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[77] TK-66744 Troop Log (Social Media Consent)


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[35] 26.11.2022 -- Comic Con Stuttgart, Saturday 




One last Convention before the winter break, with lots of guests: Austrian, Swiss, French, Ukraine, Malta and Dutch. 




Throughout the Day we went from one duty to the next, from one picture to another. Looking back, I can't remember much of the convention, just that it was pretty fun and I got to see lots of cool costumes.




One special highlight from Saturday was my marriage. I had a small photoshooting with a friend of mine and when we went to the Garrison booth, a visitor stopped us and handed us a 70's Kenner Stormtrooper figure as a wedding gift. We explained that we hadn't married, but they insisted we keep the figure. So, obviously, our next step was to get married in the eyes of the Empire, blessed by none other than the Emporer.




Now a newlywed I managed to miss the German Garrison parade and instead got to be the first Trooper for the group photo afterwards. It was an awkward five minutes in the middle of the picture space with no other troopers around, aside from our Command Staff who were doing their best to keep the area free from visitors. After the convention day ended, we went to the aftershow party and ended up dancing way too long, considering we had to get up early next day.




[36] 27.11.2022 -- Comic Con Stuttgart, Sunday




On Sunday we were less troopers, but that just meant more trooping opportunities for us, as there were lots of duties that needed to be done and fun to be had. 




Again, we met lots of other cosplayers and even got to be part of a second wedding: this time between Spider-Man and Deadpool and just as real as my wedding the previous day. 




Additionally, we supervised a Stormtrooper Building Event, this time I got to participate in the parade and had our group picture. Even though the previous we had 3 members of the Chaos Division present, only Sunday was an official Fireteam troop with TK-70815 joining me as a Stormtrooper.




As of now, most troopers I know are at home in their beds, trying to recover from anything between a simple cough and the C-virus. Even with my sore throat, the fun was worth it, as was the travel time and getting to see so many friends again. 




TK-66744 signing off 


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Am 3.12.2022 um 11:05 schrieb Sithping:

Awesome update Luca! 


Thanks! :D


Am 3.12.2022 um 18:23 schrieb revlimiter:

Congrats on the wedding Luca! Many happy returns on the day. :laugh1:

(seriously loved all the pix from it on your insta)


Thank you! Who would have thought I'd marry this young, lol


[37] 03.12.2022 -- NSQ Christmas Party in the Lasertag Arena, Hamburg




Time for the last trooping weekend of the year! I arrived with a terrible cough, half-frozen from the temperatures outside and with a lot of motivation to have a nice last weekend accompanied by DZ-15925, the current youngest member of the German Garrison, if I remember correctly.




The two of us had a slight debate as for who should get to carry the candy cane, but eventually the Jawa won that debate, by simply taking it and running away. All of our stun shots missed, so we didn't get it back. Instead my bruised pride got treated by the local medic. 




After the bacta infusion I felt a lot better, but that table was so comfortable, I simply fell asleep again, until it was time for the actual festivities. The food wasn't as good as anticipated, but we had free access to all the softdrinks one could need and the opportunity to trade merch. All in all a successful evening. 




[38] 04.12.2022 -- NSQ Christmas Troop in the Outpost One, Dassow




Start transmission. It's working? Awesome! Well, we're back at the Outpost One with some exciting news about how the NSQ Christmas Celebration was interrupted by the most interesting drama on the Death Star since the Alderaan Disaster yesterday. 




We actually stumbled across this Protocol Droid and whilst the cross-reference in the database isn't quite finished yet, I'm convinced that he's one of the droids they recently lost on Tatooine. Win One for the troops in shiny white over our dirty colleagues, who are stuck in the sun and the sand. 




Also, I managed to snag this amazing Selfie with Tarkin himself! He wasn't too amused, but was luckily unable to get my designation, so I don't expect this to come back to bite me in the butt-plate. Even more interesting was this old dude running around, though? Hasn't he ever heard of the uniform regulations we all must adhere to? Last I checked, Vader was on his way to deal with him, so good luck old man...




