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Mopar McNeer's ANH Hero Build Log [*RT]

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Seriously, if i had kept tabs on what I spent, my husband would have me committed. I keep reminding him, "At least I don't have a shoe habit."


Can't forget to include supplies (tools, glue, snaps, scissors, polish, sandpaper, exacto blades, band-aids) and all that stuff that adds up in micro payments.



...And all the gas it takes to get to and from all those places.

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lol... I keep track of most of my projects. They almost always go over the original budget I set in the beginning. But its nice to know what I've got invested.


I've been away for a bit, haven't had any free time at all to devote to my TK. Although I should be hearing from Robb soon as my armor should be shipping in Mid May.


But right now I'm preparing for Race Season and my upcoming wedding in June, not to mention I just finished getting my AWS Certification for welding (I decided to back to school to learn some new skills). Needless to say, when I say I have had no free time, I really haven't had any.


I can't wait to get back to this. Hopefully sooner than later. Thanks Noah for helping me out with the hardware too!!

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  • 1 month later...

May 27th, 2012


Wow. It's been over a month since I've even been on the site, let alone had a chance to think about or even work on my TK. Between work, wedding planning, and my auto hobbies I haven't had a chance to do anything. I've got a few purchase updates and thats about it for now as my wedding is next weekend followed by the honeymoon and such. I'm hoping to really dig into the build in late June or early July once life goes back to normal. Anyhow, without further adue, here are some pics of the most recent acquisitions.


First off, fellow FISD member Nasty Noah hooked me up with some sweet split rivots for my build (and enough for my buddy Cody's build too). Thanks Noah! Your generousity is greatly appreciated.




Second, I received my Thermal Detenator 1" Clips from FISD Member TK4702. They are very nice and came with a couple bonus items.




Third was something I had been waiting for a bit, but once received, I knew it was well worth the wait. It was my TK Neck Seal (size 16.5) from FISD member Ladysewforus. The fit and finish were great. Definately a winner.




Last but certainly not least was my most eagerly anticipated purchase that was coming from RT-Mod Rob. My ANH Hero TK Kit!!!!!!

First is the obigitory box photo




Here is the entire kit all wrapped up like presents at Christmas.




Rob hooked me up with a few custom mods to the Hero Helmet which I'll share in my next installment. But I couldn't resist popping it on and snapping a quick pic (while sporting my "Trap" shirt and watching ROTJ on Spike). I'm really excited to get going on this and get everything assembled. I think I have all that I need to put together my complete TK Costume. Now I just need some time.





* Split Rivots from Nasty Noah (FISD screen name) - $0.00 - Enhancements

* Thermal Detenator 1" Clips from TK4702 (FISD screen name) - $30.00 (includes shipping) - Enhancements

* TK Neck Seal, Size 16.5 from Ladysewforus (FISD screen name) - $65.00 (includes shipping) - Helmet/Armor

* RT Mod ANH Hero Kit with Helmet from RT-Mod Rob (FISD screen name) - $849.00 (shipping not included) - Helmet/Armor



Helmet/Armor: $488.90 previous + $914.00 = $1402.90

Weapons: $269.99 previous + $0.00 = $269.99

Enhancements: $498.75 previous + $30.00 = $528.75

Tools: $102.64 previous + $3.97 = $102.64

Materials: $57.27 previous + $8.94 = $66.21

Literature/Misc: $17.25 previous + $0.00 = $17.25



$1617.05 previous + $944.00 = $2561.05

Edited by Mopar McNeer
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Awesome, I'm not the only one keeping track!


Just when I thought the spending would end...


I started thinking with JUST another pair of boots, a BFG T-21, a backpack and of course another set of armor I could build a sandtrooper too!!! I mean I already have the neck seal, the body suit, all the strapping and the glue... It makes perfect sense!!

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Excellent! Can you take a bunch of nice high quality photos of the helmet? Also I'd like to see the new thermal det in detail if possible. I also hear he has a new sniper knee that fits more betterer. I can't wait to see the improvements.


Did he give you plastic for cover strips? If so... Did he trim it for you that way or is it still overlap?


Looking forward to this build ;)





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I will also be watching this thread - less than a month (hopefully) until my kit ships from Rob.


Thanks for including pictures of your Hyperfirm E-11 - I haven't seen one up close, but it is on my 'to buy' list (along with one of their DLT-19s).

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Definately still here Noah, just short on time these days.


Ahola - I'll get you snaps as soon as I can buddy. Rob did a few new things and a few extras I had asked for, so I'm sure see something of interest.

I won't be able to say much about the rest of the kit as I won't be starting on it until later in June, but when I get going, I'll be sure to post a ton of pics for everyone.

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