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December FISD Newsletter 2022


Recommended Posts







Detachment Leader

Merchandise & Officer

Just For Laughs

FISD Meme's

Update Your Build Threads

Around the Detachment

Charity Auction

Trooping Opportunities



Common FISD Acronyms and TK Glossary

Pre Approval Forum

3D Section

Field Exercise Award

Imperial Attaché Program

Master Armorer Award

Fire Teams

EIB & Centurion: What do these terms mean?

Need Help Ask the Deployment Officers

Advanced Tactics Awards

Public Relations

Staff List 2020
Follow FISD




Greetings fellow members and a warm Happy Holidays to all.


As the end of 2022 fast approaches, I would like to personally thank everyone for their contributions to our most awesome Detachment.

Without active members and staff, this place wouldn't be as good as it is, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


On to business,

Finally after a couple of years of deliberations and tweaking we have added The Rise of Skywalker to our The Last Jedi  CRL.

Both sets of armour are the same, but the one significant difference is a new weapon only seen wielded in TRoS, and that is the Electro Prod

This is a single weapon carry, meaning no blasters or other accessories of any description can be carried when portraying this costume character.

As weapons are not a prerequisite of Basic level approval, this means there is only a TRoS TK at our higher levels.




Other changes to the TLJ CRL are as follows.


Cod to Posterior plate strap. It's on all our other armour so it made sense to add this oversight. It can clearly be seen in a few screen shots and is a very easy addition to make.


Expert Infantry:

Minor Thermal Detonator and Forearms, inclusion of more accuracy.

F11-D slightly different to TFA version now with correct colour scheme.



Major  Thermal Detonator upgrade as it is a different construction to TFA version. The TFA version simply painted differently will no longer be acceptable at Centurion for TLJ.

There are also 3D files available for the thermal Detonator so builders will have options.


Forearms need to be trimmed/modified to emulate TLJ/TroS which are different to the TFA and Finn Hero versions.

These mods have been tested, are found to not be too difficult and are represented in new CRL Images and a new CRL Model.


F11-D must have Picatinny rail attached as per TLJ/TroS references.


The Heavy Version will undergo the same treatment once we have photos of the more accurate version from a build currently underway.


All told, we now have a more accurate representation for this costume, giving better separation from it's TFA predecessor.


As all changes aside from the Cod strap are at our optional higher levels of approval, they only affect Detachment approvals, not your local Basic level by a GML


We do however offer a 3 month grace period for anyone who is already underway with their actual build. Those who are have the option to build to the now grandfathered CRL, or take up the challenge of reaching the highest tiers we offer with the latest version.


The 3 month grace period will end on the 5th of March 2023, after which only the new CRL will be available.

If you require a copy of the previous version, please contact our Deployment Officers as they have copies in PDF available to email you.



Oh boy I love my new FISD Hoodie!!

only problem is it is now summer here in the Land down Under so way to hot and humid to wear.

These shipped out super fast so if you ordered, expect to see it very soon.

Huge thank you to the team that brought a few ideas to reality and gave us this OLD School style piece of merchandise.


Celebration merch sales thread will be up before you know it, but more on that from James our DMBO shortly.

See you all in the January edition, and have a happy and safe New Year.



With Unquestioned Loyalty

Andrew Franke

TK-11469 "Sly11"

Detachment Leader









The FISD Hoodie's are being received across the globe, feel free to post your images here

- - - - - - - - - - - 



Celebration London 2023 Patch Competition NOW CLOSED


There is currently a staff poll open to vote which design will be used for this years FISD celebration patch, just keep an eye on the forums for the announcement of the winner and also the celebration patch sales thread, very, very soon.








"FISD Memes"



Handsome looking fellow ;) 




Thank you to Luca "Morgi" TK-66744 for starting a FISD specific meme thread, hope to see more of these in the future not only by you but by others as well.

You can find the thread here.








As most would be aware we are diligently working through the forums updating watermarked images, missing images and broken links, this has taken over a year so far and has been a monumental task but there is still a lot of work ahead of us. 


