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2 hours ago, Sly11 said:

Congratulations brother.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Appreciate it Andrew.  Thank you so much.

On 7/29/2019 at 9:24 AM, shashachu said:

Hi Ardeshir,

Great to see you going up for another EIB! 


CRL and EIB Application Requirements

All required photos are now in and, after review, we are pleased to award you another Expert Infantry approval! On behalf of the DO team and myself, many congratulations! 


Other-Armor Fit/Assembly

In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor. Note that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions


As always, let's start from the top. *Really* nice job on the helmet! You've clearly done your research. One suggestion I have is that the bottoms of the ears are a bit on the thick side. Ear trimming is one of those tasks that every TK builder dreads, but if you're up for the challenge, thinning out those bottoms will really elevate the look of your helmet.


9gp5PT6IpGIhL5PTYh0JPNof8dYYkgIkEe7pv-50lykeWniJDxgrgmlOtqFjXZdGCMlm6nRufW-oW-Pbe8x1mULMW9ulIk1fUYEvQVChsklAy07Ri6H-zrtzlKEZ4JOTWqSGPaQQ7gh3zocamJvXQEHXsdcNOC-70r-RVAWYtwb_LiThXFrnkjZ-TYxvddhpnhCsvSBvy5sH3EewG7msRTFjJe78-taZ_M2j_rsV2ruEb3XmyLXkGynjQTF9nUHZVCmf1d8p2hC72Rna7Ax-VTnvJl1tH8gHmvvYoQXhZq115AL5LzM2dgALVDKgUJCU3IrC_TbFQBBB3bT4YdNvTMWWgVy7hQ2N4fe9WnKWhWibcv7IHK7svhd2KomHxuJZYABkx7ZBsbtVL7gqf-iNAmkwMXFhkkATmPIFLAX5wsWEDt1JPdUW1QMcmyozR5ZE1sTVWSqmEuFLAwsifUENo38ttTl3UAQrIT-b8V8hJvnozTHVoHg75vdkpCvI6TyY1xmAWlmmnDhTbdUJF3n4XI4WrVTgNrj-Oj6F7vA4OYG5Sug5DKyiOT5v8mb6MSOjU6MK2fN41U7sohAP9-JKWSn-sVxhW5i5qC8m7_c1xamExi3MxFD0QzGphmpzfMsh7h4Ju0hcSwteM0CTbLs0Qyuw-HgbqTtCP-BTnJ-0Py7iLK947olsF2tZRwxckUEiO2Fl1DXRgS9LPbNDlUjoOAfnNg=w1280-h960-no  XVZabh8snw3S9UVXNZF2DKZXsGGt7X3Q2SH2GtbnWZC8N6sDLTyggcRf5ZdbP78jy85UIYbMXMXdeqsm3gd6VcY9h5-ovCXi6G-yXPA_6Gv8z90nyCJDH-prxPyMFUKBXR1UfyvJfb7fwBNHWeyU3kcInWo1Hn8r1hwOLjPmay50TaDASJIjdzaWi_8re56F7qeYpmUlq6m0NelF16oItfuhR1C36y_FgocF94oki1WzTO8zmn1Sh4CxRWgsv98qtf_zeI_IIMCGGCz0cuawDOHRHDlxxG8rqU-tp4fBD5_6nwoNDWuONshcgie3KHmJad2ZwPDWTxasAFUe8UQrZKPsAD2K8KVm3qyVIVLKGm78CGgo0KqZG3k4qqI421KBYx6Fe7PqIfyP9_STQLvQ2QP5Ibg2WKQ_N1dzgiQY4lQ3gGT0B_p0VPOSo28FL9NJujs2alQNW-HGzW9UcbgyZLov1Ckf2cdmKxIqudMGvYjS1IHws1Rm2oi6wt-i7LrdQ3YNNzAlxgjGeV9r36bX0P2eltxDCpIChpVYVTw-BxvUXRX1LmMv_oBX1KU7M_ZTv2UKqw17Ab38VrVJmr4AIz83bCidZIUR_tHd1L6zJnR9a57FxQX-nkm2T5jo3AGRptG0r5En3ob9AXDUsulkLcddcFK7NQ-b7oq0o8OMbMLrwFhQlArgEM9fNHcEN5JKSemaKqogW2O4yDS8w5U7blOIzg=w1280-h960-no


