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TK-91213 Requesting ANH Stunt EIB Status (WTF) (1075)

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  • Height = 5'7"
  • Weight = 145
  • Boots = Keep Trooping (Imperial Boots)
  • Canvas belt = Tye O'Dell
  • Hand Plates = ABS WTF
  • Electronics= TRamp
  • Neck Seal = Darman's Props (Etsy)
  • Holster = Tye O'Dell


Full Body

1.  ___  Front (Arms flat by side)


2.  ___  Back (Arms flat by side)


3.  ___  Left side (Arms raised)


4.  ___  Right side (Arms raised)


5.  ___  Left side detail (arms raised showing ab/kidney connection clearly)


6.  ___  Right side detail (arms raised showing ab/kidney connection clearly)


7.  ___  Action shot



Armor Details

8.   ___  Abdomen button plates (close-up)


9.   ___  Cod and posterior plate connections showing rivet/snaps (exterior)


10. ___  Interior strapping


11. ___  Wrist openings (close-up)



12. ___  Close-up of ab/kidney rivets (N/A- will install them for Centurion)

13. ___  "Han" snap (N/A- will install for Centurion)


14. ___  Left sniper knee plate close up



15. ___ Right sniper knee plate close up


16. ___ Left thigh ammo pack rivet close up


17. ___ Right thigh ammo pack rivet close up



Helmet Details

18. ___  Front



19. ___  Left side


20. ___  Right side


21. ___  Rear


22. ___  Back-lit shot showing lens color


23. ___  Close-up of Hovi tips





24. ___  Neck seal


25. ___  TD (Thermal Detonator) front


26. ___ TD Rear, showing close up of screw type


27. ___  Holster attachment


28. ___  ABS/canvas belt (rear)


29. ___  Boots (showing tops and sides)


30. ___  Rubber gloves




Blaster Details

31. ___  Left side


32. ___  Right side


33. ___  Rear showing D-ring



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Thank you! This whole build was a lot of fun. About 4 actual weeks of building in the making. Went from zero knowledge of a stormtrooper to this. I'm sure there are tweaks and I'm looking forward to feedback. Hoping to make my way to Centurion if it's feasible. Thanks in advance for all the resources everyone has helped me with along the way. I learned so much about this hobby building from scratch

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Well done, sir! If you did that in only four weeks that is truly amazing! I see no reason why you can't get to Centurion with just some minor tweaks. Really digging your perfect alignment of the ear screws on the right side of your helmet with the rear edge of the trap on that side! I'll let the DO provide the official feedback, but they'll likely mention missing thin elastic straps on the rear shoulder bridges, removing the last large tab on the rear of the bridges, adding the Han snap to your ab piece, raising your belt so the plastic is barely touching the bottom painted ab button, pushing your drop boxes out just a tiny bit to the ends of the plastic belt, and addressing the rear thigh butt-joint seams. Don't worry, the DOs or others can will provide some reference photos. :salute:


But man, really good job, and you'll have your EI and Centurion certificates (and that shiny new gold EI coin!) in no time! :smiley-sw013:

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@MaskedVengeance Thank you! Crazy to think two months ago I knew nothing about TKs. I agree and they should be easy changes relative to everything I’ve done so far

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Hi John,  I will be reviewing your application and will let you know if I need anything.  Thank you for providing all of the required photos.

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2 minutes ago, Doggydoc said:

Hi John,  I will be reviewing your application and will let you know if I need anything.  Thank you for providing all of the required photos.

Great thanks. Happy to make any changes. Outside the additional rivets and snaps I’d love to get pointers and what to fix for upcoming Centurion too

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8 hours ago, JBar said:

I’d love to get pointers and what to fix for upcoming Centurion too

Will do for sure. 

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Hi John,  Great job on the costume.  You have really put alot of work in and in such a short period of time.  You are so close to Expert Infantry,  we just need you to make a few fixes.


We have had a look over your application and there are a few things that need to be corrected before we can go ahead with the approval.




The grey paint on the frown does extend onto the gums in several areas:

CRL L1: Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. A total of 8 cut outs in the teeth area of the frown are present.







This may be corrected by using non acetone based paint thinners such as varsol or mineral spirits and a toothpick.  Just dip the toothpick in the thinner and carefully use it to scratch off the excess paint.



The mesh on the hovi tips is not the wide type one as required by the CRL.