Members build threads are one of the biggest areas of watermarked/missing images and we are asking you the membership to help and update your build threads yourselves as this is just too big a task for staff. 


Build threads requiring updates are being moved over to this area https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/241-build-threads-requireing-maintenance/


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.




New FISD Tri-Fold Brochure

fL3cX9a.jpg.7aee908189b2401e68bfb093f293328f.jpg   a0ZxLdv.jpg.2fe2922acc3b027a05233c0d39ec8ee0.jpg


 It's been quite a long time since we actually had these available and since then many things have changed leading us to updating some of the text to include new costumes, and have more relevant information.

Originally these were done in a limited run by the member who created them, but nowadays, we have moved this to a print your own service making them accessible to all countries around the globe.

Files are available to all full 501st members on request, and are completed in a very high resolution to ensure quality in a finished product.

The thread can be found here for more information and how to access the files.




ANH E-11 Build Auction for JDRF - CLOSED

A big THANK YOU to the high bidder, FISD Founder Paul @Daetrin  :salute:  I genuinely hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed building it!


I would also like to thank the following once again:

The insanely accurate 3D design and replacement magazine, donated by Bryan @trooper96

The main body and most printed donated by Kevin @kmwilson343

The cast from original resin scope donated by Brian @Bulldog44

The awesome plaque for the stand was made donated by Adam @revlimiter

Andrew @Sly11 for helping to make this happen.


And those who contributed to increase the total donation:  :jc_doublethumbup:

Chemi-  @Chemi  $25.00   

Jonatan-  @Nairy  $40.00   

Mario @TKSpartan  $55.00  

Andrew@Sly11  $20.00  


The total comes to $390.00, and I am chipping in $10.00 to make it an even $400.00.  I will be contacting the JDRF this afternoon and will post up all correspondence on this thread.




You can check out the bidding in this thread.


You can find Joseph's build thread here. 




File:Lucasfilm logo.png

Retail Embargo Lift


For most of the year we are under an embargo from LFL and can not attend retail locations unless prior approval has been given by them. At certain times of the year this embargo is lifted, generally around Blu-Ray / movie releases, May 4th and Force Friday, the recent correspondence from LFL outlines the lift of the embargo:

While there is currently a retail moratorium on character appearances in effect, it is being lifted December 1-31 at retailers selling Star Wars Related merchandise for the holiday season.


All fans, costumed or otherwise, can participate with venues of their choice within this window with the restriction that costumed appearances must not be used in the advertising for the event. Although these appearances will be treated like an open invite, we’ll leave it to the fan groups to independently organize around these events as they see fit. LFL will not need to approve or coordinate these. Please note that retail locations should not include restaurants, bars, or venues with no apparent reason to feature Star Wars characters.


In the coming weeks, we may send out a list of ‘preferred’ retailers from certain regions who would welcome fans to participate at their venues within these event windows, but you are all still welcome to make plans with appropriate retailers or venue hosts of your choice regardless of whether or not they appear on the list.

Dec 1-31 -- ok to appear at retailers selling SW-related merchandise for the holiday season

"Please note that retail locations should not include restaurants, bars, or venues with no apparent reason to feature Star Wars characters. If the retail location does not stock Star Wars products you should NOT be attending."

*REMEMBER* Always follow your garrison/squad's guidelines when in comes to organising Disney/LFL promotional troops, only command staff can deal direct with LFL.





For a full list of FISD awards head here.





Are you new to the FISD and wondering what the heck all those abbreviations and strange sounding terms mean?  To help you @justjoseph63 has started a list of the most commonly used ones that will give you some insight.  If you have ANY questions about a particular term that is not listed or suggestions for new ones please contact Joseph. You can find the list here.





Pre Approval Forum allows future Troopers the opportunity to submit photos of their completed build to be reviewed by the Staff, Imperial Attaches and others in preparation for forwarding it to their GML for approval.  Any and all advice/suggestions given will be specific, constructive, helpful and respectful. Please note that this program will NOT take the place of your local GML, as Detachments are not chartered for costume approval and can not override a GMLs decision, but is instead a peer review program designed to help you look your best and offer guidance and positive feedback.  For more information on this program, please visit the link here.