Reference Images:

wJJuc0I_XkYIXaFSkTfa2fDNZVkl_94vBMiq9QCFfFAzej5ysx8DPoh2yS5lybUNSdxcQTHNWZduMG3JB7EAKi43XRHP7mIydufqaDZB9JW2YhCR0hLTxaS0ujonZSLnWq8HKOzAHL7ZVmaWavhSilWwgaaY4vkmN-UBkus2gLg9UscyIpER6uoOPti-Q8j8KS01nnrHhZH5PLcdktEU2br6mx0I3aIwITM4YFKcQy0nEgYSEFuzDAAZOnwmuTWSblqboJmQYCDIvGD5tXdvWZ858YmopsmLI7lzRnSnbQFm8cOFPXJ_Ge1wNWS-GNWuuLUJtzQZFy_7mf2CNRhcHBEoXLCXY7BSw118baWPJFqiXYpyh3OOlo0Nt_o8ngxwhtlyKePR5fITR_6KzNdhEbqlSgtKj6dOeMNWCRGQekZ9ArAdZ0MdzRsl5uN-3TIeQoTNAUVPdEjIrI1ON164ChagW6qEQMMkxAFSXvI_SAtsKhqAEBbvZpCN_wQ8xUkXDaa95ICQODOZrabx5iVADwT8OXIobsbL060zqLcgtNA5QU8Jy6Eiv1wopwSxDoQ9-XAPrg1uW6QXcJYl9HPCUjtU0FKMGPlc0yyaiMJ2wulYnGQAA2KtXIYw27q6tKAZRq1dnOyy6nIOkuPMNyXUkOcMKDu9MGWyoc-wOu-3-lCgKtyo_N189WupJVGXZo7vBAMLGXxQa857PSM8H_B9pRMB5A=w632-h640-no  SaTPFv_vnCP1jtkr2bkHxU13aQW37zE7SxQG6hGaa5M-4RBrt85AQG_XhPOvVL368ZTbQVEw9BEZfSAqvHrm36gprq1mhiCpUy6GNi-oghvCBQtPrazNnmpkMnRGJJ8YslSUr2w6a34Op7cPTn5xYpfXPy2nS57LhLnRZiFJ7SFYdcEaM_nmKA66GZYQws8ivAx6PJxwCNfXx1fWF91ki4jDNg14BMvjThOK_3bQp9ftU1_2b-BqxiOdbTCi7QCg7DzVrOFrmJSNQKEdTZr_4mt1UQ2w7Flph6RSXS8U8czDhzz6x5Cu6q6zCUfc5PtsiSogxCgpBBO5ORGQsIS9zuphRefYY1exN6lTnAg3Sj97NGht2XxLDjs5ZOK2ZONJSw3LkulZOLxCK5vqUDNH9ZBAaP07LINfIiML4a9mwuoWZmvNpRgJ9G3DJKmZdQ7QIcNvvra3Rh63VQNyF-fX-_SQLY1cKycm0BW4igZ2BbdBrrYPxefScuMU7BJh3oxUigkT8NYHxmMBwCRE9LSOvXw33Oa21x_7NDpDX3vPhNTAkN1dJW49watfZWT1Ky5SoGFnJ-N5LHCPq6Ftd1AwNRZ4WdlqEnQG_n36SkpKx9KzjfqqUz44URhTCyvfIJNxwq5N0qomyyPcW0--IQAVEsSjCEMtdmkufpcqPSBMDptrmTz1SlcbWPuFaLtWSa_uq3mlbBD0rh6FLhLFaGGpMKocGg=w1024-h768-no


Moving on to the tube stripes, you pointed out that you're doing the 11-stripe variation, which is totally fine. However, when compared to screen caps, your stripes are a bit thin, making them look too far apart. It's a very minor detail, but if you made each stripe a bit thicker, they would not look overly spaced out.




