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So I was watching A new hope again yesterday and noticed that the set for stun trooper doesn't have a TD.

It makes sense when you think about it as he has to fall onto his back but I just hadn't noticed it before.


Just thought I'd share.


There's another one missing his TD when they board the Falcon. He turns to go "lend a hand" and you can see clearly.


I haven't had the pleasure of falling on mine yet, but then again I'm still pretty new around here.


The Trooper who boards the Falcon to lend a hand is the "Hero" suit that Luke wears. That one has a grappling hook on the belt so it doesn't use the TD. Just thought I'd chime in there!




The Trooper who boards the Falcon to lend a hand is the "Hero" suit that Luke wears. That one has a grappling hook on the belt so it doesn't use the TD. Just thought I'd chime in there!



Except that guy has a stunt helmet, but Luke walks out in a hero helmet. :lol:


I would imagine every stuntman who wore the armour and had to fall backwards would have not worn one.

It is interesting watching Hi-Def as you see things you haven't noticed in the past.


It amazes me each time I re-watch ANH how many things I see which I never did before. The guy that bangs his head on the blast door is a classic, you can even here the DONK lol


The guy that bangs his head on the blast door is a classic, you can even here the DONK lol

He needed a handler. lol.

The DONK was actually added in the SE to make it funnier. :)

Posted (edited)

While we are on the subject of noticing things. I was watching ANH frame by frame again last night and noticed the hero trooper giving instructions to the crew men on the Death Star has his holster attached with what looks like 4 rivets (2 per strap side by side). Then I thought a holster may have already been attached and a new one fitted, but why not use the same holes?


Not sure if you can see it in the photos, but you will see it on screen if you watch. No major discovery by any means, but interesting to me.


Edited by gmrhodes13
photo updated gmrhodes13 2021

I'll have a look at that later.

It is possible if the rivets pulled through that the holes were just too big to re-use or that they had been placed wrong to start with.


I love that thirty odd years later we are still studying and spotting new things.


That pic actually has some good details to be seen.

I've never really noticed the stuff in the scanning crew's box. It looks like the bottom of a plastic shelf with two transformers glued to it.


The last time I fell on my TD, lots of people died. Good thing I had my armor on.


That is what I am thinking too. Though they could have used a few washers to help with the holes.


Paul you will have to come down and join us on one of our watching ANH nights, I figure you would really enjoy it. We all spend hours discussing the most minute details, it is great.


This is the double holes you're thinking of? I checked for myself and grabbed a snapshot. :)



That's the one! It's the same on the other strap of the holster too.

Yeah I think I saw that too but I didn't pause the video quick enough. :)

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