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TK ANH Stunt by CloseTheBlastDoor

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Hello there! Perhaps I will regret calling myself CloseTheBlastDoor, but all of my other creative attempts were taken by all you creative people!


I have my TK ANH Stunt trooper kit from WTF, and I've gathered most of the other items. This will take a while. I was quite intimidated when the big box arrived, for sure! But I've spent a few hours reading through much of the forums here, and I'm encouraged and even a bit more confident that I can do this!


My kids have flown the coop, and I have a decent chunk of time to get this done. I clock in at 6'0" and shrinking, and I'm about 175 pounds. So I'm hoping the suit will fit with few alterations.


I'm going to start with the thermal detonator, which for some reason seems the least scary. I'll try and post some photos as I go. Thank you in advance for your support!




Whew, what an adventure! My childhood dream of being a stormtrooper has finally come true! It’s been a crazy ride, while having to work through some health issues, unemployment, travel, and just life in general to get all of this done. The circle is now complete!


This took about six months on and off. Generally I was trying to do everything to L3 approval, so I wouldn’t have to go back later and make corrections. But there are areas where I know I haven’t, most glaringly the blaster. We’ll cross that bridge later!


Armor: Walt’s Trooper Factory
Canvas belt: Imperial Issue
Holster: Darman’s Props
Undersuit: Off-brands from Amazon (Queerier and TSLA)
Neck seal: Keep Trooping
E-11: Scifiman123 on E-Bay (modified toy)
Gloves and hand guards: Trooper Bay
Boots: Keep Trooping

Height: 5’11
Weight: 163 lbs


My deepest gratitude to those who helped me along the way, primarily @gmrhodes13, who from Down Under tirelessly and generously helped a total stranger in the San Francisco Bay Area make his way through this costume. There were so many times I thought I’d messed up, and he showed me a way through it, or other times where I didn’t have it quite right, and he told me how to correct it. Many thanks also to @shashachu, @dblcross, @TKSpartan, @justjoseph63, @MaskedVengeance, @revlimiter, @Tilheyra, @JBar, and @Sly11, and so many more for their helpful suggestions and feedback.


Reflections on the build:

  • ASK QUESTIONS. This is why my build thread is so very long!
  • Don’t buy everything up front. I have a lot of stuff where I bought the wrong thing, and/or ended up using a different build technique. Do your research, choose an option, then buy the material. I spent around $1700, and maybe $100 of material was not used.
  • I was more afraid of doing something wrong than I was of just doing something. But overthinking was kinda my friend. For instance, I must have spent 30 hours researching how to do the helmet, and maybe half that time actually getting it together.
  • Not all armorers are alike. Some are more helpful than others, and there are variations in the parts where what you’ve read elsewhere simply won’t apply. The videos from Dave’s Darkside and RS Prop Masters were great!
  • Make a nice, big ventilated workspace for yourself, preferably in the garage so that volatile odors and dust don’t get around the house. And your family doesn’t hear you swearing.
  • The first cut of plastic is always going to be the hardest. Practice on scraps. Do your research. Measure 16 times, then cut.
  • Use an X-Acto knife and cut the first line LIGHTLY. Then repeat many times just as lightly, following that line. Patience is key here. Use them cut-resistant gloves.
  • Mark the cut line, then cut less than you should. Then work up to the line with a Dremel + sanding drum, then with sandpaper and/or a half-round file.
  • There is a guide to nearly everything. And there are areas where there are different solutions, and that’s OK. When in doubt, look at the CRL.
  • Some things have fairly specific measurements. Check the collection of Billgrams. Many other things do not, and is where “precision eyeballing” is applied.
  • Searching on this site can be a bit difficult. Using Google is your best option. Type in site:whitearmor.net [your search terms] in the Google search bar.
  • Wear eye protection when you’re using any kind of tool. Wear cut-resistant gloves when cutting. Wear a respirator and have good ventilation when you are using E-6000 or sanding ABS.
  • When freehanding a drill, use a brad point bit and set it firmly in position. Start with a very slow speed to ensure that the bit doesn’t walk away from the mark. For countersinking, DO IT BY TWIRLING THE BIT WITH YOUR FINGERS - NO DRILL.
  • Just as any woodworker would say, “you can never have enough clamps.”
  • Most things take more time in your head than in reality. Exceptions are waiting for E-6000 to cure, and waiting for that Amazon order you had to make because you either forgot something, or messed it up.
  • Good tools are a good investment. An even better investment is learning how to use those tools properly!
  • Learn how to set snaps properly: there are many guides here, but I would add this: 
    • Hammer using a solid backing surface that WONT take up any of the striking force. 
    • Make sure the snaps don’t rotate in the strapping. If they are the slightest bit loose, they may pull out of the strap when you try to unsnap it. 
    • Test that the snaps fit together BEFORE gluing anything.
Edited by CloseTheBlastDoor
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It looks like you have acquainted yourself with the different areas of the forum, so have fun with your research and reading through different threads! The amount of information on this forum is amazing!