Reference Image:

JY-p7kqjhn5pN1MT45FXO7tamT9UbOwwOg3opyA2lzFUN0ckPV2Ui4HKdFM1mXBZBe8d8FOPIPCQ_43nXSL9oNh00amKViL3dHzmSWvj0ZW5guMBe12KOkYNDJmVVd0GHR7sW6EjnqZIClOYD8P5bTFnvPauOdMyGGS0n_7dKvotAlmQNSE_xaoUSXaeXzU-gzVO6kJD6tdwmVW-xXUnO69lgflx3ZgOsfPDRRvPE2MCx5tCFjE2-UuxKAcANuT69g3eqMRrNsBHzHsD4xAzjJdhIrw9to5P4NcDiohZrhhwS6ybH6w_h7kLAkzRohnFqLFzbIx17sxkezMA_s4uEtsK6A3QvlBCu2Gn5N2UDayGkv2DyHO2Z8rxaFI7DIADg60Qq5ASQq9z1kALYzAlk7vQXhxkFW1mmti6FB7pJpw4UhxTd5k_k_e6va9_0WODlX_ZONy7qkyQXisFMwERnPEzEtct2ufl4unm3rjT2liz3vXPVDb4cX4ojtCI3OdFEOI3NhgcpTAecXkjqE8knP8daEGs_QmSwmKOYR5gtTZaffuchHWuam6YLp4kd10IHDHLMDEgisR4msqK4dLWn2FpxXXOlc98Lwhhg-H7e-N5Pz_yKNR2dPD_XlaH4RmWHqbcC31YHbn2B_RAfJgPwraLE4H4r72RWQMJj_-ZpYumO3SGxjYU_2HV39g6u-Abvt2STcM4j8yYoXL6Sa0RSGvo1w=w720-h701-no  vhdJdjPz_Dz28KI444mqAPVWt_10DKxOG_XIH_RYJhROGPUHr8t5oKdR-YoM8NqgGO2Y764rG2OSafQAydAFMJEaD6hzAkgymSCOIzqVq0S2P2WHYICaxcnNv7D5MQsvGsT2CBEHLUj0IkD-VcpNEcNcpSZwx9_r71IeM-VvcvYw8H4fDvDwNHK9bH3rhxVZWOGwGD4B_laHehOL0tOxy_ZehvZGYnm6Khv5AGxrp4Er-6C3Xx030GJrIrqs5Iuwkv-c6iB14OJA1FIxjBgQloA0hyqB1PWADtEP1sIvSdkxWjLtZBP_SnXHdD8P47n0EZneJPjGjyxyPjYE3LntOMBYWLbVNdD8xF0he4JEsSGovK-f4mRiyj_6wj2xmGI5wGwHEeceQ1wtb5ESdNDtbFyu78HtMIemRZdnWq0F_xLgBnnru3yRkNU0Kr2ZZp4JXEeCGJGERz1gLvM_e-lsslIQUoTBwpGbB3BZVvbePgwMDG9Ss0kzDk1uhlQwWms09lr5aHTwWcBsmrtOtxAjLztmIkctY2QX5CeVoamKtbJ6aOl8jpyCtBd2M_HM-ekD-ivxDW_QRve8RpxmUXSvh_Rmdx-ZLhtiyk25BXFgSgw1dwd03ZMfwzB2Qih8dv4QsL0zbC1BptXjW7B159bU7bv6QVVPJVtasqeppMt0obz_1vlguxH0REaUtJSQ5Sq0n52_8biYKqGe2NYqumYuQDDs7w=w1078-h1170-no


Next, as was already pointed out, the Hero helmets had just some white weathering on the rims of the hovi tips, but were not painted white on the inside. (I believe the text of the CRL here is actually incorrect, but the screencaps are clear.)




