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Is it feasible to convert a stunt to a hero helmet? If you filled in the extra teeth and smoothed them out? Or is the faceplate just very different? It would seem to me that like smoothing the bumps to make a bumpy cap n back smooth, one could fill in the extra teeth.




I'd say so. The hero face seemed a bit wider, but that isn't anything that some careful heat couldn't fix. Aside from filling in the teeth and smoothing over the cap/back a little more you wouldn't have a whole lot to do.


If you want to be a real nitpick, the hero has 3 ridges on the ear cap instead of 4.


The three ridges could be redone if you are going to go through the trouble of sanding down the bumps and filling in the extra tooth. Might as well sand down the four ridges and use some bondo to make three new bumps.


Thanks guys. This is beyond my skills so I'll have to "subcontract" out the work, but at least I know it can be done. Good reminder about the ears too!


Any takers - shoot me a PM.


I'm starting to wonder why "pullers" don't "pull" ears with 3 bumps. I know the Hero isn't the helmet most want to wear, but I figure if you have the tools to "pull" then maybe make some for the ones who might need it. Maybe if I ever get around to building my vac table, I will try and make some ears for the Hero config. Or better yet, I will make a mould from MDF so I could send it out for someone respectalbe to maybe make a few "pulls" with. I believe TK560 is near me, so maybe I will get in touch with him and talk about this.


The teeth look to be the same, with just the 4th and 5th holes filled in. The join were the tubes meet the respirator look to be filled in too slightly, probably to ease mould removal.


Don't forget the eyes too. They are trimmed right out and not deep like background helmets.


I reckon all the deep parts, or anywhere where the plastic could lock down on the moulds was filled or modified so the ABS would be easier to remove. The HDPE was more flexible so deeper undercuts wasn't much of a problem, where the ABS was less forgiving.


I have it on good authority (AA lol) that there was only one helmet mould. Plus many other sources. Starwars helemts, book etc.


A hero looks wider cos the face is squatter plus the mouth is narrower. So it's an illusion it's wider. You just see more white.


If you can succesfully fill that hole Paul then go for it. You can kind of cover a mishap with the grey frown paint anyway?

That said, my hero lids, I always end the grey frown in between the 3rd and forth tooth anyway.


Is this a total respray.


BTW, I can send you hero ears if you like?


Yes, it will be a total respray. I have an existing TE2 stunt that I've been trooping with that I'd like to convert.



BTW, I can send you hero ears if you like?


Would love that. PM will be sent shortly...

Posted (edited)

My attempt so far (well back at CIV):





I'm actually working on it now. It's all ready for paint. I fixed the sty and obtained some hero ears from WeiBes. I'm going to paint the whole thing because the ears are styrene and the rest of the helmet is ABS - so the colors don't match at all. I'll get some better photos once I finish it.


I've done a few mods to the suit since then too - Because I lost about 35 lbs since that photo.

Edited by gmrhodes13
link not working, removed gmrhodes13 2021

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