I highly recommend creating a build thread in the ANH TK section of the forum (EDIT: This is the ANH build thread section of the forum - wrote before thinking). That way you can post photos of your progress and ask any and all questions you have as you navigate your build! Starting a build can certainly be intimidating, and we all have felt that at one point or another, so familiarizing yourself with the process is one of the best remedys. Plus, the folks here are super helpful, supportive, and together have a wealth of knowledge on everything stormtrooper (and costuming in general) so ask away! 


Also, CloseTheBlastDoor is a great name!

Edited by Tilheyra
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Umm yeah, that's an excellent profile name! You just need to find a counterpart who can take up the OpenTheBlastDoor name! :laugh1:


So welcome to FISD! You're certainly in the right place for assistance in building your WTF armor! As a thermal detonator enthusiast, I love that you're tackling that part first. In fact, I have two posts on my build thread dedicated to thermal dets (a third and likely fourth post will come in the future since my thread is still incomplete).




You're already on the right track by starting a build thread on here, and I'm sure many other troopers will be around to provide you with guidance on your journey. If I may, you might consider this order of assembly after your thermal det.

  • Biceps (they're largely hidden by shoulder bells)
  • Shoulder bells (simple, with no assembly)
  • Forearms (next smallest pieces)
  • Left shin (with sniper knee to help hide misalignment)
  • Right shin
  • Right thigh (with ammo pack to help hide misalignment)
  • Left thigh
  • Torso parts
  • Helmet (generally considered the most difficult)

I look forward to following along on your build!

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Hello and welcome aboard, some references which may be of help

TD measurements.jpg


As per the CRL for Basic approval: "The white control panel raised ribbed section faces the rear.."


 ITJKfmg.jpg?1  3STtHa4.jpg?1   Apk2iZ0.jpg?1  oa2nbIl.jpg?1


And when worn with the belt make sure the slips go all the way down and are not seen from below the belt.


Good luck with research and build, don't be afraid to ask questions, there's always someone around ready to jump in (or we aren't far away ;) )

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Firstly, this is a FANTASTIC username. Bravo!!!


I unfortunately have not great news... WTF armor is pretty small. Even petite troopers usually need to add shims to the side torso area. The shins are enormous, but the rest of the armor is suited for smaller troopers. I've assisted in several WTF builds.


BUT!!! Don't get discouraged. Many have taken it to Centurion. You can do it! It's just not the "easy button" of TK builds.


Definitely ask for help when things get confusing. :jc_doublethumbup:

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46 minutes ago, Tilheyra said:



It looks like you have acquainted yourself with the different areas of the forum, so have fun with your research and reading through different threads! The amount of information on this forum is amazing!


I highly recommend creating a build thread in the ANH TK section of the forum. That way you can post photos of your progress and ask any and all questions you have as you navigate your build! Starting a build can certainly be intimidating, and we all have felt that at one point or another, so familiarizing yourself with the process is one of the best remedys. Plus, the folks here are super helpful, supportive, and together have a wealth of knowledge on everything stormtrooper (and costuming in general) so ask away! 


Also, CloseTheBlastDoor is a great name!

Nice to meet you! Thanks for your advice and kind words. 


I actually thought that this was the build thread, did I do that wrong? I would indeed like to post some photos.

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1 minute ago, CloseTheBlastDoor said:

Nice to meet you! Thanks for your advice and kind words. 


I actually thought that this was the build thread, did I do that wrong? I would indeed like to post some photos.


My mistake. You are in the right place for a build thread.

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30 minutes ago, MaskedVengeance said:

Umm yeah, that's an excellent profile name! You just need to find a counterpart who can take up the OpenTheBlastDoor name! :laugh1:


So welcome to FISD! You're certainly in the right place for assistance in building your WTF armor! As a thermal detonator enthusiast, I love that you're tackling that part first. In fact, I have two posts on my build thread dedicated to thermal dets (a third and likely fourth post will come in the future since my thread is still incomplete).




You're already on the right track by starting a build thread on here, and I'm sure many other troopers will be around to provide you with guidance on your journey. If I may, you might consider this order of assembly after your thermal det.