Reference Images:

JY-p7kqjhn5pN1MT45FXO7tamT9UbOwwOg3opyA2lzFUN0ckPV2Ui4HKdFM1mXBZBe8d8FOPIPCQ_43nXSL9oNh00amKViL3dHzmSWvj0ZW5guMBe12KOkYNDJmVVd0GHR7sW6EjnqZIClOYD8P5bTFnvPauOdMyGGS0n_7dKvotAlmQNSE_xaoUSXaeXzU-gzVO6kJD6tdwmVW-xXUnO69lgflx3ZgOsfPDRRvPE2MCx5tCFjE2-UuxKAcANuT69g3eqMRrNsBHzHsD4xAzjJdhIrw9to5P4NcDiohZrhhwS6ybH6w_h7kLAkzRohnFqLFzbIx17sxkezMA_s4uEtsK6A3QvlBCu2Gn5N2UDayGkv2DyHO2Z8rxaFI7DIADg60Qq5ASQq9z1kALYzAlk7vQXhxkFW1mmti6FB7pJpw4UhxTd5k_k_e6va9_0WODlX_ZONy7qkyQXisFMwERnPEzEtct2ufl4unm3rjT2liz3vXPVDb4cX4ojtCI3OdFEOI3NhgcpTAecXkjqE8knP8daEGs_QmSwmKOYR5gtTZaffuchHWuam6YLp4kd10IHDHLMDEgisR4msqK4dLWn2FpxXXOlc98Lwhhg-H7e-N5Pz_yKNR2dPD_XlaH4RmWHqbcC31YHbn2B_RAfJgPwraLE4H4r72RWQMJj_-ZpYumO3SGxjYU_2HV39g6u-Abvt2STcM4j8yYoXL6Sa0RSGvo1w=w720-h701-no  2rSquGxzPbYB7ohUYVsvnRvKThv3-v1fF-u7Aw6b



Continuing on, this is just a minor dressing detail, but when suiting up, be sure the black gaps are even. In this set of photos, your left forearm is sitting too high, and is actually touching your bicep, leaving a larger-than-desireable gap at the left wrist. Next time you're out for a troop, just have a handler give you a once-over to make sure you're looking your sharpest.






As your fellow troopers already mentioned, the corners of the ab buttons should be squared off, not rounded:






Your butt plate alignment is a little wonky. This is particularly obvious in one of your action shots, so we're recommending you add or tighten the strapping in that area. You could also consider doing some heat bending to make sure it wraps around your body properly. Be careful too about your left thigh running into the left side of your butt plate, as that can lead to painful armor bites.


