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Pyrates and the March to EIB & Centurion


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You were VERY wise to glue the lenses in before mounting them, Aaron, and here is why:

I hollowed out the entire center of the scope on my first DD resin build, and then glued the lenses in. Big mistake. Since it was an airtight seal, the fumes from the superglue had no place to ventilate and permanently fogged up both lenses. I may be dating myself here, but those who saw "Beverly Hills Cop" may remember detective Foley using CA glue fumes to collect fingerprints from a fishtank. Same principal.

"Banana in the tailpipe"?


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With my blaster complete, I would like give many thanks to all who helped make the E-11 Blaster reference located in our "Weapons Locker" Forum, it can be found here:




As well as appreciation to my fellow troopers who piped in with some extra details to help make this blaster closer to the real thing - many grateful thanks mates!

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All right, time to get back to the armor which I've been working on concurrently while working on my blaster.


I am providing photos from our Photo Reference Gallery to compare to my own armor, and they can be found here:



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Helmet Review:


EIB requirements:

•Lenses are green bubble or smoke bubble only. - ✔️


Reference Photo:




My bucket:





•Ears shall have two screws per side, one above the ear bar and one at the base of the helmet. - ✔️


Reference Photo:





My bucket:





•Ear bars have three bumps only, not four. - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My bucket:





•Traps/tears and tube stripes shall have the correct ANH TK details. - ✔️


Reference Photo:





My bucket:





•Correct 'Hovi mic' aerator tips. - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My bucket:





Centurion requirements:


•Ear bars have only one bump painted in black (rank stripes). - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My bucket:






Neck trim has an s-type profile, rather than a u-type profile. - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My bucket:



Tears/traps are hand painted or use decals that emulate hand painted (with correct ANH TK details). - ✔️


Reference Photo:







My bucket:







Done! Moving along, moving along

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It was brought to my attention, thanks to Joseph , that the T-Tracks on your E-11 Blaster DO NOT get weathering.


I have repainted the T-Tracks





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Neck Seal -


EIB requirements:


•Neck seal includes a front and back fabric bib that goes over the undersuit, but does not cover the sides of the body. - ✔️


Reference Photo: (from our CRL)



My neck seal:


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Shoulder Straps -


EIB requirements:

•No visible rivets are allowed.


Reference Photo:



My shoulder straps:



Centurion requirements:

•These shall free float in back. - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My shoulder straps:





•These shall be glued in front. - ✔️


•The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via a white elastic band to the white fabric that connects/bridges the chest and back piece. - ✔️

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Shoulder Bells -


Centurion requirements:


•If your shoulder bells have the swoop, the left shoulder bell ” swoop” points forward toward the chest, and the right shoulder bell ”swoop” points backwards toward the back armor. - ✔️


My AP shoulder bells have a very slight swoop, but are barely noticeable - I have tried to darken the photos as much as possible to show the shadow.


Reference Photo:



My shoulder bells:





Really IMO there are no distinguishable swoops like there are on other armors.

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I'm curious, you know that the lenses are supposed to be green (even if we do allow grey at the moment, something that can change at any time) why not go green lenses?


PS, you're mixing references, the s-trim helmet is ROTJ. Be careful about mixing movies since they are not necessarily compatible.

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I'm curious, you know that the lenses are supposed to be green (even if we do allow grey at the moment, something that can change at any time) why not go green lenses?


PS, you're mixing references, the s-trim helmet is ROTJ. Be careful about mixing movies since they are not necessarily compatible.

The bubble lenses were with a supplier that was sold out of the green, so I ordered the smoke grey for the time being. To do due diligence I ordered a pair of the green bubble lenses so that if the CRL changes that I have suitable replacements to keep with the standard.


I've been using the pics from the ANH picture references, and the CRL for stunt and Hero - can I get your help correcting the misinformation? I don't want to lead troopers down the wrong path as the intent of this thread is to help troopers refer to the reference pictures while building their armor and to help them review.


Thanks very kindly for your assistance good sir, I greatly appreciate it!

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The bubble lenses were with a supplier that was sold out of the green, so I ordered the smoke grey for the time being. To do due diligence I ordered a pair of the green bubble lenses so that if the CRL changes that I have suitable replacements to keep with the standard.


I've been using the pics from the ANH picture references, and the CRL for stunt and Hero - can I get your help correcting the misinformation? I don't want to lead troopers down the wrong path as the intent of this thread is to help troopers refer to the reference pictures while building their armor and to help them review.


Thanks very kindly for your assistance good sir, I greatly appreciate it!

Ah, that makes sense. :)

The picture I'm referring to is this:


As you can see in our ROTJ gallery that's how they look inside, not how the ANH helmets do.


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Ah, that makes sense. :)

The picture I'm referring to is this:


As you can see in our ROTJ gallery that's how they look inside, not how the ANH helmets do.


Awesome good sir! Thank-you, I will correct that ASAP.


This is the photo I was supposed to post:




Here's the link:



My bad my friends.

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Forearms -


Centurion requirements:

•No return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed. - ✔️


•Forearms must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. - ✔️


Reference Photo:



My forearms:


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Hand guards -


Centurion requirements:

•Hand guards shall be latex or latex-like, painted white, affixed to rubber gloves in lieu of plastic hand guards. - ✔️


Now it should be known that there were actually two styles of hand guards used in ANH as seen below.


Reference Photos:





I actually have two sets of guards:


One set from JustJoseph63 - which can be obtained from our "On-Going" sales forum here:




I bought his "Stunt style" and they are freaking mint! However they need some maintenance after a year of trooping with them - through my own abuse - and they need a new coat of white latex paint. I intend to get his "Alternative Style/ Hero Guards" as a later upgrade as funds are a bit tight at the moment.


The other set from TrooperBay, that I acquired through the generosity of a fellow member of the garrison member.


Here they are:

My poor abused JJ63 guards and gloves



TrooperBay guards and gloves



And seeing as mentioned gloves we might as well check those bad boys off the list.


Gloves -


EIB requirements:


•Gloves shall be rubber or rubber-like chemical gloves, in black. - ✔️

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Chest Plate -


Centurion requirements:


•Chest and back shall be connected with a white fabric or preferably elastic strap at the shoulders. - ✔️


AM chest plate must be replaced with a more screen accurate version. - Not applicable


Reference Photo:



My chest Plate:


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