple of Captain Enoch builds ongoing! We also have enough stormtrooper knowledge on the forum to keep any fan sated for years!


Are you looking to have your Enoch build approved for the 501st Legion? @MaskedVengeance above has the thread about the progress in getting Enoch costumes to the point of being approvable (still a bit of a ways to go before that can happen). 


If you are looking to join the 501st Legion, in addition to the forum you can also talk with folks in the Mountain Garrison, which covers Colorado and Wyoming. Here's their website: https://mg501.com/


Having both online and in-person help is always great!

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Best way to get feedback on your build is to make a build thread, here is the best place to post it



Good luck with your build

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Hello Ravik and welcome to the FISD! We are very happy to have you here! :D 

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Welcome to the forum. There's been some great discussion on the relatively new Enoch armor. You should be able to find what you need here. Definitely the right place. Glad to have you

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