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Silver Snail New Location Grand Opening - Toronto


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Silver Snail New Location Grand Opening


In attendance:


Shift 1:

TK-25267 Charles Bowes "Clamps"

SL-3669 Nelson "Darth Nelly

TI-7789 Marcus Vidulin (in officer outfit)

Combat Photographer: Britton Bowes (6)


Shift 2:

SL-3669 Nelson "Darth Nelly

TD-9464 Dominic Sinopoli

TK-9418 Ken Morse "Pony Boy"

TI-7789 Marcus Vidulin (back to Tie Pilot)

TD-6595 Ted Healy

BH-2530 Glenn Cruz


This was troop #2 of 2 for the day. Lugging that box around town was no problem until today. My shoulders are a bit sore. Lots of stairs!!


This also qualified as a Tantive IV Boarding Party Fire Team troop with myself and TK Kenny (Pony Boy) representing.


Here is Mark and Clamps patrolling the entrance. Mark's Tie gloves stayed at Toys R Us so he improvised with an Officer cap:



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Another great report and pic's


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Charles! You should have pulled that dirty sandy out into the rain! :D Hehehehe!


Little bummed that Toronto traffic made me miss this troop but glad to see you guys having fun! :D


And the after party was most eventful! :)

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