CRL L2: Correct Aerators/Hovi-MIX tips are present. Screens used shall be of a wide type mesh, with the rim of the mic and the inside white or painted white.




DzeqH5t.jpg         BYhqySx.png  hN9RWUO.jpg


Here is a technique that has been used to correct this in the past.


Using the cap of a hi-lighter and wider mesh from a kitchen strainer



Place the mesh over the hovi tip and press in with the cap of the hi-lighter



Paint the inside of the hovi tip and rim white (if necessary)





Insert the new screens



Thermal Detonator


The control panel on your thermal detonator is a bit too high,  the control panel and circle should be facing more to the back and not up.


CRL L1: The white control panel raised ribbed pad faces the rear, with the controls/round washer style detail closest to the right end cap.



2vMSo3l.jpg           nqCxdRu.jpg    hG5Kuwb.jpg


To correct this, you can open up the curve a bit on the lower part of your thermal detonator clip so that the detonator essentially rolls down a bit.






The charging handle appears a bit long and not the correct type.  This may take a bit of creative work.  I suspect 3 D printing a new handle and replacing the old one would be the easiest solution.


                                                                                                                          Reference Images

qSwt7ce.jpg     snGBwyE.png   hie3IPS.jpg

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Posted (edited)

Great points thanks. I’ll get to work on all that right away 👍

Edited by JBar
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If you have a Dollar Tree nearby, their large (1 handed) kitchen strainer has the perfect mesh for hovi tips. Not sure if the other Dollar stores carry it, but the green signed Tree one does. You'll know it when you see it amongst the other strainers.

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Posted (edited)

Ok here's take two.

1. Cleaned up the gum lines so that the grey doesn't touch outside. While I was at it I straitened up the lines





2. Installed larger mic tip mesh



3. I curled the TD at a more level angle but found the clips rode way to high. So I took them off, cut them down about 3'4" and bent them back into shape. Much better now



4. Found a better blaster with RS props. I miss the rubber but this one looks a lot more accurate and feels great to hold





Lastly, here's my new changes all suited up:













And my new action shot


Edited by JBar
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  • Doggydoc changed the title to TK-91213 Requesting ANH Stunt EIB Status (WTF) (1075)

Hi John, great job on making the requested fixes. 


CRL and EIB Application Requirements:

All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry.  Congratulations!  :salute:


Other-Armor Fit/Assembly;

In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team.  Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that  we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions.


Your helmet is sitting a bit too high.  By removing some of the padding on top of your head, it will bring the helmet closer to your shoulders, giving you a better overall appearance and will usually give you improved sight as well.


                                                              Reference Images

4KQVjjE.jpg        DvsOYFf.png  Q2ywMQ2.jpg   9uhAeG4.jpg


Along the same lines, for a better overall look, you could bring your forearms down slightly to make the gaps at the wrists and elbows the same.  Alternatively, you could bring the biceps up to increase the gap at the elbow so it matches the wrist.


                                                        Reference Images

9KinKk3.jpg              mpC55Qq.jpg    xXp0Yzn.jpg






Centurion Requirements:

In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval.  Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper.


Your belt needs to come up slightly.  This may be achieved by using a bit of Velcro between the canvas and the abdomen armour


CRL L3: The top of the ABS ammo belt should sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels


                                                                                                  Reference Images


fzp6cto.jpg     mpC55Qq.jpg   kv3ofe6.jpg


Also with respect to the belt, Your drop boxes should align with the edge of the ABS belt.  You can secure them in place with a drop of E6000.


On the back of your belt, the Velcro is showing on the right side of the thermal detonator.  For Centurion, you will need to trim back the excess so it doesn't show.  We consider this to be a "patch" as per the CRL


CRL L3: Canvas belt can not contain patches of any sort.


                                                                                                                                           Reference Images

JEDXtzM.jpg G6zEDR6.jpg       4fl7NEE.jpg wXTnZxc.png


 CRL L3: Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box.


                                                                                                                                                 Reference Images

5gKmpq4.jpg  2DAvhz5.jpg      0UcPbVd.jpg 0lNseRZ.jpg



Your shoulder straps will need to have a small piece of elastic added to hold them down in the back. Although not required, removing the large tab in the back will give a better overall look.


CRL L3: The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via a white elastic band to the white fabric that connects/bridges the chest and back piece.



                                                                                          Reference Images

zk5amyg.jpg         lPFDQ81.jpg   shI7XVK.png


For your shoulder position, the left shoulder should sit a bit closer to the shoulder strap.  This may just be a dressing issue or you may need to adjust the snap / elastic placement.


