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UKG - Cheshunt - another world convention - 11 Nov 12


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These actors are great, they are not divas!

They are pleased to talk about filming during the film, interaction stories with Carrie Fisher and other main actors.

We get to see Their actual heights and what the suits were designed for.

Questions about the armour, the boots, vision, the gloves etc.


They are really proud to have us there!


I'll hopefully be meeting Anthony Forrest, this coming Sunday 25th Nov 2012 at the MEM show.

Anthony was the ANH Tattooine "Move along" sandtrooper.


Did you know that some Stormtrooper's had rubber leg armour rather than plastic for some stunt scenes?



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These actors are great, they are not divas!

They are pleased to talk about filming during the film, interaction stories with Carrie Fisher and other main actors.

We get to see Their actual heights and what the suits were designed for.

Questions about the armour, the boots, vision, the gloves etc.


They are really proud to have us there!



Couldn't agree more Trigger - they always pleased to see us. Harry Fielder lives up the road from me.

Was a good day... One day, i'll put down the AT-AT & get back into my TK!

... Been too long - must get a new under-suit for Xmas. B)

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