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one day at a time A-Aron.. one challenge at a time.. Laughs

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Posted (edited)

Dear Newbie,


I have noticed you have been spending a lot of time on the forums and going to Armor Parties.. I think it's time I explained the Rules about these "items"... that's what we'll call the combination for now...


Rule #1, be careful...

I know you don't care as much for somethings but you must be careful with other things.. accidents, mishaps, and funky colored armor carriers can land you in a world of hurt.. nick name wise... Simple things.. like talking about mesh in frowns.. I knew a guy once.. he asked about it.. next thing ya know he's being called Meshie... True story.

Anyway.. it's okay.. most of the time the names don't stick.. but be warned.. sometimes they do.. ask Clamps.


Rule#2, These items are there in times of need...

Listen good on this one.. if you get stuck, or you are tired, or you think you know what you are doing.. STOP! Re-read, ask questions and get to parties.. yes yes.. I know.. many of the parties end in galactic Keggers, but a lot of work and wisdom is shared.Ā 

Sometimes it's better to be rendered unconscious than to work tired.. mistakes happen.. be alert, wear the proper safety stuff and read!

With these items you must do all you can to ensure you listen and follow the experience of those that know... by the way.. your shoe lace is untied...


HAH! Made you look!! Stormtroopers don't wear shoes with laces!!


Rule#3, you have to set limits...

I love going on 3 day benders of building as much as the next.. but when it's over.. it's over.. if you don't get the hint from your crazy eyes.. then you get out of there and go meet some friends for a drink or something and present them with all your whining about the struggles you face.. they've been there before.. they will understand..


Rule #4, be assertive..

If you need something for your items.. you buy it.. borrow it.. but never steal it.. we are bad troopers doing good things after all and we do stick together as a family.. Be sure to also name-tag, etch, markerize, or paint your name, initials or whatever on all your tools so you know they are yours... things move around during parties and well.. you want to leave with what you came in with... unless that is.. you wish to leave something you came in with.. then that's okay..


Rule#5, Talking isn't over rated.

Ask questions until the experienced people pull out their hair and run screaming into the night... trust me, this is a funny thing to watch and it will usually start the drinking earlier than expected. All wish to help, but there is a limit.. be sure to reach that limit at every chance.. honest.. - evil laugh -

Just be sure with all your talking that you remember and follow the instructions given to help you on your journey.. and yes.. there are "clicks". Every group has em.. it's okay.. flutter around and you'll find where you fit.


Rule#6, Blood...

99% of the population has cut themselves for not paying attention or doing something they shouldn't.. no one needs to see it. Don't post pictures of it!! All it does is tell the world that you were stupid and hurt yourself. Wear protection. Safety is always first over everything. Why risk yourself and possibly prevent yourself from continuing on this journey.. Cut proof gloves, eye protection and hearing protection when needed.. and please read instructions.. wear respirators and such when the warnings say toxic.. breathing in too much E6000 for instance isn't a good thing.. build smart.. not fast. If in doubt, take a friend, borrow the gear and test it out.. I did this once.. I took a friend, used a borrowed glove and watched him run the blade of a knife over it again and again to see if it cut.. it didn't.. it was epic.. don't try it though.. let your friend do it.. - Laughs -

In the end.. be careful.. if you don't you could be one of the ones that posts a cut picture and ends up with a nick name like Cutty McCutmyselfsome.


Rule#7, Items of this nature have a rhythm.

Sometimes you may need some alone time, even a lot of alone time.. **breaks are good** They help you re-evaluate and re-energize within your journey. Just know that when you need the "items" mentioned above..Ā  you just ask for them and they'll be around again and you can read more .. or perhaps come to my massive build thread that has much of my emotional journey in it as well.. and you'll see.. at times it seems like you are climbing Everest.. and other times you are floating down a gentle river of molten lava.. both get your heart pumping by the way.. and both wear you out. Just remember --> others have done it and survived.. so can you..


That ends this installment of Dear Newbie.. now back to our regularly scheduled bout of insanity.. aka my build.

Edited by Brattie
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:) the wait continues. Need to figure out the next steps on my blaster build.
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Hiya James.. never left.. always building.. just 2 builds on the go at the same time.. hehehe

Posted (edited)

Alright, I haven't heard back from the FISD staff so I'm gathering that it's okay to talk about the Charity thing I'm doing.


On June 11th I will be participating in Relay for Life in Brampton, Ontario.Ā  (This is not a 501st event)


I have spoken with the Event Coordinator and Star Wars costumes and such are permitted and she loved the idea of having some of my friends around in their gear as well.


Unfortunately, the school at the event will be closed so it will be parking lot changing, and we are waiting on information on if Blasters etc are permitted.


If you are interested in more information on this event please let me know...


I am representing Team Heartandsoul and walking for my friend Maryanne that died in 2014 of bone cancer and I have offered to walk for Marshal as well! He's a little 5 year old that has been posted about on FISD and FB.





I spoke to the Coordinator and she advised that they are okay with the movie prop weapons however as there will be police at the event and everyone wants to be safe... the Police will ultimately have final say.


