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CRL Variations for left-handed people?

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I know I read a post awhile back on this, but do not remember the result of the conversation.


I know the amount of left-handed people in the movies was slim to none. For left-handed troopers to actually be functional, some things would need to be reversed. Even certain weapons would need modifications.


What was the final word on this in reference to Standard Entry, EIB and Cent?

Edited by SmilesLikeJoker
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Hi Patrick,


If you look at the movie, like ANH, the Stormtroopers had their holsters on the left hand side because of the way the Sterling was made. If you look at the Stormtroopers when they are standing at attention, they are holding them left handed because the magazine housing is on the left hand side of the E11/Sterling.


But, if you watch the movie the Stormtroopers are right handed and left handed all throughout when firing and this was never standardized for the character. So, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, there will never be a requirement of the way you should hold the gun.


I hope this helps to clear this up for you.



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