Aaaaand I just got my transfer request to Hoth because of the Tarkin debacle. Sounds like a boring planet, but maybe I'll get to make a Snow-Stormtrooper in my free time. Who knows, maybe I'll even get to pet a Tauntaun or stumble across a Rebel snowspee- wait what? Gotta report this in. 




TK-66744 signing off 


Edited by Morgi
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[39] 02.02.2023 -- Star Wars Reads Day Lohmar




A small imperial delegation arrived to support a library and help motivate kids to read. The library itself offered StarWars lineart for coloring and several StarWars books that were read out loud to the kids. 




Whilst all that took place, we were exploring the library, reading some of the books they had on offer, interacted with the children and I took the opportunity to re-order some of the books. Before we left the library I took the opportunity to have a small break, as I'd had to get up at 04:30am just to be there on time. 




Despite it having been a small troop I'd had lots of fun and want to thank TK-61276 for being my ride and letting me stay at his, therefore making the troop possible in the first place. 





[40] 04.02.2023 -- Globus Bedburg 




Time to go shopping -- this troop was at a huge supermarket, so we took our time exploring everything on offer. There were banana (pistols), carnival costumes and several Grogu's on offer:




Sadly we soon ran into some custody troubles regarding the little one, as apparently, Mandalorians don't take too kindly to imperial troops buying their child. This soon escalated into a game of catch in the supermarket parking lot, where the Mandalorian was able to trade his child back. 




One special surprise that day was us meeting Lord Vader. I couldn't miss this opportunity and got to take a picture with him. Aside from pictures for our own entertainment, we also provided the visitors with pictures of and with us and there was a photo booth where one could take pictures in exchange for a donation to a local animal shelter.





[41] 05.02.2023 -- Retro Amour Dortmund




Having said goodbye to TK-61276 the previous day, I headed over to IN-88900 for the final troop of the weekend: the Retro Amour, a small convention for everything pop-culture of the 60's, 70's and 80's. Although pop culture of that time isn't something I have a lot to do with outside of StarWars, it was an amazing opportunity to meet up with various friends. 




Towards the end, as interest in us faded, we took the opportunity to create various new costume designs in a mix-and-match way. Pictured above is ID-14445 as Lord Vader. Truly a lot of fun and some of these should definitely be adapted and become part of the Star Wars universe. I personally took a great liking to ID-11813's general Helmet. 




TK-66744 signing off


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  • 2 months later...

[42] 01.04.23 -- Power of the Force Cologne, Days 0+1




Once more I got to be part of the wonderful construction team for our booth, so I arrived a day early to help set everything up. It took us about 4.5 hours to get everything ready and afterwards we went to grab something to eat. 




Starting Saturday by standing guard outside, I made the biggest mistake of the weekend by not listening to my body when I started freezing in the low temperatures. Luckily TR-88900 helped me warm up again by allowing me to stay underneath his robe for a while. 




Following that we went back to our usual duties -- guarding the throne, being available for pictures, and escorting several of the star guests. A highlight among those were Ken Colley (Adm. Piett) and Julien Glover (Gen. Veers), especially for the various officers who were there. In the afternoon there was a short parade as well as the group photo before people slowly started to leave.





[43] 02.04.23 -- Power of the Force Cologne, Day 2


Having woken up not feeling well, I decided to skip standing guard on Sunday. But even so I continued to feel worse, until after about two or three hours I was forced to leave my costume due to intense shivering, dizziness, and just not feeling well at all. 




Some of my friends of the Galactic Academy thus took it upon themselves to lend me one of their jackets and kept me supplied with energy drinks, snacks, cake, and some paracetamol, whilst I took a break to man first their booth and then the German Garrison booth whilst half out of armor. Their magic potion of care, warmth, caffeine, sugar, and meds managed to get me back up after about two hours and I went back into armor for the last two hours of relaxed trooping -- this time having fun at the Galactic Academy booth. 




After the convention we got our booth back down and packed up in under two hours and said goodbye to everyone. Despite not doing well (to a point where I probably shouldn't have been trooping at all. Always take care of yourself!), I still had a lot of fun and want to thank all my fellow troopers for their support!




TK-66744 signing off 


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vor 3 Stunden schrieb T-Jay:

Sorry to hear about your difficult conditions and glad to read it all went well at the end.


