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Hello everyone, I would like to start off saying how much I respect everyone here, putting so much time and effort into this amazing group. So I have a question, I will be attending a comic con in Virginia Beach, I am in the process of making some pretty detailed and accurate armor from EVA Foam, I know it is not 501st approved but when it comes to meeting fellow Stormtroopers who might be approved, will they look down or make fun of me? All I want is people to enjoy what I’ve had made and to maybe even take a photo or two. I’m here for guidance and wisdom or even some advice. Thank you so much also here’s the guy who made the instructions to the armor, applause to this guy for this insane task:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/558687253/stormtrooper-full-armor-foam-templates?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-craft_supplies_and_tools-patterns_and_how_to-other&utm_custom1=be719dc5-04b6-41eb-8093-85149a663b7a&utm_content=go_270947675_41952121816_190744325180_pla-297065912291_m__558687253&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjvXeBRDDARIsAC38TP5c5itMMkeC00J20o0yyF2C5DeZUiXIvr6ygkdjzRX3ew7YgTYzcJUaAiIBEALw_wcB

Edited by VillaMJ20
Including Link for reference

Hi Micah!  I doubt VERY seriously that anyone from the 501st will look down on you.   We (especially those of here) realize that cons are all getting decked out and having fun.  Believe me, we see all sorts of TK "armor" made by fans who may just want to be a Stormtrooper for Halloween or special events, and some of them are actually really nice!

Looks like you have quite a task in front of you with the EVA foam build, but I'm sure it will be a fun one.  Feel free to post up pics of your build, ( I assure you, no one will make fun of you) and who knows... one day you might even get hooked enough to go all the way with a set of 501st approvable armor!  ;)



I’d really hope that nobody looks down upon you. As a costumer, I love to see variety at events. Some of my favourite costumes at big cons have been made of EVA, cardboard etc.

If the bug really gets you, look into ABS armour kits when funds allow and you could go that route in the future.

Btw, I saw this build on YouTube a while back. Is it 501st approvable? No.
But, is it AWESOME? Hell yes!! :-)

Best wishes


The Kilted Trooper Brigade is awesome and worthy for sure, but in my heart my favorites will always be the muppet troopers.


Also to be clear the mission of FISD is to be a supportive community for all things Stormtrooper.  Making fun variations is just that - fun!  If anyone looks down on you, they are doing it wrong. ;-)

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