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Hi guys...a little confused on the biceps...Was told 16mm was the approved cover strip...in order to make it fitr my rather big biceps...I left a bit of the return edge..is this going to be a problem?...Trooperbay video says use whatever...I was told the 15-16mm was a must...well..look at the pictures...is this gonna cut it?post-24995-0-06151400-1446856947_thumb.jpg


You did right. Basically, wider cover stripes are allowed when you need to cover a gap between two halves of a part. However, if you don't like how it looks, i'd say that changing all your cover stripes for 20mm wide stripes would not hurt anyone.


Perhaps you just haven't got this far yet, Dave, but you can put wider cover strips on the inside for more seam strength when you get to that point

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