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TK3936 requesting elite status.[43][TE2]

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Well, to start out, I would like to say thanks to all the help from members here. TE2, TM, Stomper, Smitty, and many others. I have spent that last year planning for this completion and here it is.

Remember my first AP armor ended up being my TD armor, and then I went all out to complete this one.

TE2 helmet and armor, except for the forearms, and biceps which are from TM. Blaster is a built unit with help from Smitty with the stock, and Stomper with the resin parts, and other items as well from others.

Let me know what you all think.







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Guest TK-2416

Awesome.. simply awesome... thats one fine combination!


Only small advice is to either use straps (connected to the biceps) for the forearms to sit closer to the biceps or use foam padding (I have used that solution, works great)..


Good luck!

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Thanks brothers, and yes Marcel my man, I am here!! :):) I always knowed that I wanted to be here as well, but wanted things right before trying. Was on a long waiting list to get parts from TM, and took alot of time to get my AWSOME TE2 helmet and armor just the way I wanted it, but glad I waited. I think I have read every thread possible on this site to get the combination I wanted, and so have to thank everyone for there input in some way or another. I also forgot to personally thank firebladejedi for input as well, with the idea for the belt, and shoulder straps.


Hey as for the biceps, and detonator.

I have since lowered the biceps to close the gap a bit at the elbow, and the detonator, my wife put on when taking the pics. I have since mounted it better to the belt to lower it. :D

As for the helmet, I will post up. I used the green industrial welding shield lens and cut them out, for the lenses. I even sent a few out, and have a few more sets if anyone needs them.


Well thanks again, and cant wait to join the ranks of Elite status some day with the rest of you.


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I will agree on most, as we do need a pic of the bucket close up so I can see the lenses, and I would like a closer look at the mic tips (I am sure they are fine).


One other note is I would ask that you either lengthen the bicep straps so they sit lower on your arm, on tighten up the forearms so the sit higher up. The first pic just shows WAY to much black, and I know this should be an easy fix. I know, one of the struggles of sizes on smaller forearms!!!


Also, the TD could also be pushed down to sit correctly on the belt, but that is a really nitpick thing, and won't hurt your submission at all, just a suggestion.


Overall this is a great submission.



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Very nice kit, and thanks for making the changes and submitting the extra pics!!!


Elite Status approved.


Now, please report to the Devastator bridge, Lord Vader did his thing again; and we have a few bodies to dispose of!!!


Well done trooper!!!



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Actually Jay I see your TK hasn't been approved by the Legion. Technically until you have your TK costume designation, you can't be an FISD detachment member and thus are not eligible to be Elite.


If you send this pix to your GML I'm sure he'll approve in seconds (it really is just checking a box on a form), and I can flip your bits here as well.

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Actually Jay I see your TK hasn't been approved by the Legion. Technically until you have your TK costume designation, you can't be an FISD detachment member and thus are not eligible to be Elite.


If you send this pix to your GML I'm sure he'll approve in seconds (it really is just checking a box on a form), and I can flip your bits here as well.



Thanks for the info on this. I have sent the pics in and gotten approval from my GML, but am not sure why it hasnt shown up yet on the main site. Will check in to this today.

As for the pic from stukatrooper, all I can say is WOWWWW!! That is very cool. I will print this one off and hang up.

Well, once again I want to say thanks to everyone who helped with input of "doing it right", and I am always willing to help anyone else out that may need assistance in the future, ask anytime.

Thanks again, and I will look forward to my elite status soon.



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Got there in the end mate B)


We take care of our own. Did anyone notice - the costume designations have been updated? It used to be just TK, now there is a new listing for TK: ANH Hero? I presume also ANH Stunt, ESB, and ROTJ as well.

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