Tough Trooper. :duim:


vor 7 Minuten schrieb revlimiter:

Can't keep Morgi down!!! :dancing-trooper:


Thank you both! :salute:


[44] 07.04.2023 -- Star Wars Celebration London, Friday




Without a break, the next weekend saw my longest travel to my largest troop so far: Star Wars Celebration. The Chaos Division met up on Wednesday, drove 11 hours by car on Thursday, and was ready for Celebration on Friday. Due to all the horror tales we'd heard regarding wait times and queues we arrived a short time after opening on Friday. I was the only one in my armor that day, everyone else wanting to see something at the convention. 




Mostly, we saw lots and lots of people, but we managed to run into some friends and one of the droids we were looking for. Although I didn't get to see much of the event itself, I still had lots of fun -- until I discovered that there were few to no seating options. When I had said before the convention that one could recognize me, since I'd be either dancing Macarena -- or sitting down on the floor... I did not expect to do both of those things during my first day.





[45] 08.04.2023 -- Star Wars Celebration London, Saturday 




Saturday was the day of the group photos. Before we even got to enter the ExCel center for the first time that day, we were at the Garrison Group photo, the Squad group photo and -- finally! -- the 501st group photo. Whilst waiting for said photo I finally got to meet @Chemi and @Hoda. Meeting people from the forums in real life was simply amazing.




Although the Detachment photos had originally been planned for the stairs in front of the center as well, said plan was changed and we finally got to enter the convention. In the empty hall behind the changing room was enough space for all the Detachment group photos and whilst waiting there was enough time to get to know even more Detachment members. 




Later that day the Chaos Division would come back for some pictures of our own: we'd film getting chased by Ahsoka and Rex, took a proper Fireteam photo, and we made fun of TIE pilots. I'd missed trooping with the whole team. 





[46] 09.04.2023 -- Star Wars Celebration London, Sunday 




These two Jedi had a bad feeling waiting for the DLR -- who expects to run into four Stormtroopers in the Railway, after all? On Sunday our day started with possibly even more pictures than the previous day, as we were held up before entering the convention. Later, we would discover a picture of ourselves in a German newspaper. We also arrested some of the local police. What for? No idea, but it was fun. 




During Sunday I finally got to meet the last people I'd been looking for, and we once more barely got to go anywhere. We took photos at the VW booth, with a Death Star, and with various visitors. During midday I entertained myself by acting as if I were a statue next to the 501st booth, scaring some of the visitors. Completely exhausted, we finished off the day by playing ball with Grogu before going back to the hotel a bit earlier than planned due to an injury. I went back in casual clothes for another hour before getting to meet even more people during the FISD Meet and Greet. Thank you to all who were there, I had an amazing time!





[47] 10.04.2023 -- Star Wars Celebration London, Monday




Last day of Celebration and I was the last trooper standing, as the rest of the Fireteam had decided to go casual once more. Everything hurt, I was exhausted, but at least I got to sit down during the Bad Batch Panel. Monday was a bit calmer than the previous days, which I greatly enjoyed. 




We ended the day a bit earlier to go explore London instead. It was my first time in the UK and I'm glad I got a bit of sightseeing in before we had to go back the next day. Thank you all for the wonderful time, and a #notatyourpost (except Danny) for my fellow FISD Staff ;)




TK-66744 signing off 


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[48] 04.05.2023 -- Elbenwald Store Kiel




For Star Wars Day several Elbenwald Stores across all of Germany requested two troopers. For those who do not know Elbenwald, they're a nerd store, so perfect for us, selling mainly Harry Potter, StarWars and Marvel merchandise. 




We stood at the entrance to the store, taking pictures with the guests. Since there wasn't much going on due to it being the middle of the week, we decided to fool around inside the store, trying out almost all of the merchandise on offer.




I mean, I look absolutely dashing in this imperial robe, don't you agree? I was very, very tempted to actually buy this. Just look at it!




