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AM or ATA? Newb is ready! Input Appreciated

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Got it. I had heard that the ATA would be a bit small-ish too for my frame and was advised that the RT-Mod might fit better for me with less work.


RT-Mod would be a good choice. I didn't go that way though because I really like the ATA and once I'm back to my normal weight of 200+- it fits me with no problem. Also, there's a large cost difference.

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RT-Mod would be a good choice. I didn't go that way though because I really like the ATA and once I'm back to my normal weight of 200+- it fits me with no problem. Also, there's a large cost difference.


Yeah, the cost difference was the thing that was holding me back actually (several hundred dollars) from going RT-Mod over ATA. I was thinking, "for that much $$, could I make the ATA work for me?" and things of that nature.


I'm hoping to get back down to 185-200, but you know how that goes....lol I'm thinking I better play it safer than sorry, even if it does cost me a bit more.


I haven't yet plunked down the cash for an armor kit...but am getting closer every day.

I did however receive my ATA Helmet today (I wish I could leave work now and good work on it.... hehehe).

I can't wait to get started on it.


I'm going to keep research, asking opinions, and looking at pictures before taking the leap on the armor kit though...

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