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In our ever continuing efforts to make the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment bigger and better the staff are always having discussions about what makes the site a place our members want to come back to time and time again.


One phrase that sums up what we want our members to feel once they find FISD is "Hey man, this is really cool. I like hanging out there and being a part of that".


So tell us from your own point of view in the replies below!


What, for you, makes the FISD a really cool? What makes you like hanging out here and being part of this?


I come because I like helping out, and getting to know fellow troopers around the world a little better. When i got to Hawaii, I'm going to crash at Eric's - wait, okay, maybe not getting to know them that well. We can start with a beer. (This can so go the wrong way. :P) Anyway, there's always something new and interesting going on with people's builds, people joining, questions for the never-ending tweaking process, etc.


For a lot of folks, though, I suspect that once the build is done, unless they like helping out too, what's in it for them? I built my TK, going off to hang with my garrison buddies now. What could keep them coming back even when it's not about the build?


Being with like minded individuals, I consider this as my extended family. We may all have different reasons for being here, perhaps your a costumer, or it's a way to express yourself, or you want to be able to help others in a unique way, but the FISD brings us all together. This community has so much knowledge and willingness to help others it's amazing. Also since now that I'm Ingrid's mionion because Brian did not want me, I need to be here. :P


It really has a LOT of info, which is really awesome. I also like how active it is here. I can check two or three times a day and there is always new content!


I have been on many different forums and this one is by far the best, everybody is willing to help the new guy and we all get along very well. I also love to help future troopers and i love it when we get older member to get nerw armor and try to make there better. I do notice though that alot of the new people come here first and try to get as much info as they can before they start there build.


The togetherness, the "Troopers helping troopers" actualy mean something here. I feel like part of the community and not an outsider, Almost instant help to any posts made. I know of some other forums where I could have a post up for 3 days with 700+ views and no replies.

I feel that we all encourage each other and don't put people down. If we have a difference of opinion then the reasons are clearly given not just "That sucks, you suck, you are a noob" I don't feel that because I'm only 'basic' level trooper I'm being excluded from anything.

This place feels like a community and not a bunch of cliques.


You can feel the camaraderie and the good vibe , everybody is willing to help and give constructive criticism . there's also a lot of practical and visual information to help you out building your TK, it feels indeed like a community.


I echo all of the above sentiments: the forum is informational, helpful, encouraging and friendly. Pretty much any and all questions are answered by numerous sources in a very speedy fashion, and the ideas shared spark individual creativity as well. If something hasn't been tried, give it a go - share it & get (constructive - can't emphasize that enough) feedback. There is always something new, different & exciting to be found here.

Posted (edited)

I joined up last year and got my ID. Now I have 3 costumes and have learned so much. When I got started, and was totally lost and in need of help, a forum member helped me out. When I thanked him he said, "no problem, just pay it forward man." SO...I have always tried to do that and help anyone, anytime, anywhere... ;)

Edited by Griffin-X

I enjoy the people. And LOVE my TK. I spend more time here than I do in my own garrison forums.


Just always cool seeing what people are up to. And all the new things people find about the armor.


Also since now that I'm Ingrid's mionion because Brian did not want me, I need to be here. :P


What? I have a minion? That's for Sith Lords... how about wingman? :)


Ive not been a member here for long but I already feel part of an extended family with brothers and sisters worldwide.

You cannot measure the wealth of help and knowledge here on the boards and a question is answered almost instantly.

This is an awesome site with awesome people and it truely lives up to its Troopers Helping Troopers name. :smiley-sw013:


No minion.... but you said I could be one. But I'll take wingman.


Obviously my SL/TK personality disorder has got the best of me. (There's a reason my SL costume isn't finished.)


I stop by every day. :) I like to catch up on what the newest cool gadget is, or see how people have modified their armor, or see who had a problem - and who helped

to get it fixed! I really like it here. We can joke around and have fun, and share new ideas - or bring up oldies-but-goodies. The atmosphere here is very unique, in a

good way. There's lots of help and real concern for each other. Oh no... I'm getting too gushy! haaa haaa Plus, if a few extra $$$ are burning a hole in my purse, I

just come here to do some shopping. I love the pics of events, meetings, charities or even GAME SHOWS!!!!! :th_AnimatedBravoSmiley:


I love my "build buddy" most of all! *hugs* <-- okay too girlie for ya?


Also, the humor and sense of community really shines through, it's beyond just helping or fixing. It's like that place at the mall where the cool kids can hang out, check out each other's kicks, and find out where to get 'em.


And the fact that I have lasted this long without anyone telling me to shut up.


And the fact that I have lasted this long without anyone telling me to shut up.


Yes... Um... Do you have a moment? The staff has been meaning to have a word... Actually two words with you.... ;)


I love my "build buddy" most of all! *hugs* <-- okay too girlie for ya?


Also, the humor and sense of community really shines through, it's beyond just helping or fixing. It's like that place at the mall where the cool kids can hang out, check out each other's kicks, and find out where to get 'em.


And the fact that I have lasted this long without anyone telling me to shut up.


You are a breath of fresh air Ingrid! Nobody would EVER tell you to hush! ;)


I think the staff here has set a great example by putting lots of time in replying to posts in a positive way and being helpful. It has established a precedent of being helpful to others and not hoarding information but being free with it.


For me I think the appeal is that

1) this site is in my opinion one of the best as it is full of information regarding every thing TK.

2) As yet i've not seen or heard of nub's to the world of TKing that this site is slow, lack information or the willingness of people wanting to help.

3) It is wounderfull to have something in common with a very varst aray of peope across a broad spectrum of the worlds social econmic enviroment & networks that seem get on swimmingly.

4) whilst on occassion some people get a little serious about a topic, I believe that this is caused more out of passion about being TK rather stupidity.

5) and no here take the piss out me for going to bed with my teddy bear name mr grrrrr!


That that


OT away

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