TK-66744 signing off 


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[49] 06.05.2023 -- Lego Store Hamburg 




Getting up at 5am, this was going to be a long, long day. Similar to the Elbenwald Store on Thursday, Lego requested two troopers per store. This time, TK-21641 and I showed up to represent the Empire. The Employees were happy to have us there, but not as happy as the kids were, when they spotted two Stormtroopers guarding the store.




At the very beginning TK-21641 and I decided to take up guard at the doors and soon enough a crowd began forming up. I've never before had this many pictures taken of myself. One after the other went up to ask for a picture with us, we barely had time to take a break or take pictures for ourselves. At times the employees even had to step in for crowd management. 




Despite so much going on, we still managed to find the droid we had been looking for, if only towards the end. As a thank you for showing up, the two of us each got to choose a Lego set worth around 70€, so I'm now the proud owner of a Lego Captain Rex helmet. And, yes, I'm already working on it. 




TK-66744 signing off 


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[50] 07.05.2023 -- HerzogTumult Children's Festival Mölln




The big 50 -- finally! And I had so much fun as well! This one catapulted itself into my favorite troops with ease. Since I live in a pretty trooper-less area, we were all really happy to get six troopers together for this event. The children's festival had a lot of visitors and most were really excited to see us. Aside from us there were local clubs, emergency services, and several other exhibitors who offered opportunities for the kids to play and to learn. 




Sadly, us TKs couldn't climb this, but our scout fit into the safety harness and got all the way to the top with ease. The rest of us waited at the bottom and cheered for him. Luckily, there were lots of other stuff where the rest of us could participate -- ring toss, a nature quiz, a first aid refresher and a politics questionnaire were all completed.




Afterwards we were invited to join a swordfight, in which the imperial forces lost spectacularly against dozens of Ewok-sized opponents. We didn't stand a chance against their sheer energy and all walked away -- or ran away -- with a few new scrapes and additional weathering. 




We cheered each other up by visiting the local scouts group and getting some popcorn and pancakes, which were prepared over a fireplace.




Afterwards I didn't want to miss my chance to go onto the bouncy castle, so I simply had to drag DZ-15925, who managed to accompany us as a handler for the last two hours, over there to help me stay uprigh, take off my shoes, and take some pictures.




TK-66744 signing off 


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  • Morgi changed the title to [50] TK-66744 Troop Log (Social Media Consent)
  • 2 weeks later...
Am 8.5.2023 um 15:38 schrieb Sithping:

Congrats on your 50th Troop! 


Thank you, Paul! A bit surreal to finally have reached this milestone. Now on to the next badge :D


Am 8.5.2023 um 21:01 schrieb revlimiter:



Congratulations!!! I'm all kinds of jealous of these. Fantastic looking venues.


Meme! Thank you, Adam! Especially the children's festival was all kinds of awesome.


Am 8.5.2023 um 21:37 schrieb Nairy:

That is awesome! Congrats Morgi!! :dancing-trooper:


Thanks Nairy :peace:



[51] 13.05.2023 -- Galaktisches Wochenende im Zoo Münster




Back to one of my favorite events from last year -- I got to meet CC-75367 here last year and we quickly became close friends. Now it had been several months and this would be our first time meeting each other since Speyer in September. So despite a train strike coming up, I decided to risk the journey through half of Germany for at least one day of this event, and met up with IN-88900 on Friday. Shout-out to him for being a wonderful host once more and for agreeing with my music taste when we watched the ESC on Saturday evening. Looking at you @Nairy.




Together with him and TK-10671 we drove to the zoo, got changed, and started our long treck throughout the zoo. So many fellow troopers, so many animals, so much dumb stuff done that day! Most of my day I spent with several clone troopers, visiting the playground, entertaining the wait queue, patrolling the park, and showing Omega, Hunter and Wrecker the way to the lions. Towards the end of the day we even had a pushup competition -- the Shocktrooper won that one by far.




In between various shenanigans, I also got to meet several recruits. They were an absolute delight. One of them even walked with us for the parade. I foresee a bright future for the empire!





TK-66744 signing off


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[52] 03.06.2023 -- NordCon Hamburg




This was the first time the 501st appeared at this small local con -- and the con thought it was just a rumor. Despite clearing everything in advance, they were surprised to see us actually appear. We still got a changing room set aside for us and we were ready to go. 