99CECTat3vYqYvjHEILKudmsmcs1XhZbcSclXuUcoHOPMFlv63SXEqVCEVsOya_p9JdLuPmm55_CAqarnbvB-fUcloR1rkfQdoGO2gknlu1Cj1vxXKsQfBHUHmIJiF_-3enrETE5IXdl6S47w__SIy6d1H4DlwwOfV1NCZCD5tkCChszbH88OD5IZTvm_BTMn08_jjBmF0nvxoGBPMSNrZU7Z9sRCg0p54Gi2TMyGUe0bDgzvufq6oSrjaNeHThEdI5TDoFq8hOllW9O675u1YwKpkgK4Rl4FqOOG-jI85266UVxFay1EFJ3b1ST4aDc5V71gQee4dD-JwAvtMIhwfSm3gditZY730NpJEcQhr0gh6hty_Y3DL5M7K_UOjka_aziDeyd0lojefbtLCD6sbx0TEp9z7X4CJ7dxfeq6lOrX6Z_Wprld8qsQX9og-zbKFndg_Obs7qkQFzYD6VjPuJbVjS7wwV0VbGKB-N-ukoHaFUrHExorKuBKxbjd6U3VLUFhxHMaPsj2HtKCw7Wgvf8uxnjsM5DHuZOQL104XfEW-iZJBDWCJR08RdAlVXs_mLw83Xrx9BDrPaKuXeSX4RO6kI-DI9o9PzLYbd6WO-xd7zwEseA2yl4A1BSHFywHJU-Oaseli3Ye1mx4tI90fxjFbny449fEtd0XqeTqDdCjOddCowNL7S1AhAIp-s42oMQKgCn2NMMQCSPUDhwNxytjA=w878-h842-no  Yaon9pUin9M9UN9jcfesO-5ZRvnGWCbtY8qd4sjRVtTIV-A59DeguSd1vYhG7Une-LSw02sLWcZSBSPaUvZwhGqpwjBr7QU2YA4Q5dJwwk1J8jNzRj7C4oM6jcoDRgpruO74RSKPjWywkuwk-E8e5W4w9ZHb3gHWlhFQMTfaAFn5D48RePMvr2zt8idzS9Tq1vl-FmWrPtSoKPbcH5yQQ00ris-mi3z3RSpNg0zuT845e871tnhyab7wu48Ih_Xvx69ONsXGV0Q4KGUuIsb_pzfePMdHAN_jFAbXdwE1k6ckLGqm4OhUEtevRykVIkXEdyUHCuFa4O_8wfS3AcfnoU8-XGfz9XKgbbBw0t6BOXQsUig-JXa8La739lGlcscX4smAkZp5ZePHBrvzRKIMMEXWygJQv4T03sQNAzZOCsiPfgURl4qMX7xewxPfqJiXmKp5DfUv7pAYLxa__1dX7TUD9pmjiNZz6Qre6doocRVMCVSbfn1PEHxbb9TOMebBHU-ANB0NddZRgiNfX9FpEbS9rveYUfaqynvMMRJ1n_vDutkAKnZCLl4evfCX_zDa5PA8iRK73RbLy6fk6FrIVnQ4I0amDGDH93E-dA2apE4rcpSo0HvxSNIhTXaDHYH9Q-9g8xc2ONjIMevB2yDGiSRFWYUV3YlgspsfgSnXdiGRE602y-f6PVYFCpmULxKd4FmZ4iB4bEdS-NT4BHJ9S37j-w=w635-h558-no  NNBFQWVmkhrDuKGsuXZkU3SxIqT1M1pSTYgZAmR5tJlAgx4IwOUkgtWMqQY39Nty51IIOtHVJ951nHHOrfl0qADOUxPU2ovuzTKYIyl9jeSu6_LJyUhP3up7fF-1dwOYinp7mWnsyGOuy1frwXbJcw1NeAtlSihOxohnUUS61GVRzqEkLypuVPrC-a7f7-Vsv2VrFCS4fI1yI_YmySvrJhkzNOzBDvKRKvM5ZZqkCNe6MJ1V1kHC6la02oDL6ad85dPfk2KQjNkXUJvMFa9r3qW0-QZiEDttwBSMn4n-Cej3zq7oOk3vxsadPqH11WeXJhkQYlxgZx6VvZyvuhw_Wd8custl2qaAVYa_ImgMLDnXVR-Zml3ycDWlcXXz7HmYM8la4gJZFdo2sqEYr6ydY0qZC7BCP-m5f7kQlO1IfwEJY00JgNDkeiach_9e2uRZh8itYzAgM6o5D8Sng5onDzfPzyq4-1Ov4qYynGLDZwaEp4P0piBf-NbnQfXYj_teeaT2t2QI_JUhSbJm2Xa5osGOllZcSKLOj9hxpBLyBZ5ypV3x6dme1tXZCkIQS-qsF8xcB3CBKidUEjoKGNwHWdiveno3lJ-hMdsKUVxClrvxVJ6CBohTCByAV0NIIHKrXqsA9kXETnZ3rvNqh985p4pfgtTZ0Y3Q2HW9idi8Lv1_wJ3HDv61CV6uyXx9pWgItnwmGJ1gsEpTVILeJ5wLkpoE9w=w787-h624-no


Reference Images:

U7430-ZZcnrsKTkVSsAnEIvV0VOFvFtdgNjeLotf  DZCJGZpK3fUrDDit8LX9_71XWFiIDXiOGgR1OLtk


Finally, as was already pointed out, you may want to double check your calf closures, as your left one appears to be sitting a bit open. The best advice I got during my build is to make sure my calves stay closed without any fasteners at all. I personally use Velcro, but I also did a bunch of heat bending to make sure my calves want to stay closed, even without the Velcro.




Reference Image:



Centurion Requirements

In this section we prepare you for Centurion. More photos may be requested in the future that allow us to make better decisions on possible adjustments. If there are any areas of concern they will be discussed here.

Because Centurion photos show much more detail than EIB, items to pertaining to Centurion might be seen there and not here. We try to point out all that we can from what is seen, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper.


