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TK87665 Requesting Stormtrooper EIB status RS Props(ESB) (1079)

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Hi Angela , and thank you for your EIB application! 



CRL and EIB Application Requirements:

All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry.  Congratulations!  :salute:


Other-Armor Fit/Assembly;

In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team.  Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that  we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions.





Centurion Requirements:

In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval.  Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper.


CRL: Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.


There are a few fit adjustment that you will need to do not only for get a Centurion level but for accuracy and confort when trooping.

As you can see , your armor need some trimming and resize in biceps, forearms, thighs and cod armor. Can it be done? Yes, I have recently  helped a new recruit with exactly the same situation . It takes an extra effort  removing or trimming and regluing cover strips etc, but with patience you can do it. 


                                                                                                                                                    Reference Images


9tRTb7L.jpg           whksazF.jpg?1






                       YXT79GP.jpg   ngpeh9Q.jpg



                                                                                              Reference Images

Qq57Xez.jpg   JuES6HK.jpg?1


PAHEQ5l.jpg P8nMmQu.jpg  VgO43lu.jpg


                                                                                           Reference images


9uMRHKp.jpg?1     FkmFdP2.jpg       jZmrCms.jpg?1



CRL L3: There should be a minimal gap between the shoulder armor and the chest/back plates.

This looks like a simple strapping issue.  The right side shoulder looks perfect, so shortening  the left one shoulder strap and  a bit could reduce the gap. Another trick here is to remove the Shoulder Bell's  return edge to allow them to sit close the chest armor.

                                                                                                                                                                      Reference Images


4HSuLAn.jpg    fCsZAZp.jpg?1  QHlp6O9.jpg?3


CRL: If silk or satin gloves are worn, the hand plates have the correct visible stitching with a 5 point/star pattern, equally spread out with 2 on each side and 1 in the middle front, double stitched with 2 holes at each point and sewn to the glove at each one using black thread.


It looks like yours are silk or satin like gloves , you would need to remove the elastic strap and sew the hand plates to them.


                                                                                                                                       Reference Images

ELMgxQz.jpg                xrVrUdi.jpg   8a3WyWj.jpg



CRL L3: Abdominal and Kidney Plate align horizontally at top


This issue should fix if you make the armor fit adjustments detailed before. 


                                            UbCgzsi.jpg        iycG7XA.jpg



                                                                                        Reference images


 zerv2hM.jpg?1        eWAN0q8.jpg?1    ZTFiJIf.jpg?1



L3.:  Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. Abdominal and Kidney Plate align horizontally at top.


To solve this issue you can seal the seam using ABS paste, sand and polish. 



                                                                                                        Reference Images

pj5WnW0.jpg                              U6bpo5U.png   9uJkFTh.png




CRL L3: Rivets are equally spaced along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge.

Yours are almost ok, it's just a matter of moving the kidney lower one and fill the remaining hole with ABS paste, sand and polish to get a great finish.



                                                                                                                                    Reference Images

Utgv4ck.jpg             1M3mDzX.png     7NKPbHy.jpg?1




CRL L3: The top of the ABS ammo belt should sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels.


In looking at the reference images below, we are asking that you raise it a little more to at least cover more of the bottom of the ab-button plate(s).  Ideally it should touch (or even overlap a bit) the bottom button(s).  

                                                                                                                                        Reference Images

ZstQLE2.jpg     oSsuucN.jpg?1   cw6evOm.jpg




CRL L3: The corners of the plastic ammo belt shall be trimmed at a 45 degree angle that that meets the outer edge of the cloth belt.


The lower section is perfect while the upper will need a fix.  I have fixed  it by trimming the top section of the canvas belt just before the stitching line.  


                             AP18JDS.jpg      BRynj4E.jpg



                                                                                 Reference Images

                    g8j4m4E.jpg?2    N0uSD90.jpg   kiJ8wk8.jpg




CRL L3:  Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box.


Yours are just a bit too far in. Most Troopers use to  add a bit of glue to the drop box elastic to keep them in place. Esay fix! .


                                                                                                                                                                           Reference Images


DUhnmsn.jpg   uT1CG6e.jpg        QBHFgpK.jpg    AvON8cl.jpg





CRL L3: Lower thigh ridge joins (front and rear) shall butt-up flush against each other. Any gaps must be backed with ABS or filled as not to be noticeable.


This is an easy fix too. Gluing a small piece of ABS plastic behind and filling the front with ABS paste would do the job.


bQNmChs.jpg                          jyKuWMB.jpg



                                                                                              Reference Images


 yqYWx0K.jpg    sA7Zvu0.jpg?1     57i3eNZ.jpg




And that's all Trooper. 


It looks like a lot of work ahead but we are confidence that it can be done. You can count on us and the detachment members to help you every step on the way to achieve the next step. Centurion.


Congratulations and welcome to EIB ranks!!  :salute:



Remember to request your EIB certificate HERE









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  • TKSpartan changed the title to TK87665 Requesting Stormtrooper EIB status RS Props(ESB) (1079)
12 hours ago, Stardust665 said:

Thank you so much TK 20177 (Bill S -COG) for your time and your help to get this approved . 

Congratulations Angie, I'm so happy for you.  Your determination and persistence has paid off.  Hope to see a Centurion post in the near future!

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