The three of us arrived a bit early, so we could run around as Pride Troopers before the actual event start. However, the visitors (many of which were part of the LGBTQ+ community themselves) liked us so much, it was decided that we could continue as Pride Troopers for the rest of the event. I only removed the flag-cape after a while because as much as I liked the Phasma-esque look, I wanted to have a bit more mobility than the flag would grant me. 




We explored the convention, had some fun on the playground, entertained the visitors and were invited to join the swordfight. Still dealing with the aftermath of the troop in Mölln (#50), where we had lost at that exact same swordfight game, we gracefully declined. One devastating loss was as much as our pride could endure. We rather explored the fantasy world of the convention a bit more.




TK-66744 signing off 


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[53] 10.06.2023 -- Galactic Academy Event Hagen




Arriving just in time for seeing everything up on Friday, we were already facing high temperatures. The whole area turned out to be huge with lots of hills and not much shadow. Still, we got everything ready and arrived the next day at 6am to start the event. 




The troop had been organized by the Galactic Academy Jedha Campus of Germany and was at an outside museum for old crafts. Several other clubs, as well as the local police and fire department had been invited as well. Us TK's started off the day with a patrol across the area, meeting a recruit, posing with the fire department and arresting Mandalorians and Rebels alike. 




Due to the heat a lot of the time was spent backstage at our booth, making sure to stay hydrated and cool. In the afternoon we started the parade, only to have to stop and re-start twice due to people collapsing from the heat and having to be driven to hospital. Once we were through with the parade it was time to cool down with the help of the local firemen and then suit-down.




Over the course of the day the event managed to collect over 4000€ for a local children's hospice, which was an overwhelming success. At this point also a huge thank you to the organizers for the invitation, the lemon cake, and letting me stay at their place overnight! Oh, and for letting me try on a Jawa. I turned out to be an adorable Jawa.




TK-66744 signing off 


picture by Pixelrabe

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[XX] 25.06.2023 -- Lütt im Park, Hamburg




Organized by a local Star Wars group, a few friends and I requested to troop with them. We're all from a region in Germany that has almost no troops or troopers anywhere close, so this was a great opportunity to meet some new people in the same hobby and only one state over. 




From the beginning it was shaping up to be a hot day, so we did our best to stay in the shadows, drink a lot of water and generally stay cool. One of the guys from the local group had brought a fan and some watermelon, which was awesome. I'm not sure if we would have survived without him. 




Since the event was held in a local park there were lots of bystanders who were enjoyed to see us. Just for fun we joined a Zumba class that was being held, and were later invited back so they could film us. As of now I haven't seen the videos, and I'm not sure if I should be glad about that or not -- Zumba is definitely not something that was designed for people in full body armor. 




Overall it was really fun, aside from the fact that my armor had yellowed since the last troop. But I'm hopeful that I'll be able to fix this in the future. Luckily it wasn't very visible in any of the pictures either. Oh, and that Lego Blaster that I'm posing with in the picture above should definitely become an official accessory, it's awesome!




TK-66744 signing off 


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[54] 15.07.2023 -- Family party at the military base Kropp




My first ever troop at a military base! A recruit at said base had made the troop possible for us. The family party was for the members of the military personnel currently stationed at the base or those who were away but ordinarily stationed there. 




They had set up a photo booth where visitors could take pictures with us troopers, a stage with music, some kiddie pools, bouncy castles, several games, military vehicles, a range for archery and -- our highlight -- they had alpacas! And although said alpacas weren't very impressed with us, we were absolutely enthusiastic to meet them. 




Another highlight of mine included the various games where you had to aim. I won against CT-12840 at the axe throwing and the basketball hoops, but we had a draw with the archery, both of us hitting the target twice in three attempts, despite our various limitations. The people at the base were super enthusiastic to see us do all that and lots of kids wanted pictures. So all in all a very fun afternoon!




TK-66744 signing off 


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[55] 11.08.2023 -- Elbenwald Festival, Day 1




Once more I had the pleasure of getting to troop at Elbenwald Festival. The nerd Festival would be protected by a hundred troopers that weekend, we'd have a droid hunt, support the security at the entrance and help on stage. Many who had been there before had been looking forward to trooping these three days once more, myself included. 