You did reach Centurion with this set of armor already (congratulations!) but after consulting with @msouza and @TheSwede, there are a few small corrections we're going to have you make before applying for Centurion with your Hero. Hopefully you'll agree they're in the interest of making you look your absolute best, and none of them should be very difficult to make.


First, we'd like you to trim off all of the return edge on the vertical ab buttons. While this is not an item specifically called out in the CRL text, we do consider reference images when doing application reviews, and it should be a simple fix. Pry off the vertical ab buttons, trim off all the return edge so they sit completely flat, then re-glue.




Reference Images:


OPrtOFwGhAVXCBiJgUbg6UTTzp2bxn5u74yALGhy7HQktw9Y0yEbpMrfIt8JzmF9D7chX5ew9IMHzR-4PUMKuRnaMknYWr0yyCivfg__sXkMo1-c3m8v5HKVBUe-6EVmZ3zZfuJOwxGd0ihWUQKMd9Ph1eliGN8-ZU4Vec9RxDNVkHH2g0xxgUZHZ54ByqG5dF5zGxE3_Ir3HG4IwD8ZT8E5cAjSnaPNYepmaTAecxtKd3Yyg_W5Xz5NFkgKXWufEGr7Quc1RI_yj0J_rFIBgjxAjq5kiCbWcFMyNCeM2aJMm1dHpxrR6XQ-uhzdVaVD-YysFX3yNvYQzZY77hghYn_CCdIQF7KEhXh-v38NBe0AoNqdgEeniN5i3zO30uWFPOBC8Eqlnavu57bnnkCt8QBZK70Sr7LaJi2086vNSz4Z7xk9VCRdg7RFifyLfIzkPCaKO4Gs2hYv-4I_Bab5ooPyVeRcjbC8k9y45mdpjCw5qHZ45mVghrq3HlIOADZdWai0b8tRF4y2WAaZ831oANTkWcARs55-lQWvRcbFQqpY_wdKSDYmpe-dmMTAES2FcwKpwusuuYNjWBu-gZPSX2mU5p311RT3w2BRsHUBC0FKwPfys0xfFHSeX5BSQ7TcAQHEViFJeKgCXtbsZwkVdd0XM3OqbA9-h2qvqRU04ETBGcXyUVvCRvXd1cIYLYwDFNWSvZmRhApxrDYwo3pmoC2Acw=w1024-h768-no  7a12gpKNy4CNjNzHpXj763XTPl1089siAhGX8xCZ7-Ve84cpG5FI_j9TQLL8jMs_1NsH8PWXyPAAxUclRznIO0VRhuTN_NpwzUJYbNUHM9cvA-IWDw674l7JQxDhiZSiGKcX0JA8_8Y8Uhthze4EMoq4AjQJmM1CJi6qgVAW7e_7Wx0CAnYxeyNp58-MMfFyFoEKeXa5ZoyACeUGPeu7Oe7VYIu6Xvpyswquc6Rzubv4Bga3EmAbOKgf-AQgOIOvHoGWdWthF6Hqj1y4rts312VHCv31XVYRmeQoTJ7ImZ4SzgEzWfB68bx0hSSyc6i0fXYXzZh7UG-Qe4YVb9JoqCT7Z9rjqv3ebeUXx8xjWQxiEEdQUJiME2pEPjREPNt33Rcetyx5QKTPT-5-LVOGT9MuPLweoI7mmPVx_QAs4Sf-KKyRygWxHtNi2MWhSwxyvyzMzn_y3BxE2TmpOxRi8II7UpRV0nZTuUkdd5S9_fpQELezb6iUX5Ql2DfySd0Gv70bt6bDdGWGucBtY6ijXNCxd7gftrjtdP6wpIMcDvA9wGai3gPsx95ScM960Qj3-Gke_kyMHIeGqPB3PsbDI490jTvu99qePxz5fMXYsWYCz9uiC1CRqXxXEsxgu0019mQKk5IAQXzhzP66rebI-gDhV5U4eAdOGp27wtEwAfgdGl2swiIvey3KXN4QZvQCvOJhLoDCF3CkYi_03pqsOn7CmA=w768-h1024-no


Next, the L3 CRL states:


  • Back plate shall have no, or minimal overlap of the kidney plate.