CRL L3: There should be a minimal gap between the shoulder armor and the chest/back plates.


                                                                                                  Reference Images

oHLgUFu.jpg                  Q2ywMQ2.jpg  9uhAeG4.jpg


You will need to trim all of the return edge from your forearms.


CRL L3: No return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed.


                                                                                        Reference Images

LGZOQXM.jpg             b5AFw3S.jpg    L0KcV47.jpg


Your hand plates will need to be changed to latex or a latex like material for Centurion approval.


CRL L3: Hand guards shall be latex or latex-like, solid white or painted white, and affixed to rubber gloves with no visible strapping or stitching



                                                                                       Reference Images

cY32qQq.jpg     dz7VZ8t.jpg  TRMDpGu.jpg


Your Abdomen Armour will need to have the rivets installed as you have already mentioned.  Here is a guideline for their placement.


CRL  L3:

  • Three rivets, approximately 5/16"(8mm) diameter, are present on the left side of the abdomen armor.
    • Note: The original rivets used for the TK armor were bifurcated rivets or split rivets.
  • Rivets are equally spaced along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge.
    • The heads are rounded or domed. Note: Paperclip brads are not considered to have a domed head.
    • Rivets are painted white.


                                                                                   Reference Images

      6okId45.jpg              TanGEZn.jpg   sf5VGtp.jpg


Similarly, as you already mentioned, you will need to add the "Han Snap" on the right side of the abdomen


CRL L3: A single male snap on the top right corner of the ab plate is present.


                                                                              Reference Images

DIEkayr.jpg              TBcYtsY.jpg    hpSIcMv.jpg



Your Ab plate detail could also use a little trimming - hopefully this was applied with E600 and not CA glue. Although the smaller one meets CRL requirements, a slight trim will make it look more screen acurate.


CRL L3: Plate does not overlap the edges of this area and shall show a definite straight cut edge around all sides


                                                                           Reference Images

UVZ0KHZ.jpg          YnlOHbc.jpg  OinjE0G.jpg 7UkPmzC.jpg


Your ab and kidney plates are offset at the top slightly.  Your Left side looks okay, your right ab plate is sitting a bit high however.  This is likely just a dressing issue but may require some strapping adjustments .


CRL L3: Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. Abdominal and Kidney Plate align horizontally at top


                                                                              Reference Images

  ZRfpoNa.jpg          wXTnZxc.png rmkzl0d.png



As with the ab armour, the kidney armour will need rivets on the left side as well.



  • Three rivets, approximately 5/16"(8mm) diameter, are present on the left side of the kidney plate.
    • Note: The original rivets used for the TK armor were bifurcated rivets or split rivets.
    • Rivets are equally spaced along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge.
    • The heads are rounded or domed. Note: Paperclip brads are not considered to have a domed head.
    • Rivets are painted white.


                                                                          Reference Images

w3KLsWl.jpg           sf5VGtp.jpg  TanGEZn.jpg


For Centurion, the gaps in the back of the lower portion of the thigh need to be filled.  This may be done with ABS paste or Sugru


CRL L3: Lower thigh ridge joins (front and rear) shall butt-up flush against each other. Any gaps must be backed with ABS or filled as not to be noticeable.


                                                                                                  Reference Images

e9sAKCL.jpg        f4xHZFh.jpg  QzuTjD1.jpg

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Thanks so much @Doggydoc for the whole EIB process and especially for the Centurion critiques. It's something I definitely want to do and I'll start planning on the changes right away. This has been so much fun fleshing out all the details and learning so much more about this hobby

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8 minutes ago, JBar said:

Thanks so much @Doggydoc for the whole EIB process and especially for the Centurion critiques. It's something I definitely want to do and I'll start planning on the changes right away. This has been so much fun fleshing out all the details and learning so much more about this hobby

No problem at all John.  Congratulations again.


Make sure to request your EIB certificate.


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Thanks again. Just to make sure I should list you (Gerald) as the DO correct?

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28 minutes ago, JBar said:

Thanks again. Just to make sure I should list you (Gerald) as the DO correct?


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Just now, starsaber25 said:

Congratulations John!  You have done an amazing job!  Very exciting to bring another EIB trooper to the ECG! 

Centurion is on the way for the ECG! Yeah and thanks for the help along the way

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