I suggested we meet the officers and show them our blasters, etc so they can let us know if it's alright. Perhaps hang twist ties from our weapons to show they are props or something.

Edited by Brattie
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awww James.. The laugh I needed. Thank you I lā™„ve it!

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Update: Slight set back on a few things.. but that's okay.. trying to sort out where to go from here but hoping still to have something ready by the RFL. A little stressed out but going one day at a time.


Drawing SW funnies seems to help a bit.. enjoy!

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Posted (edited)
What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly?
Game of Clones

Edited by Brattie
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Posted (edited)

Alright.. it is all a learning experience!


This is something all recruits and soon to be members should know. It was a great learning experience on what to do especially when I'm super excited about getting out and trooping.


So here's what happened:


I have posted about doing work with Relay for Life and raising money. It is hoped that I will be able to participate in the event with my Jawa costume or my TK.Ā  I started asking friends... some of the 501st and some not, if they'd join me at the event to hang out and support me in this cause...

Then I started hearing all this stuff about how bad it could be to do this and that some were hesitant about coming. I freaked!!!Ā  I had no idea what to do!!! I didn't want any issues.


I then learned that participating in a non-501st event could be trickyĀ  :blink:


So what did I do?


When in Doubt... ASK!!! :th_AnimatedBravoSmiley:


I asked another high ranking garrison member and the local Garrison GML for advice. It was the best thing I could have done!!


There is a very fine line with events and representation of the 501st. Everyone needs to be careful if it's a non-501st event. Remember that you are there on your own as a costumer and it's important to be sure that there isn't any confusion with this issue.


Generally speaking any event that you participate in should be through a request form for 501st events once you are a member. This is because no one would want an event organizer thinking the 501st is involved in activities that the command and legion did not know about.


It is alright to do what you want with your costume. You own it.Ā  As a "soon to be member" you don't want people thinking you are "a member" of the 501st when you aren't YET (YET being the important thing), so be careful with what you say.Ā 


Example: If I said I was "hoping to become a 501st member" at a non-501st event that could lead to someone telling someone else that "that person is going to be in the 501st" and then as chatter spreads it could turn into "that person is in the 501st". Have you ever played the game "operator"?Ā  You have now entered the realm of misrepresentation. You don't want that.




Things to remember:


1)When at a Non-501st event it is important to ensure you are there on your own and should not in any capacity refer to yourself as a member of the 501st. It is not acceptable to misrepresenting yourself (member or not) as 501st as it is very problematic.


2)Ensure when changing it's done in a private place. Don't have large 501st badges and such displayed as this could lead to a problem


3)Ensure the Event Organizer is aware that you are there on your own and not as a member of the 501st.


4)If you plan to carry your prop weapon, it's helpful to check with the Event Organizer and the local Police.




I am so grateful to my friends here and for all of their support and I'd never want to have issues with anyone. I look forward to my future with the 501st and to supporting so many great causes.


I hope all find this helpful as a little advice to help you stay on the right track.


:dancing-trooper: Have fun and good trooping!! :dancing-trooper:

Edited by Brattie
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I spend most of my time helping others. I do nothing but help my neighbors and yet last night the disrespect that I overheard as two neighbors started talking crap about me not knowing that I was at the window washing dishes.


this is how I feel today..




I cut 5 lawns on a regular basis because these buggers are sick, or can't get to it. We have elderly people around too. Everyone is struggling. But why take it out on me? Why make fun of me for doing something I like? I help remove old tree stumps, do yard work, and all sorts of other stuff and yet even though I spend all this time doing good things for others.. I have to put up with that?




Just a bad day all around.


Today's song.



Going to be focusing on my blaster.. sanding, drilling out some spots to replace a piece etc.


Build Update!!


Yes that's right.. I have an update..


My Jawa.. is Almost done!



Posted (edited)

Probably Next week :)


Need to:

  1. Find Black Gloves
  2. Put wraps on Boots
  3. Make some small adjustments to the bandoliers
Edited by Brattie
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Posted (edited)

Well.. we are approaching Page 44 .. there is a lot to be said to all that have donated to this journey of mine to the 501st and soon it will be drawing to a close.


I have had a few comment about the length of my build thread.. but as stated in the title.. this is a JOURNEY to the 501st.. it's a journal in a way of all the challenges, triumphs and failures faced during this trip and of all the people that have stood up to offer help.


So with that.. here is my latest entry into this thread...


My Jawa is going to be the first entry into the 501st within the next week most likely. I am disappointed in this, but at the same time so very excited.

I will still continue my build thread here with my TK but hopefully.. pending approval.. I'll be in the 501st.. and the journey will be over.

That being said... I wanted to take a moment to say a few things.

First.. Thanks guys!


Advice for others:

For any newbie reading this.. hang on tight if you are just starting your builds.. it is a roller coaster of emotions... here are just a few of them...



Ordering expensive items from individuals you have never met nor heard of and investing large quantities of funds in them hoping to receive a product that will be up to snuff.