The right side of your back plate is overlapping the kidney. I actually had to make the exact same correction on my own application, as I have scoliosis so my back is curved. I corrected it by adding some foam underneath the right shoulder bridge, bringing the right side of my back plate higher. In your case, it may even simply be a matter of how you're standing in the photo.




Reference Images:

QF10TW19MYHm0EcM5fRJVijvzNAB3JrKqYpsa7kM9lXSsf2E11U8zqqlDBDfq6ariAHOzrxlUQzGECYY0rim862Wr2tukGV_5vvyenwGAshYAvcSAQyF3v14hqI3jqvYdOpcza3LUt1ZyeMTF13bPCJcfKBZhV6YOoVrWuCx-wEbg8sBZZVMYrwT0wevHLBERV9QH-xk04okjV5ASs9qw4SQZ8obD50LPltsUnwxy-OvZkjP_Ud4Zm7CFz_38nIxSJyfOMAzcXKqvJORDv3yNb6gRiuG0gaonvphVdKAyIFL-YV5Kr4jGRgKrya78ytJnZLSVo2FzmjvxjO_bH0F8tiNxn721szvZNZzqFsNrrGQjJjg1gXrDTiys8Cj3IQdNsn6td-ONzZs6DLn3paxvnbzC4lF1wrPrIaqLoq0-QqycClwW2MSSSMrHdO_lwxprJ7FQWWk6PZGiA5i-aYW-OqPMaMtgL0qHWpbNWU3RrEZ751KFEMyKAEyolImEHBG62BPPZ-IYDWYzSOfJqMt76w6XIcOotP1AOtCO5nY1CxRkSRjf_lUTn6e5ochMKul8GEgbntY5Cd2bVf4Tvd8kqRjjPoFZvCx5h9A2OOs1Li9RiZw7eERwU15KKE1N6VwDmFfRYKT48DvoLvvGUZy-XntWpp26plwjLYb8UxPak1i1f-AH7DrLVXlmfje3ov3UpbtfEvAr2emXwjRo02ejV3h8g=w290-h477-no  U7430-ZZcnrsKTkVSsAnEIvV0VOFvFtdgNjeLotf


This looks like something overlooked in your original Centurion application, but the L3 CRL states:


  • No return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed.


It's possible it's just the photo, but your forearms appear to have a few areas that still have return edge, so those will need to be trimmed.




Reference Images:





And that's it! Congrats on your second EIB award, and we shall see you very soon for your second Centurion! 


Hello Sha Sha,


Thank you again for everything.  I have a couple of questions and comments.  So the funny thing about the Hovi tips is that I had them right the first time, exactly like the photo, but then for whatever reason, I thought oh wow I need to whiten them, hahaha so I took them apart and whitened the inside and rim.  hahahaha  Argh.  So question for you, are they solid black, or have white around the edge?  They look solid black in the photo to me.  So question on the tip would be, rim, inside wall and inside backing? 


Everything else, is good to go,  I will make the changes per suggestions no problem.  The edges are all cleaned down already, the backplate and arms was just a standing and strapping adjustment, so that is done.  Ab plates as well.


My only concern is my helmet ears.  I kinda worked hard to get them to fit and have just slight gaps.  I kinda really dont want to widen those ear gaps that much.  To be honest, I kinda dread that and feel like it will ruin my helmet.  How much flexibility is there in that?  I can make the change and adjustment, but in the long run I think I would adjust it back.  So I am curious, is it flexible if I leave that alone and I hope you guys will agree to that.  It's one of the things I just dont like about the helmets, the excessive gap, plus I just dont think it looks that good for the public appearances and all.


Tube stripes not a problem, I will widen then.  Shins,  I will work at tightening their fit as well.


Thank you and the entire team very much.  Sincerely 501st is an amazingly helpful and encouraging group of people.  I am involved in a lot of extremely dynammic things in my life and high profile things and NEVER have I experienced a group of more welcoming and helpful people that are so encouraging of everyone becoming better.  Just Awesome.  Thank you to everyone.


Ardeshir R.