  • Biceps (they're largely hidden by shoulder bells)
  • Shoulder bells (simple, with no assembly)
  • Forearms (next smallest pieces)
  • Left shin (with sniper knee to help hide misalignment)
  • Right shin
  • Right thigh (with ammo pack to help hide misalignment)
  • Left thigh
  • Torso parts
  • Helmet (generally considered the most difficult)

I look forward to following along on your build!

I'm glad to meet you, I've seen a few of your posts! You are so kind, and you provide really great detail that has already helped me.


I have read that painting the tube grey is not necessary, but I'd like to do it. Does it have to be gunmetal grey, or could it be something close?



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10 minutes ago, revlimiter said:

Firstly, this is a FANTASTIC username. Bravo!!!


I unfortunately have not great news... WTF armor is pretty small. Even petite troopers usually need to add shims to the side torso area. The shins are enormous, but the rest of the armor is suited for smaller troopers. I've assisted in several WTF builds.


BUT!!! Don't get discouraged. Many have taken it to Centurion. You can do it! It's just not the "easy button" of TK builds.


Definitely ask for help when things get confusing. :jc_doublethumbup:

Hoo boy, thanks for that heads-up! Another trooper who is 6'2" said that I should buy from WTF. I will certainly ask for guidance when I get to the torso, etc.

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8 minutes ago, CloseTheBlastDoor said:

I have read that painting the tube grey is not necessary, but I'd like to do it. Does it have to be gunmetal grey, or could it be something close?



You do need to paint the tube grey, has to be grey not gunmetal, grey similar to helmet trap grey. I used grey primer and coated in clear paint. CRL (Costume Reference Gallery) https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_anh_stunt

Detonator consists of an all grey cylinder, without silver stickers or silver paint



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7 minutes ago, CloseTheBlastDoor said:

Hoo boy, thanks for that heads-up! Another trooper who is 6'2" said that I should buy from WTF. I will certainly ask for guidance when I get to the torso, etc.

Pretty much over 6" most will go for Dave's Darkdside  (AM



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Welcome to FISD Hanson  (CTBD) 
looks lies the team are offering good advice, which is what we are here for.

Please ask as many questions as you need, and do share photos of any progress. We love photos.


It is also best to use an image hosting service, as data space on the forums is very limited if you directly add photos.

The product of choice with many members is called IMGUR.



Edited by Sly11
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57 minutes ago, gmrhodes13 said:

You do need to paint the tube grey, has to be grey not gunmetal, grey similar to helmet trap grey. I used grey primer and coated in clear paint. CRL (Costume Reference Gallery) https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_anh_stunt

Detonator consists of an all grey cylinder, without silver stickers or silver paint



Oh, thank you!

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2 hours ago, CloseTheBlastDoor said:

I'm glad to meet you, I've seen a few of your posts! You are so kind, and you provide really great detail that has already helped me.


I have read that painting the tube grey is not necessary, but I'd like to do it. Does it have to be gunmetal grey, or could it be something close?


As Glen mentioned, the tube MUST be grey, but you may or may not have to paint it depending on the color of the raw tube. Some plumbing tube is produced grey, though you may need to sand off some black lettering. As for the specific shade of grey, the general goal is to match the grey paint color used on your helmet. This means using something close to, or exactly the following:


Humbrol 5 enamel

Testors 1138 enamel

Testors 1238 spray enamel (matches the brush-painted 1138 listed above)


Notice that I've recommended all enamel paints since once they are cured they are quite durable. If you're looking at my own build thread, the first grey (gunmetal I think) that I used was too dark. Man, I really need to finish my build thread!!

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29 minutes ago, MaskedVengeance said:


As Glen mentioned, the tube MUST be grey, but you may or may not have to paint it depending on the color of the raw tube. Some plumbing tube is produced grey, though you may need to sand off some black lettering. As for the specific shade of grey, the general goal is to match the grey paint color used on your helmet. This means using something close to, or exactly the following:


Humbrol 5 enamel

Testors 1138 enamel

Testors 1238 spray enamel (matches the brush-painted 1138 listed above)


Notice that I've recommended all enamel paints since once they are cured they are quite durable. If you're looking at my own build thread, the first grey (gunmetal I think) that I used was too dark. Man, I really need to finish my build thread!!

The pipe in the WTF kit is white PVC, so I do have to paint. :(. I'll check my local hobby shops for Testors 1238. Thank you!

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I wouldn't suggest Testors for painting the tube, Hanson.  It would take quite a few bottles and it would probably leave ridges due to the viscosity.  What I would suggest is to follow what Glen recommended and use gray primer (spray can) which will leave a smooth finish.  I would also sand it down with some fine (500 or higher) sandpaper to take the shine off and give the paint better adhesion.