Wait times, different views on each item, CRLs, Screen shots, trying to find the best information to prepare you for this journey, hearing from the plethora of people that have walked this road before and still hitting road blocks as you face the challenge of the build.


Paint schemes, weathering, etc. All fun but somewhat frustrating as you try so very hard to match what you can to make it "movie accurate"



Hours, days, weeks, months of work after your normal job, and continuing onward as you build your gear, make different things, adjust each part, and fit it all into your regularly scheduled work day /Ā  weekend /Ā  etc. Burning the candle at both ends trying to prepare even for the build ahead, investing massive amounts of time trying to ensure you have all the information you need for each item and each part of your build.


I could go through every feeling and have some reference to this build process!!Ā  :laugh1:


Now at this point you might think I'm being negative. I'm not, this is the truth about building stormtrooper armor. Even after your build is completed there will be, maintenance, repairs, adjustments, and armor bites.Ā Ā  So get use to it now.


Through all of that however, I doubt "dear newbie/recruit" that you will find a single person here that is not happy with what they have accomplished. That doesn't love trooping and putting smiles on peoples faces. That doesn't bask in the joy of being a plastic space man or woman!!


A friend laughed at me just yesterday when I spoke about all of this and how amazing this group of people is as they try to do a little bit of good


"I can't imagine a bunch of adults dressing up .. all over a movie.. it's insane.. and spending money on all that stuff.. it's nuts" is the sum of what he said.



Some people don't understand and may never "get it"


If you aren't aware that you are going to face some ridicule over your choices to become a character of the movie. If you can't handle that... then you have a lot of thinking to do.


You will have to weigh the pros and cons but before you judge.. Perhaps my Build thread will give you an idea of it all.. the pauses, the jokes, the music, all just trying to keep myself from pulling out my hair as this journey moves forward.. and even when it seems paused.. it is still moving.


If you still aren't sure then I would suggest that you should head out to an event.. watch the 501st, talk to them, see just how great this group of people can be. I know some members of the Canadian Garrison. The members I have met by doing that exact thing. They would be best described as a huge family, it's the only word that fits this group of people.

They are always checking in on each other, willing to just chat, wanting to help each other and in the process doing good things. No one is alone when you are part of a team. (T.E.A.M -> Together Everyone Achieves More)



Recently I learned about the politics side of everything. Within that experience was a great lesson. We are talking about a huge group consisting of thousands of members all wanting to do good things. It's best to think of it as an organization which requires some understanding and rules to help keep things in order and everyone safe.


I will say that I have yet to see or hear about a single "rule" that I don't agree with. I was very thankful to those that took the time to chat with me about "non-501st" events and how to handle different things.Ā  Or about them asking me to write what I did a few posts ago so others too could share in that lesson. (Read about it here)


Think about it... How in the hell would I know if I didn't have these people to ask?Ā  I can't thank them enough. As a "newbie / recruit" we are all new to this and if you think you are going to continue on this journey without making mistakes, then you are truly in for some challenges.


The only way to see what a person is made of is by watching how they handle failure/mistakes.

  • Do they take it, get upset but still learn from it?
  • Do they get back up and try again?
  • Do they wallow in their grief and whine and crawl off to some hole to spend the rest of eternity crying over one mistake or challenge????


Yoda Moment

I urge you all to make mistakes, live your life but don't fear errors.. for how do you learn if you don't try. how can you try if you are afraid of errors.. how can you learn if you don't make mistakes?


Just keep your chin up and ask for help.. there are tons here willing to offer assistance.. you aren't alone.


The Chain that binds us

There is a chain of command for a reason and I know my place right now is at the bottom of that chain. I have a long way to go and a lot of experience to gain before I can offer my hand and support to others.. but first my journey starts here. It starts in this forum, trying to figure out how to glue, snap, stick, and paint plastic pieces to create something awesome and in the process get to know others.. and them getting to know me.


Change management

If you don't expect to change during this journey you are in for a big surprise. I don't mean just costumes/characters. I am talking about changing who you are as a person.


So I have had to switched gears numerous times and you will as well. My focus right now is on a Jawa build. I named her Soka (a character name). By doing this it will give me more time and less of that "rush" feeling with regards to getting the TK build completed.


You can easily stitch fabric.. it's hard to fix a mistake with plastic. I'd rather take my time and so should you.


With costume/character changes you will face doubts. I never thought I could be a Jawa. "I'm too tall", "Jawas are meant for kids" yadda yadda yadda. I had to remind myself that there are tall jawas in the movies and I can have just as much fun with that. To be honest I think the Jawa character suits my personality a bit more.. I like to have a bit of fun.. but with that .. the dream of being a real life plastic Space woman will never die..


So what is all this blabbering buffoonery about?Ā Ā 


Prepare for Change


If you aren't prepared for the change that takes place during this journey and that you will find out what you are made of.. then you are not prepared for this at all.

Edited by Brattie
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One down.. now just have to wait for my TK stuff to arrive and I'll start on it too!!!

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