TK 42128




  • Like 2
3 hours ago, equuspolo said:


Hello Sha Sha,


Thank you again for everything.  I have a couple of questions and comments.  So the funny thing about the Hovi tips is that I had them right the first time, exactly like the photo, but then for whatever reason, I thought oh wow I need to whiten them, hahaha so I took them apart and whitened the inside and rim.  hahahaha  Argh.  So question for you, are they solid black, or have white around the edge?  They look solid black in the photo to me.  So question on the tip would be, rim, inside wall and inside backing? 


Everything else, is good to go,  I will make the changes per suggestions no problem.  The edges are all cleaned down already, the backplate and arms was just a standing and strapping adjustment, so that is done.  Ab plates as well.


My only concern is my helmet ears.  I kinda worked hard to get them to fit and have just slight gaps.  I kinda really dont want to widen those ear gaps that much.  To be honest, I kinda dread that and feel like it will ruin my helmet.  How much flexibility is there in that?  I can make the change and adjustment, but in the long run I think I would adjust it back.  So I am curious, is it flexible if I leave that alone and I hope you guys will agree to that.  It's one of the things I just dont like about the helmets, the excessive gap, plus I just dont think it looks that good for the public appearances and all.


Tube stripes not a problem, I will widen then.  Shins,  I will work at tightening their fit as well.


Thank you and the entire team very much.  Sincerely 501st is an amazingly helpful and encouraging group of people.  I am involved in a lot of extremely dynammic things in my life and high profile things and NEVER have I experienced a group of more welcoming and helpful people that are so encouraging of everyone becoming better.  Just Awesome.  Thank you to everyone.


Ardeshir R.

TK 42128




Hey Ardeshir,


I just want to be clear that the suggestions section is only that - suggestions. Not required at all, and certainly things like the helmet ears are more difficult than others. We definitely don't want you to be taking on anything that you're uncomfortable with.


As far as applying for Centurion, the only required changes are the items under the Centurion section. 


Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. :)


-Sha Sha

1 hour ago, shashachu said:

Hey Ardeshir,


I just want to be clear that the suggestions section is only that - suggestions. Not required at all, and certainly things like the helmet ears are more difficult than others. We definitely don't want you to be taking on anything that you're uncomfortable with.


As far as applying for Centurion, the only required changes are the items under the Centurion section. 


Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. :)


-Sha Sha

She Sha hahaha awesome.  I’m fully comfortable making all the changes  the ears are just a matter of preference for me so that one I may just pass on because I like this look better hahaha everything else I will get done.  Also the suggestions are awesome and I really appreciate it 

1 hour ago, TheSwede said:

Congrats on second EIB:duim:

Thank you brother. Appreciate it very much 


So sorry for the question again.  Does this get a separate EIB number or the same EIB number as my previous?

1 hour ago, equuspolo said:

So sorry for the question again.  Does this get a separate EIB number or the same EIB number as my previous?

You only ever get one EIB number. We set a goal of getting 1000 troopers approved for EIB a couple of years ago, so each trooper only gets one EIB number, no matter how many approvals they have.

  • Like 1
59 minutes ago, shashachu said:

You only ever get one EIB number. We set a goal of getting 1000 troopers approved for EIB a couple of years ago, so each trooper only gets one EIB number, no matter how many approvals they have.

Excellent.  That is fantastic.  Thank you.  I like that, makes it much easier to keep track.  Appreciate it Sha Sha

On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 2:18 AM, equuspolo said:

Thank you Tony, appreciate it Brother.  And thank you for the amazing products and support.

Always glad to be of help and thanks for the kudos



5 hours ago, ukswrath said:

Always glad to be of help and thanks for the kudos

Hey Tony, here it is all installed and working





  • Like 2
14 hours ago, Bazz said:

Congratulations brother !

Thank you brother 

10 hours ago, Alay said:

Congrats :)

Thank you very much. Appreciate the support 

10 hours ago, Harbinger said:

Congrats. Fancy helmet interior.

Thank you thank you.  It was a ton of work hahah

9 hours ago, TKSpartan said:

cool ! :th_AnimatedBravoSmiley:

Thank you thank you 

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