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My ATA Stunt TK build thread

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Been a bit of a slow week. Legs are completely done and beginning to trim the ab, kidney and butt plates. I've been trying to find a good example of adding an inch or two so I can actually breath wearing the an and kidney plates :) Any suggestions??



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Did a leg test today. They needed a little more trimming and now feel a lot more comfy. Once I put some foam in the shins I will have less of a gap around the knees.




I'm still having a tough time finding a good way to assemble the ab and kidney plates. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed :)

Edited by kpresseault
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I used double snaps on elastic straps which I made with adjusters, makes it easy to get the fit just right, and you can tighten once you have been trooping for a while. Gaps on legs looks great, well done :)

Edited by gmrhodes13
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Looking good, even the small work adds up in the end, shouldn't be too much longer :D

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I'm so glad I found this


I just spent last weekend with some 501st guys at our R2 Builder meet up...I have ATA armor and i was very unsure (translated: Scared!) about where to trim on some of the pieces.  With their help, I have all of my pieces trimmed and they were kind enough to even label where everything goes.




1)  What size PVC pipe is that for the rear / cylinder pieces?

2)  Shims....are you added a shim to the INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the armor glued together?  Or just the inside....or...?


3)  On the chest, there is a rectangular area that is empty, yet elsewhere in the armor kit, there is a piece of the similar size...should that go IN that rectabgular area or AROUND?  (I'll get some pics)


4)  I planned to make snap plates with the plastic and glue them in with the E6000.  Somewhere, someone mentioned that E6000 and making contact with the snap metal is bad.  Is that true?







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One last question for the evening...


It looks like shimming is required for the fore arms and legs as far as I can tell.  At first I was looking at these pieces wonder which fit over the other...and after seeing armor from other builds, that's now how its done.  So....how wide should the shim be?  One inch wide and then the length of the piece?

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I put my snaps in webbing and glued them all over the ABS of my ATA kit, and did not see any signs of melting from the metal and E6000, even under the couple of snaps I had to remove and reposition, it didn't look like it affected the armor at all.

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Hey Paul,


Sorry for the delay getting back to ya...


Here are some answers for ya ( as best as I know ).


1- 2 inch pipe


2- I put shims inside and out. It is not necessary... I just wanted to extra hold and to make it look nicer inside.


3- from the pics I have seen in goes around.


4- I have had no problems with the e6000 glue.


5- 16mm for arms and 22mm for legs. You made back shims larger if you need more room :)


Hope this helps!

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Argh!!! I am a moron. In my excitement I glued on one of the pieces of the detenator forgetting I still needed to bolt on the clips.




How am I ever going to get the nut and washer inside the pipe and put the screw in place???? I tried getting the cap off. It's on good... Even with e6000...

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I just pushed the ends on mine, and it was tough to get off. I think I had to line the end up with the counter, and bang it off, like if you were trying to take the cap off a bottle.

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Started connecting ab and kidney plates.




Since I'm just going for the first level of acceptance into he 501st I'm not worrying about rivets right now. I want I get approved and then I may go back to work on the next level... I just want to stop borrowing a friend's armour when we troop :)

Edited by kpresseault
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Very productive day today!!  I'm beginning to get to the end!


First off, I solved my problem with the detonator.  Man that was tricky! 



Then I began getting everything ready to be assembled.

These I'm using with suspenders to keep everything from falling around my knees :)







Using photo references I made the shoulder bells and biceps like this:


However, I'm finding that the biceps are still a little too high up my arm... do they need to be under the bells?  I've seen some pics of troopers with them hanging under the bells...


After a full day of work... and cutting one finger and burning another finger with hot glue, it was time to do a trial fitting...




Couple of things to correct:

- I should probably take a hair dryer to the shoulder straps... they're a little too round and not reaching as far back as I'd like.

- I haven't put foam in the forearms yet... that's why they are sagging so low.

- having trouble with the garter to hold up the thighs... they keep sliding down...

- yes, I know... I need to put on the butt plate :)

- I need to readjust the suspenders so you don't see the beige joint.

- forgot to put on my neckseal for this pic...

- I hoping once I finish the belt that will take care of the little budging that is happening on the right side of the ad plate.

- instead of one central strap holding the biceps, I think I'm going to replace this with two straps on either side of the bell to help keep them straighter.

- I'm going to put an elastic strap on either side of the chest and back plate... it has a pretty big gap in the back... 


I'm hoping to have everything completed by the end of the week!  Let me know if you notice anything that I should fix up.


I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out... just wish I handing put on 15lbs while waiting the 8 months for this kit to arrive LOL!! :)


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I'm having a hard time getting the shoulders and biceps to look good and go low enough so that I don't have a huge gap between bicep and forearms... Looking around the reference pics I found a number of shots where the bicep is not under the shoulder like this one




This would be a good way to get my shoulders looking better and closing the huge gap... Only question is, will it be approved?

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Nearing completion!! In fact I probably would have worked through he night to get done... But rereading the CRL I realized I don't have white straps for the ammo clips :(










I also filled in the shim gaps with silicon. Looks so much better!



Hopefully another fitting tomorrow and I can submit my pics for membership!!!

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That's cool, waiting for those full suited pics ;)


Also, when gluing the side buttons over the belt rivets try to not center them as you put your rivets. In fact there are almost edge to edge with the end of the ammo belt. I quote Troopermaster:

This is where you should put your rivets. I know it's too late for you but I hope this will help someone else before they attempt to attach the belt in the wrong place.






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