Don't forget to visit our 3D section when next surfing the FISD forums, there is plenty of useful information to potentially help you on your next TK adventure. You might be feeling may generous and share with our community a new TK related 3D file and maybe win yourself a 3D contributors award DGx4MwQ.png  DjQ8bJi.png so check out the details below and be part of the in house 3D community.  Here is a link to the FISD 3D Contributor program.





Don't forget to create a troop log here on FISD and get awarded for your adventures The list of accomplished troopers keeps growing, so get on board and register your troops today Simply start (or update!) your troop log, keep the running total in the title, and post (at least!) a date and name for the official 501st event where you wore your TK! Once you've hit a milestone count, go over to the "Field Exercise Awards -- Post your milestones here" thread to request your profile be updated!  Simple, right?


Award Recipients November - December


troopaward10.png TK19984 - "Ebio Amisi" Ben - - - - -  troopaward25.png TK15028 - "Iron TK" David - - - - -  





Are you an approved TK that spends more time on the boards than the average Trooper?  Do you enjoy using your knowledge to help out future and existing Troopers?  If so, we would like to invite you to join the Imperial Attaché program! Members of the I.A. team are chosen to help out not only those here on the boards, but on a local level as well.  Our aim is to have at least one in each and every Garrison, Squad and Outpost in the entire legion to be the eyes and ears of the FISD on a local level. For a complete list of Imperial Attaches, go here.

Some of the benefits:  Access to exclusive Attaché merch., including patches, IA patch 6PLrnxJ.png,       IA Rocker  dPN7mwd.png


You may also be in the running for an Imperial Attaché Award   7UlPmRQ.png  Imperial Attaché Award for those attaché's who have gone above and beyond [minimum 1 year of service]. You can find a list of prior recipients here.




The FISD Master Armorer program is an optional, detachment only incentive award to recognize individuals who have directly helped another 501st stormtrooper to achieve Expert Infantry status. Some people spend countless hours helping others, and want to reward their results as well as incentivizing new people to help as well.


To register a “win” in the program, the assistance must have provided hands-on help trimming, building, and/or fitting of said armor for the person who was awarded Expert Infantry status. More information can be found here






Want to setup a "Fire Team?  the Fire Team program is completely optional, and is intended to help form a common identity and spirit of camaraderie among 501st Legion Stormtroopers in the same geographic area/garrison that troop together. Fire Teams are not officially recognized by the 501st Legion nor the FISD, although they will be able to access a Fire Team sub-forum on the detachment website. You can find more information here. 

Let's all give a warm FISD welcome to our 70th Fire Team:   

Name Ground Control

Region: South Texas, Houston area. Star Garrison





With Unquestioned Loyalty

Mark Ryner

TK-4584 "captsafe66"

Fire Team Relations



So what exactly are kKf6hGu.png and QrRRhuF.png levels?

These programs were designed for those who choose to take their armor above and beyond the minimum requirements for basic 501st Legion approval.  It gives you the chance to show a level of dedication and pride that takes your armor closer to being as "screen accurate" as possible, without as much extra work as you may realize! You can find more information on the programs here.


For those unaware it is possible to achieve extra awards at Expert Infantry for each additional version costume you have approved, additional awards are not issued with another Expert Infantry number (you are only issued 1 Expert Infantry number) but you will see a star above the award on your profile and the thread title will show [APPROVED] 2nd, [APPROVED] 3rd, [APPROVED] 4th and so on. Multiple EIB award recipients and info here



NOTE If you are approved with a "2nd Version" of a particular costume that you are already approved with you do not receive an additional award, there is only 1 award issued for each costume version ie: only 1 x Hero, 1 x Stunt, 1 x HWT, 1 x ESB, 1 x TFA and so on.


If you have a second/additional version costume approved you will see "2nd Version" and [APPROVED] added to the thread title, no additional profile stars (more info on profile awards here)







For those of you who have a particular issue (or issues) before or after submitting for Expert Infantry / Centurion level approval, in order to get you an answer faster you can now privately contact the entire Deployment Officer team at one time!  


