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Rebuilding FX shoulder armor[*FX]

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When I looked at our mold of this part based on dimensions of german Movie FX armor and compared it with chest armor. I decided modify this mold to have better part.


When you look at them from front side, you will see, they have different scarf on bottom. Back part is visible wider. I use hybrid molds with wood core and resin cover. Then I had cut out parts of mold, then sand to needed shape, cover it with resin and sand to final shape.


Here are few photos. Just now, I´m not going more modify this mold, because it will not fit chest armor. But when I make new chest armor, based on TM dimensions but a bit bigger in FX size, then I make new mold for this shoulder armor, that will match this new chest armor and be more accurate, but in FX size.







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