wang ling ku[TK] Posted September 20, 2011 Report Posted September 20, 2011 (edited) æ´» å‹• 介 ç´¹ 很 ä¹… 很 ä¹… 以 å‰ ï¼Œ 在 é‚£ é™ é åˆ é™ é çš„ 銀 æ²³ ç³» . . . 從 未 æ› å…‰ çš„ 特 別 收 錄 , ä¹ ç¢Ÿ å…¸ è— å¥— è£ çµ¦ 您 å‰ æ‰€ 未 有 çš„ 滿 足 æ„Ÿ å— å¾—åˆ©å½±è¦–æ‰€ä»£ç†çš„二å世紀ç¦æ–¯å®¶åºå¨›æ¨‚事æ¥å…¬å¸èˆ‡ç›§å¡æ–¯å½±æ¥æ‰€åˆä½œå‡ºå“çš„ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘ è—光典è—套è£å°‡æ–¼9月16日與全çƒåŒæ¥åœ¨å°ç£ç™¼è¡Œã€‚金çŽå°Žæ¼”喬治盧å¡æ–¯å°‡å¸¶æ‚¨ä»¥åŠå…¨å®¶äººå†åº¦é¨éŠæ˜Ÿéš›ã€‚ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘è—光典è—套è£ï¼Œå…¨å¥—å…±ä¹ç¢Ÿï¼Œè¯éº—且高清 晰度的影åƒç•«è³ªçŒ¶å¦‚將浩瀚無涯的星際直接導入您家ä¸çš„客廳,讓您在家裡也能一åŒæ„Ÿå—星際冒險,在影片裡å¯ä»¥èˆŠåœ°é‡éŠï¼Œä½ 最喜æ¡çš„星際大戰的片段 , 6.1 DTSç’°ç¹žéŸ³æ•ˆåŠ ä¸Šè¶…éŽ40 å°æ™‚å‰æ‰€æœªè¦‹çš„特別收錄內容,帶您潛入更深的星際宇宙。 è—光影片發燒å‹å€‘è¦ç‰¹åˆ¥æ³¨æ„了,ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘è—光典è—套è£æ˜¯æ‚¨çµ•ä¸å¯ä»¥éŒ¯éŽçš„好機會。è—光影片是目å‰å½±éŸ³ç”¢å“ä¸æœ€èƒ½å±•ç¾å‡ºæœ€å¥½çš„å½±åƒè§£æžåº¦å’Œè²éŸ³æ•ˆæžœï¼Œ ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘è—光典è—套è£ä¸åŒ…å«äº†é›»å½±1-6集以åŠ3碟的特別收錄(部分ä¸æ–‡ï¼‰ï¼Œé‚„收錄大é‡è¢«åˆªé™¤çš„éºç ç•«é¢ã€é¡é 延伸ã€å‚™ç”¨å ´æ™¯ã€å…¨æ–°çš„æ‹ç‰‡å¯¦éŒ„å’Œåœ¨éŽ åŽ»çš„ä¸‰å年出ç¾åœ¨æµè¡Œæ–‡åŒ–ä¸ç„¡æ•¸çš„星際大戰惡æžç‰ˆã€‚這也標誌著ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘è—光典è—套è£æ˜¯è—光影片發行以來第一次æ供完整的傳奇故事,ä¸åƒ…如æ¤ï¼Œç‰¹åˆ¥æ”¶éŒ„ ä¸é‚„包å«äº†ï¼ŒéŸ³æ•ˆè©•è«–,幕後花絮,演員專訪,é“å…·å’Œæœè£è½‰æ›ï¼Œå›žé¡§å±•…ç‰ã€‚ æ¤æ¬¡ç™¼è¡Œè¨˜è€…會,邀請到星際大戰第501師å°ç£é§è»å‰ä¾†ä¸€åŒç‚ºæ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°å®£å‚³é€ 勢,活動ä¸ï¼Œæœ‰ä»‹ç´¹æ˜Ÿæˆ°å½±è¿·å¿ƒä¸çš„星際大戰ã€ç‚ºä½•ç‚ºæ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°å¦‚æ¤è‘—è¿·çš„åŽŸå› ï¼Œ åŠã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘è—光的特色åŠè³£é»žï¼Œæ¤å¤–,這一次的產å“è¦æ ¼ï¼ŒéŸ³æ•ˆæ›´é«˜é”DTS6.1的效果,消費者們與當天來賓們齊èšæ–¼ç¾å ´ä¸€åŒé‡æº«ã€æ˜Ÿéš›å¤§æˆ°ã€‘。活動當 天ç¾å ´æœ‰æ˜Ÿæˆ°è¿·æ‰®è£åƒåŠ 便å¯ç²å¾—é™é‡ç¥žç¥•è´ˆå“一份。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ æ´» å‹• 時 é–“ 2011 å¹´ 9 月 16 æ—¥ ( 星 期 五) 時間 - 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第 三 部 曲 é” æ–¯ ç¶ å¾· ( 黑 æ¦ ä»• ) Episode III Darth Vader - ç”±SL 5168 Bei-Chen Lou 扮 è£ - å¸åœ‹æ²™æ¼ 氣候çªæ“Šå…µ Imperial Sandtrooper - ç”±TD 1668 Roy Starkiller 扮è£(第501師å°ç£é§è»æŒ‡æ®å®˜ CO) (經501stæ²™æ¼ å…µæ”¯éšŠå®˜æ–¹é“å…·æœé”人èªè‰åˆæ ¼ MEPD Deployed) - å¸åœ‹çªæ“Šå…µ Imperial Stormtrooper (ANH Stunt) - ç”±TK 6509 Ken Wong æ‰®è£ (經501st第一å¸åœ‹æš´é¢¨å…µæ”¯éšŠå®˜æ–¹é“å…·æœè³‡æ·±æ¥å…µå“¡èªè‰åˆæ ¼ Expert Infantryman Badge) - å¸åœ‹æš´é¢¨å…µ Imperial Stormtrooper (ANH Hero) - ç”±TK 9428 JMS 扮è£(第501師å°ç£é§è»å…¬é—œå®˜ GPR) - å¸åœ‹æš´é¢¨å…µ Imperial Stormtrooper (ANH Hero) - ç”± TK 5506 Brucepan æ‰®è£ - å¸åœ‹æ–¥å å…µ Imperial Biker Scout - ç”± TB 5312 Alone Liu 扮 è£ - 第四部曲å¸åœ‹è»å®˜ Imperial Stormtrooper Officer - ç”± ID 0268 Vincent M Sanchez 扮 è£ å” åŠ© 人 å“¡ - ID 5801 Peggy Yeh(第501師å°ç£é§è»å‰¯æŒ‡æ®å®˜ XO) 器 å…· æ ä¾› 人 å“¡ - é“具複刻1:1比例å¯å‹•R2-D2 - ç”±ID 0268 Vincent M Sanchezæä¾› - é“具複刻1:1比例ä¸å¯å‹•C-3P0 - ç”±TB 5312 Alone Liuæä¾› ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ å° ç£ å¸ åœ‹ 501st 扮 è£ åœ˜ 本 次 æ´» å‹• è¯ çµ¡ 人 第501師å°ç£é§è»æŒ‡æ®å®˜Roy Waung- è¡Œ å‹• : 0938 096 652 e-mail : [email protected] å¸åœ‹501師å°ç£é§éšŠç¶²ç«™ 501st Taiwan Formosa Outpost Web Site: Name of Mission Taiwan 501st in "Star Wars Blu-ray Discs Debut Event" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nature of Mission After more then a month of planning and several meetings, the authorized Taiwan licensee Taiwan Deltamac Inc. and 501st Taiwan Outpost had worked together and presented a quite in-depth event for the first debut of the most anticipitate Star Wars The Complete Saga Blu-ray Discs. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date and Time of Mission September, 16th 2011 ( Friday ) 19:00 ~ 20:30 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Site Taipei Warner Vieshow Cinema Village ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Licensee of Event Taiwan Deltamac Inc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Host of Event Famous Taiwan actor (whom is also a big fan of Star Wars) - Jackal 501st Taiwan Outpost express with gratitude that Jackal by his long time friendship with 501st Taiwan Outpost cut his hosting fee half for this event. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flyer of Event ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Photos with Mission Reports - The Event Site - Both logos of 501st Taiwan Outpost and was printed on the stage backboard! (Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - Ready For Action! - 501st Taiwan Outpost were all ready for action! (Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - The First Patrol Trooping - First mission for 501st Taiwan Outpost was troop at area around the event site by attract shoppers of the event. Part 1(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Part 2(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - Photo Session In Front of Stage - After 501st Taiwan Outpost finished their first mission, they troop back to the stage area in formation for shoppers had their photo taken. Part 1(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Part 2(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - C-3PO and R2-D2 On Stage - When 501st Taiwan Outpost took theirrest at backstage, its time for the mighty R2-D2 had his interview on stage. The golden wonder C-3PO stood silently at the side of stage. (Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - Interview with 501st On Stage - Its stage interview time for 501st Taiwan Outpost! Part 1(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Part 2(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Video of interview- - Enjoy The Blu-ray Clips - The host of event led the crowd for clips from the Blu-ray discs. (Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - Group Photo On Stage - The last stage funtion had all the members of 501st Taiwan Outpost,R2-D2,C3P0 and host of event presented on stage for the crowd had their photo taken. Part 1(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Part 2(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) - The Second Patrol Trooping - 501st Taiwan Outpost had their last mission by a second time troop at area around the event site. Part 1(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) Part 2(Pls. kindly click the following picture for more photos about this title of mission report.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Reports by Local Press Media Pls. click the following link for reports by local press media - Press Reports 2011/9/16 23:00 TVBS Late Night News (Recorded and uploaded by TB 5312 aloneliu) - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Reports by Local Fans of Star Wars Pls. kindly click the following picture for details about the event report by Brucpan - Pls. kindly click the following picture for details about the event report by Klvin - Pls. kindly click the following picture for details about the event report by JB - Pls. kindly click the following picture for details about the event report by Starhawk -[/color] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Members of 501st Taiwan whom Attended in Mission Attended in Full Armor SL 5168 Bei-Chen Lou as Episode III Darth Vader TD 1668 CO Roy Waung as Imperial Sandtrooper (MEPD Deployed) TK 6509 GCL Ken Wong as ANH Stunt Stormtrooper (Expert Infantryman Badge) TK 9428 GPR JMS as ANH Hero Stormtrooper TK 5506 Brucepan as ANH Hero Stormtrooper TB 5312 Alone Liu as Imperial Biker Scout ID 0268 GML Vincent M Sanchez as Imperial Stormtrooper Officer Helper ID 5801 XO Peggy Yeh Droids Contributors - Interactive "Droid Builders Class" 1:1 R2-D2 by ID 0268 Vincent M Sanchez. - 1:1 C-3PO by TB 5312 Alone Liu ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Photographer of 501st Taiwan Outpost Steven Wang Edited September 21, 2011 by wang ling ku Quote
Rikku Posted October 8, 2012 Report Posted October 8, 2012 (edited) I love how you made a translated version under the Chinese one. Enjoyed this post. Edited October 8, 2012 by Rikku Quote
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