Posting photos is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  I have a tutorial here which will help.  Looking forward to following your progress!  :popcorn:

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Testers grey is available in a small rattle can, mine has done several det tubes over the years and on testing the paint just last week, it is still good to go.

Check your local hobby shops, asking for 1237 Semi Gloss Primer, comes in a 3oz spray can It is enamel paint.

It is very close to the Traps and tears for the helmet.


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Hello Hanson! :salute: Being 6" is very common, and with your weight I think you'll get it to fit you in a nice way with shims! I'm 6" (with shims) and for me the biggest thing was that the gap between the thigh and shins was a little bit large due to my long legs.



What I did there was to just velcro the shins to sit a tiny bit higher on my boots to meet up with the thighs! Sometimes I put them too high if I haven't got a spotter with me, but that is the good thing about velcro, just do it again! I think you get the gist!


But you'll get there when you get there, first off - THERMAL DATONATOR! :dancing-trooper:

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The primers that Joseph and Andrew mention will be perfect, but I've also had great results with the Testors 1238 spray, linked below at Hobby Lobby. Notice the adjacent number patterns as they are all related (1138 regular paint, 1237 spray primer, 1238 spray paint).




I'm not gonna share here how many cans of 1238 I've purchased, but I will just drop these:


52769516088_424088d22a_o.jpg     52768488382_7668552e81_o.jpg


52769440785_7b3fec759b_o.jpg     52769028376_4b3c96a39c_o.jpg




@revlimiter is now in possession of one of these.:peace:

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8 hours ago, justjoseph63 said:

I wouldn't suggest Testors for painting the tube, Hanson.  It would take quite a few bottles and it would probably leave ridges due to the viscosity.  What I would suggest is to follow what Glen recommended and use gray primer (spray can) which will leave a smooth finish.  I would also sand it down with some fine (500 or higher) sandpaper to take the shine off and give the paint better adhesion.


Posting photos is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  I have a tutorial here which will help.  Looking forward to following your progress!  :popcorn:

Thank you, Joseph! That's some good advice on both paint and photos!

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2 hours ago, MaskedVengeance said:

The primers that Joseph and Andrew mention will be perfect, but I've also had great results with the Testors 1238 spray, linked below at Hobby Lobby. Notice the adjacent number patterns as they are all related (1138 regular paint, 1237 spray primer, 1238 spray paint).




I'm not gonna share here how many cans of 1238 I've purchased, but I will just drop these:


52769516088_424088d22a_o.jpg     52768488382_7668552e81_o.jpg


52769440785_7b3fec759b_o.jpg     52769028376_4b3c96a39c_o.jpg




@revlimiter is now in possession of one of these.:peace:

Thanks, Caleb, I'll see what I can get my hands on either online or at my local stores. Those TD's look really great!


I'm glad you included the photos because I see that you've masked off where you put the button piece, which I assume is for better adhesion? Would you use E6000 there?


Also, if I go the primer route, like Glen mentioned, do you recommend clear coat after the paint?

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6 hours ago, Nairy said:

Hello Hanson! :salute: Being 6" is very common, and with your weight I think you'll get it to fit you in a nice way with shims! I'm 6" (with shims) and for me the biggest thing was that the gap between the thigh and shins was a little bit large due to my long legs.



What I did there was to just velcro the shins to sit a tiny bit higher on my boots to meet up with the thighs! Sometimes I put them too high if I haven't got a spotter with me, but that is the good thing about velcro, just do it again! I think you get the gist!


But you'll get there when you get there, first off - THERMAL DATONATOR! :dancing-trooper:

Hi Jonatan! This is good advice, I will put that in my notes for when I get there. I might have more questions later.


Did you have issues with the torso, too? I guess we're a little tall for a stormtrooper :D

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E-6000 all the way for as much of your armor build as you can! It's slow setup time allows you to make fine adjustments, and it can also be removed after-the-fact for corrections. So yes, I used E-6000 under the control panels, and as you can see, sanded the tubes to maximize adhesion. When you tape off the area though, just be sure the footprint is smaller than the actual panel so you don't accidentally leave and unpainted tube exposed.


As for clear coat, I don't with the enamel spray, but you could do it with primer if you want. Just be sure to get a non-glossy clear.

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15 hours ago, CloseTheBlastDoor said:

Hoo boy, thanks for that heads-up! Another trooper who is 6'2" said that I should buy from WTF. I will certainly ask for guidance when I get to the torso, etc.


The chest and abs will want to create a gap on most troopers over 5'10" with Walts armor. You'll need to really strap those two pieces together well to make sure no black appears between them. Cheating the chest down away from your neck a little and letting the crotch strap be a little loose will help as well.

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