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Heat Gun Tips?

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I am interested in using a heat gun to help shape my ears to better fit the helmet I am building as well as using it to shape a couple of distorted pieces in my thighs and biceps. I have heard horror stories of ruining armor if not done correctly. Thanks in advance for your tips


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Take your time, don't heat all in one place or get it too close (keep the heatgun moving and about 6-8 inches from your work), and just get the plastic barely hot enough to be pliable.


If you start to see warping or bubbling, you're doing it wrong. Hit the plastic with a few sprays from a spraybottle of water to cool it down quickly.

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Gloves!! I know it goes without saying, but still, it's important.


Go slow, test the gun on a spare strip of plastic first, so you can get the feel of it and how much heat it takes.


If possible, look for a heat gun that has a "Cool" setting, or have some kind of cool air or water source to help the plastic stay in the position you mold it to.


You don't need to crank the heat gun all the way up to high. Read the instructions and see what the temperatures your gun is capable of. Start low and work your way up.

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