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TK 91213 Requesting ANH Stunt Stormtrooper Centurion Status (WTF) (532)

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Ok here it is! I made the changes recommended in my EIB post. This has been such a rewarding experience going for Centurion. As always happy to make necessary changes. I'll not my changes from my EIB submission within the post in red

Mandatory Information:

___  Armor Maker: Walt's Trooper Factory (WTF)

___  Helmet Maker Walt's Trooper Factory (WTF)

___  Blaster Maker: RS Props

___  Link to your EI Approval thread:

___  Permission photos social media: Yes


Optional information:

___  Full name: John Barlow

___  Height/weight: 5'7"/145lb

___  Boot maker: Keep Trooping (Imperial Boots)

___  Canvas belt supplier: Tye O'Dell (Custom)

___  Hand guard supplier: Trooper Bay

___  Holster maker: Tye O'Dell (Custom)


Full Body

1.  ___  Front (Arms flat by side, no weapon)

- Removed helmet padding to drop the helmet down an inch so that it's touching my head

- Shoulder gap reduced further

- Extended the strap between my bicep and forearms to allow a larger gap to match the forearm and hand plates (more prominent with the side view)

- Belt now sits just touching the bottom button



2.  ___  Back (Arms flat by side)

- Shoulder straps held down with white elastic band

- Shoulder strap ends trimmed off

- Hook and Loop "patches" removed from canvas belt

- Lower thigh ridge joints backed with ABS and filled



3.  ___  Left side (Arms raised)

- Drop boxes secured with hook and loop and moved farther back

- Kidney and abdomen armor align



4.  ___  Right side (Arms raised)

- Drop boxes secured with hook and loop and moved farther back

- Kidney and abdomen armor align



5.  ___  Left side detail (arms raised)



6.  ___  Right side detail (arms raised)



Armor Details

7.  ___  Cod and posterior plate connections showing rivet/snaps (exterior)

- Six white painted rivets added on the left side of armor

- "Han" snap added on the left side of armor

mwlba0Yl.jpg KMJx0Axl.jpg








8.  ___  Shoulder bridges- Front/rear/sides

-White elastic string added for shoulder strap connection







9.  ___  Thigh ammo pack connections (interior and exterior, left and right sides)

QYprlSWl.jpg G4xDk2Yl.jpg


JIzip06l.jpg nnUNvWNl.jpg


10. ___  Sniper knee plate (left and right sides)

XOR9qbDl.jpg DErkuBZl.jpg


11. ___  Wrist openings

- Forearm end return edges sanded flat



6YHdKvbl.jpg fG8hhL6l.jpg


12. ___  Abdomen button plates (close-up)

-Luckily E6000 was used and I removed both plates and trimmed down further



13. ___  Posterior plate/kidney connection (back and/or front)





Helmet Details

14. ___  Front





15. ___  Left side



16. ___  Right side



17. ___  Rear



18. ___  Close-up of Hovi tips



19. ___  S-trim (side view)



20. ___ Ear screws (close up, left, right and bottom)

gClAT9Xl.jpg RlhfKXNl.jpg

usrJ6xul.jpg kTduLRFl.jpg



21. ___  TD (Thermal Detonator) front and rear showing screw type





22. ___ Hand guards bent showing flexibility

- Flexible hand guards added

KVsui2jl.jpg it7c7bAl.jpg


23. ___  Holster attachment




24. ___  ABS/canvas belt (rear, showing drop boxes)




25. ___  Boots (tops and sides)



26. ___  Left side



27. ___  Right side



28. ___ Rear (showing D-ring)




Action Shot


Edited by JBar
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Hi John.

Amazing job on making the required centurion changes.  You are so close but before approving you, I just need a few couple tweaks and 1 more photo.


There is still a bit of return edge on the forearms.

CRL L3: No return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed.



cDZqyZQ.jpg       b5AFw3S.jpg L0KcV47.jpg


The right drop box is not aligned with the back edge of the belt.  This likely just needs a bit of adjusting to the hook and loop you added.

CRL L3: Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box.


49qmhOg.jpg          0lNseRZ.jpg  CQqnf17.jpg


Could you please provide a photo of the back of the left thigh bottom? I am unable to ensure that the gap at the bottom is filled correctly as the holster is covering it.






Just as an aside note, your kidney plate looks a bit crooked and is causing the right side of the back plate to overlap.  As this is just a dressing issue, it does not affect your approval.  Just something to watch for when getting kitted up.


uAJ1xdm.jpg  kNL3GH4.jpg  

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Posted (edited)

Centurion take two:


First thing with a rotary tool I sanded down the full circumference of the forearm wrist area. I extra made sure to flatten the areas where the divots are with a metal file


VFav0hHl.jpg SuXLiMul.jpg


7fkPZmHl.jpg 0bjgQRRl.jpg


The drop boxes were an easy fix but moving the webbing over slightly where the velcro is










Here's an uncovered shot of my left thigh with the filled gap




I also realized I had some forehead foam that I could remove to help the helmet sit a bit lower on my shoulders






Edited by JBar
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Hi John, and thank you for your Centurion application.


CRL and Centurion Application Requirements:

All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Centurion.  Congratulations!  :salute:


Other-Armor Fit/Assembly;

In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team.  Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that  we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions.


John, you have done a great job on this kit and are well deserving of the Centurion rank.  Great work on making all of the required modifications. 

The only recommendation that we would make is watch the slight overlap of the back plate on the kidney plate on the right side.  This is likely just a dressing issue or may need some slight strapping adjustments.


Congratulations again.  Well done.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you! I had an absolute blast building this starting in April. I’m already getting some battle damage from trooping so i’m glad I submitted when I could. 

Had to improvise with a pauldron ^

Big thanks to everyone who helped and my DO @Doggydoc for taking the time to critique. I’m happy to tweak this costume further but even more excited to pass on this knowledge to future troopers.


Thank you @Cybergrunt and @starsaber25 at my local garrison for all your tips as well as @revlimiter and @MaskedVengeance on Discord with your amazing reference build too

Edited by JBar
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Congratulations on a beautiful build John, and welcome to Centurion rank. :th_AnimatedBravoSmiley:

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