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Never make fun of a stormtrooper...


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Last night, two other professors and myself had to attend a local film-festival event as part of our duties at the school where we teach animation, digital video, multimedia, etc. Our invitations to the event, hosted by a local production-company to spotlight local films, stated that all guests should attend as our "favorite movie characters." Needless to say, TK-4267 got to go out that night...


My two fellow professors, both of whom are also friends of mine, helped me don the armor and went into the event with me, all the while teasing me constantly about my armor, being a "Star Wars geek," etc. When we got inside the event, however, which was at a nightclub, my TK armor stopped all conversation - nobody had ever seen anything like that before, evidently. I spent the entire rest of the evening having my picture taken with everybody in the club, particularly all the local actresses.


My two friends/fellow professors are now looking at joining the 501st. :D

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