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[69] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)


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Kinda jealous of all those sets if I'm being honest.  I don't know if I would ever get to Toronto.  I did see some Youtube video and the place looked packed in the 501st area.


I saw ANH back in '77. Not sure how I managed to pull that off, but the whole family went.  To this day, Star Wars is about the only scifi/fantasy my brother will watch.  He even does better than me seeing most of the live action stuff on stream.  I've only seen about a 1/5th of what's out there.



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Troop 34 & 35

London Comicon

London, Ontario

September 16 and 17, 2023


This was a much smaller con than the last one and was a very fun troop. 
we did morning patrols around the convention on both days and had most of our photo ops there. 

We came across this heroine person taking a break from fighting crime. He was kind enough to pose with us



Next we came across some sort of android type statue.  Something about the resistance and futility I think they were saying. 



Since Lord Vader never lets us pilot the battle cruisers, we jumped at the opportunity to take this one out for a spin. 



For a moment , I thought these were the droids we were looking for but no such luck. 


This one definitely was a little short to be a stormtrooper. 

One convention guest had a completely new spin on driving the AT-AT




On Saturday afternoon. We were visited by Brendan Wayne who wears the Din Darin costume on the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal only wears it during helmet off scenes apparently), as well As Lateef Crowder who does the fighting and stunt scenes in the Din Djarin costume and Misty Rosas who is the performance actor that did the motion capture for Kuill in season 1 and for the Frog Lady in season 2 of the Mandalorian. They stayed around our booth for about a half hour doing photos and trying blast a trooper. We made Lateed and Brendan honorary 501st members as well. 







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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [37] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 36

Hamilton Comicon

Hamilton , Ontario

September 23, 2023

This was the 3rd of 3 comicons in the past month. Time for a short rest.


I have now started trooping in 2 costumes now that my death trooper is complete. Wearing the fibreglass death trooper really makes you appreciate how light and easy to wear the ABS TK kit is. 

I was a bit late on the booth duty sign up, so missed out on being a target for blast a trooper but still managed to get a spot as range assistant. 




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Troop 37

Hamilton Comicon

Hamilton , Ontario

September 23, 2023


Day 2 was fun with us getting to do a photoshoot in the Buffalo aircraft. Got to troop with @Wompet today as well.  


This was also the same troop 1 year ago when I did my first troop.






Some other shots from the day. 









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  • 3 weeks later...

Troop 38

Toronto Treat Accessibility Halloween Village 

Toronto , Ontario

October 15, 2023


Treat Accessibility is an annual event that takes place at several locations around the greater Toronto area. A neighborhood street is blocked off to traffic for a few hours and home owners set up tables at the end of their driveways. This allows for children with disabilities to trick or treat in a safe and controlled environment.


The group selfie shot. We were joined by the stormtrooper in the middle.  He had just finished assembling his Anovis kit.  His goal is to get it 501st approved.  We directed him here and offered helpful advice.  Hopefully he will drop by.  I passed him my blaster for the photo.


A quick pose with the local law enforcement. 



Took a minute and did some dancing (the twist) with some residents. 





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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [39] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 39

Ronald McDonald House visit

London, Ontario

October 21, 2023


This was a fist at a local Ronald McDonald House to visit and interact with families staying there while their children are being cared for in at the adjacent hospital. A short troop but a very special one.







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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [40] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 40

Cambridge Santa Clause Parade

Cambridge , Ontario

November 17, 2023


This was my second time doing the parade and it was slightly warmer this year than last year. I have started wearing a diving suit under my costume for those outdoor cold troops and it really works well to keep me warm.  

we were joined by the Mando Mercs and the Rebel Legion for this one.  Lots of kids and adults to high five along the route.









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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [42] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 41

Etobicoke , Ontario

December 17, 2023

Toys R Us and Starlight Foundation Christmas Event


This was the second year doing this troop and it is a very special one for me. Starlight Foundation teams up with Toys R Us at several locations across Canada.  The stores are opened early for families with sick or disabled children to be allowed to come in and shop in a safe and quiet environment. Families are given a store gift card to allow the kids to have a mini shopping spree. 

We were joined by Santa and some Disney Princesses. 













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Troop 42

London , Ontario

December 17, 2023

Ronald McDonald House visit and toy donation


This was my second troop of the day.  We gathered with the Rebel Legion to deliver toys to children staying at Ronald McDonald house. 
These locations provide housing for families with children staying in hospital to allow them someplace to stay close to their children while they require treatment. 

The other TK had Christmas themed armour parts, so I borrowed the red and white Pauldron. 





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On 11/21/2023 at 8:42 PM, Doggydoc said:

I have started wearing a diving suit under my costume for those outdoor cold troops and it really works well to keep me warm.  

This is genius. I'm gonna have to get one myself.


