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Lease expensive way to start

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I was wondering what the best way to start getting involved with the 501st. Preferably the least expensive way, whether modding a blaster, or purchasing a helmet. I'm just really bored, and would love to be doing something constructive that will also save time later, once i get my actual armor. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate all the insight that has been given!

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Could contact your local garrison, express intrest in helping out an upcoming troop. Be costume support, and give your time to an event.


You will get lots of insight on wearing the rig as well...

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You can never have enough wranglers/handlers/spotters/photographers at an event.


If you're looking for things to do until you get your armor. Just take a look around on here. Work on a belt, pick up a MRCE bucket and start modding it, find an E-11 to work on, get your boots (nothing like rockin' the white disco boots when you are not wearing your armor)...

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If money is tight you could do an officer uniform which you could then wear for trooping. We always try to have a few folks in officer uniforms to help handle the crowds, take the photos, and watch our backs.

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