Questions about fitting, repairs, CRL standards/requirements or anything pertaining to reaching Levels 2 and 3 are not only welcomed, but encouraged.  Keep in mind that no question is too small, and that your queries will only be seen by the D.O. Staff.


We are here to help in any way we can, so please feel free to send us a message by clicking on this link: @Deployment Officer Team and we will get back to you A.S.A.P.!



This area lists all those who have gone above and beyond basic approval toward screen accuracy and obtained EIB or Centurion or both.  FOR  November - December the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment would like to congratulate the following.

Expert Infantry Badge Award:


Paul "Sithping TK12775  EIB 1054


GREAT job on your approval, now on to Level 3!  :salute:

Request your free EIB certificate here.

You can find a list of multiple award recipients here.



Centurion Badge Award:


Paul "Sithping TK12775 Centurion 520


Outstanding job on reaching Centurion, Troopers!  :salute:

Request your free Centurion certificate here.  

You can find a list of multiple award recipients here.


If you see any of these Troopers around your Garrison or Squad, be sure to congratulate them!




Newsletter Editor

I would like to wish everyone a safe and prosperous festive season and hope all of your wishes come true.

If anyone has any content for the newsletter please contact me via PM. 

For anyone interested in having a look through any of the older newsletter they have now been moved to a new archive sub forum which you can find here.





With Unquestioned Loyalty

Glen "Q" Rhodes

TK-85421 "gmrhodes13"

PRO, Newsletter




Staff List 2022 -2023


Detachment Leader (DL): Andrew Franke (Sly11) TK-11469

Executive Officer (DXO): Steven Sheades (starsaber25) TK-10466

Chief Deployment Officer (DCA): Joseph Pedigo (justjoseph63) TK-10963

Deployment Officer: (DCA): Mario E RT (TKSpartan) TK-48117

Deployment Officer: (DCA): Jose Maria Sanchez (Chemi) TK-30173

Provost Marshal (DCOG): Dan Branton (CableGuy) TK-42911

Provost Marshal (DCOG): Tim Waychoff (Dark CMF) TK-51878

Provost Marshal (DCOG): Chris Pearson (themaninthesuitcase) TK-10911

Merchandise and Branding (DMBOJames Silvius (jsilvius) TK-12953

Personnel Officer (DPER): AC (Novatie) TK-5597

Fire Team Relations (DPRO): Mark Ryner (Captsafe66) TK-4584

Content Editor At Large (DPRO): Christoph (Danny) Lauber (Ripper_L) TK-55550

Content Editor Support (DPRO): Tony Jobe (ukswrath) TK-10116

Content Editor Awards (DPRO):  Handled by the XO

Newsletter Publisher (DPRO): Glen Rhodes (gmrhodes13) TK-85421

HOF Director (DPRO): Aaron (Bronx) Gibson (Pyrates) TK-99725

Attaché Ambassador (DPRO) Frank Peranteau (Frank75139) TK-75139 

Social Media Relations (DPRO): Teresa Nuthall (Soulart) TK-41307

Social Media Relations (DPRO):  Justin Reed (TheRascalKing) TK-61490

Systems Administrator (DWM): Eric Brager (Darth Aloha) TK-9674

Systems Administrator (DWM): Mathias (Locitus) TK-2959

Detachment Founder (DF): Paul (Daetrin) TK-8020

Trading Cards Content Support (IPM): Eric Ho (Hoda) TK-77520

Imperial Propaganda Machine (IPM): Brien Edick (Harbinger) TK-92802

Imperial Propaganda Machine (IPM): Jeff Salt (wingnut) TK-50297

Imperial Propaganda Machine (IPM): Richard Tibbitts (CallMeMrTibbles) TK-46116

Imperial Propaganda Machine (IPM): Adam Wolf  (revlimiter) TK-89400 

Imperial Propaganda Machine (IPM): Daniel Melin (TheSwede) TK-99665




dnvsyYa.png  Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor  Facebook Group: 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) Official

 hydvAKP.png  Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st

QoCzxCK.png  Instagram: www.instagram.com/fisd501st




On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff and the Imperial Propaganda Department








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