On Friday, our main event was the short parade to the stage where we would stand guard for half an hour. All of us were baking in the sun and when we were asked to dance at the end (true to the festival's theme of "The Party Strikes Back"), I could barely even move my legs. Nevertheless, it was an exhilarating start to the weekend with the masses cheering for us. Over the past years, the 501st had turned into an important fixture of the Festival and people were glad to see us once more. 




Carried only by glucose and the sheer energy that comes from trooping, I did one and a half hours of booth duty in full armor as well, accompanying ID-86351, who would end up doing this duty most of the time over the weekend. Ending this as the shortest of the three days, most came together in the evening to either catch up or go to the concerts together. 





[56] 12.08.2023 -- Elbenwald Festival, Day 2




Once more I was one of the first people in armor on Saturday, starting the day of strong with entry controls for the visitors. We found a few Grogus, some droids and suspicious people, but didn't have to arrest any Rebels. After our hour and a half of obligatory entry duty, I took it upon myself to collect all the white armor that was already running around for a group photo. Little did I know that two more TK's would end up joining us later that day. 




Truly wonderful to troop with such a large group of TK's. Over the day we still split into patrols. Some controlled the media center, others continued hunting droids and interrogating visitors. Towards lunch time we held another parade through the park and were spontaneously invited by the band playing the Cantina Song to once more join them in front of the stage. 




Afterwards most troopers suited down, the exhaustion and heat getting to us all. Knowing that I'd probably not suit up again if I left my (sweat-soaked) armor now, I decided to power through the exhaustion. With the help of some glucose, a hearty lunch and a break in the shadows with some friends I once more gathered my strength and the afternoon just flew by. I went on a ride with the park Railway, met some amazing cosplayers, collected some droids, did a bit of booth duty and never once suited down until it was suddenly evening. 




The newly approved TK-56347 and I ended up having so much fun at our base that both of us ended up staying in armor for over 11 hours without even a single suit-down that day -- a new record for both of us. Towards the end of the day, we got to try on the security's vests, advise some possible recruits and just goof off. We had been considering going to that evening's concert in armor as well, but ultimately decided against it once a thunderstorm started up just before the concert.





[57] 13.08.2023 -- Elbenwald Festival, Day 3




The third day mirrored the previous day in a lot of facets. There was the morning brief, we took over the Railway station, collected some droids and visited the merch store. The biggest difference to the previous day was when towards lunch we didn't hold another parade but instead chose the winners of the droid hunt. I believe, the biggest cheers went up when the three year won and wasn't afraid of the Emporer who handed him the prize. Another winner, to everyone's delight, was Pikachu.




In the afternoon we played a game of Quidditch (Quadball?) against a local team. Despite them playing dirty we managed to catch Grogu and took a winner photo with the team. After another patrol, I checked in with the local emergency service team as well. Last year we'd taken fun pictures with them and this year they were enthusiastic to take even better ones with us. I got a leg brace, ecg (I flatlined an alarming amount of times due to the armor), they took my blood pressure, listened to my heart and lungs, got an oxygen mask, and much more. Honestly, everything they had, they tried to fit on me. It was really fun and I got to keep the oxygen mask afterwards.




Towards the end of the day I was invited on stage for the charity auction with three of my fellow troopers. I was already exhausted, but believing it to be very soon, I agreed. Then the auction got pushed back and I was suddenly facing another two hours in armor. Not enough time to suit down and relax properly, so I decided to just keep going and hope my body wouldn't give out on me. Luckily, a lady with goggly eyes came by and outfitted our troopers, providing an excellent distraction and some of the funniest pictures of the Festival. 




The charity auction later was a full success. I believe we raised about a thousand euros in the half hour it took. Afterwards I had to suit down immediately, the second eleven hour day finally catching up with me. Despite some bruises and blisters, it was an amazing weekend and I hope I'll get to troop this event again next year. The visitors were all so excited to see us, my fellow troopers were as wonderful and fun and in character as I'd come to see last year and the concerts in the evening were great.




TK-66744 signing off 


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