Fantastic troop pix!! :th_AnimatedBravoSmiley:

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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [44] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 43 and 44

Kitchener , Ontario

January 20 and 21, 2024

Tricon 2024


This troop was a local “mini con” that was put on at a children’s museum to help revitalize the downtown core.  It is a neat venue as the art installations are all in place throughout the 5 story building where the con takes place.  We didn’t have a booth, so we would patrol around and interact with guests. 

This was extra special as it was my son’s first troop with his new biker scout costume.  

I didn’t get a photo with my son wearing my TK but did with my death trooper. 


Took advantage of some of the art installations for photo ops. 




This room has TK written all over it.



Oh man!   Maybe those were the droids I was looking for!





Some pics with other 501st members:






Finally, I couldn’t  resist a photo with this little guy.





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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [45] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 45

Vaughan , Ontario

February 11, 2024

Vaughan Winterfest 2024


This was a community activity day. There were indoor and outdoor activities, live music,  and much more.  They called for an attendance around 10,000.  We took photos for hours on end.  We would walk a bit and as soon as we stopped, a line formed.  Lots of fist bumps, high fives and smiles all around.


We were provided vouchers for lunch, so rather than undress, eat and then kit up again, I stayed in costume.  Funny thing was that people still stopped me to get photos with me carrying my lunch.  Not sure that a brisket sandwich and fries is canon. 


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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [48] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 46

Toronto , Ontario

March 15, 2024

Toronto Comicon  2024 Day 1


This was the first of a 3 day troop and my first troop at a con as part of the garrison command staff.  It was fun to see things from the organization side of the con as well.

We had a great auction with 3 lightsabers, a citizen Star Wars watch, 6 Rsvlts Star Wars shirts and many other items thanks to generous donations from vendors. 

I didn’t manage many photos this day but served as a target for blast a trooper. 


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Troop 47

Toronto , Ontario

March 16, 2024

Toronto Comicon  2024 Day 2


Day 2 started bright and early and was again a very fun day. We were visited by Denis Lawson (Wedge Antilles), Eman Esfandi (Esra Bridger - Ahsoka ) and Diana Lee Inosanto (Morgan Elisabeth - Ahsoka).  All were amazing,y friendly and excited to visit us at the booth. My son also trooped with me in his scout costume. 
















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Troop 48

Toronto , Ontario

March 17, 2024

Toronto Comicon  2024 Day 3


This was the final day of the con and was again a lot of fun despite being exhausted and sore. We were visited at the booth by Roger Christian (Set decorator  Episode 4 , Second Unit Director Episode 1 and 7). Always great to see Roger. He is very down to earth and loves to share his stories. Total donations raised for Make A Wish were around $5,500.







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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [49] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 49

Niagara Falls , Ontario

April 6, 2024

Niagara Falls pre Eclipse Party


This was a Star Wars themed pre eclipse party put on by the City of Niagara Falls. 
We were asked to be there to interact and take photos with guests.


Unfortunately the event was not well attended and only 20 to 30 guests came.  We still had a great time dancing away in our costumes. 

Pre event group shot



Obligatory elevator selfie



There was an odd pole in the middle of the room we used to change.  So I had to try it out.  Got a bunch of credits for my effort from the FOTK in the back. 



Had to also grab a photo with my new transport vehicle. 


They said the barrel ride was completely safe. Not so sure



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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [50] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 50

London , Ontario

April 23, 2024

London Children’s Hospital Visit 


This was a very special troop being my 50th but also my first hospital troop.

We went through the ward of the Children’s hospital and visited with kids and their families. It meant so much to not only see the faces of the kids light up, but also the parents who in their own right are going through so much stress with their kids not being well. Once again, glad my tears were hidden under the helmet. 




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  • Doggydoc changed the title to [52] TK-96004 (DoggyDoc) troop log (Socials approved)

Troop 51

Innisfil , Ontario

April 27, 2024

Innisfil Comic Fest


This was a Library troop where we mingled with guests and posed for photos. Good TK representation with 4 of us attending. 









Had a bit of fun in the library’s green screen room. 



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Troop 52

Kitchener , Ontario

May 4, 2024

May 4 Star Wars Day Celebration 


A very local troop for me in my own backyard and my first May 4th troop as I was travelling last year. The venue was a museum that has a train museum and pioneer village.  Some great photo ops here. 

We were joined by Hacksmith Industries showing off their real life lightsaber. 





The empire comes knocking.  Look out


Waiting for our transport home. 


Some fun with filters setting the era and mood



Transport boarded 





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Troop 53

 New Hamburg, Ontario

May 19, 2024
New Dundee Community Fireworks 



I had originally planned to wear my Death trooper to this troop as it would look great with the helmet lights in the dusk lighting. However it was 30 degrees C and between the heavy fibreglass armour and the heavy undersuit, I opted to switch to the trusty TK kit as it wears much cooler.  

Lots of photos, high fives and fist bumps. 
We found a shed to set up against to keep in the shade. 






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