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yes, but if your armor is up to EIB specs you shouldn't have any issue joining the 501st. unless you are under 18yrs old


The only problem is, Is that I've had bad luck with "costuming groups", and granted the 501st is probably far superior to the group I was previously in as far as chairty work and organization, but I was just wondering if you could achieve the status with out being part of the 501st. Not even sure I wanna be part of another costuming group, so I was just asking.




i assure you the 501st is not comparable to other costuming groups ;) its like comparing apples to oranges. if you like i can review your armor unofficially. but you must be 501st to get EIB.


I'm still in the building process, But i'm doing everything by EIB standards as I build so I hopefully wont have to go back a fix very much. So Dashrazor when I finish it I would very much appreciate that




just post your build here http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showforum=61


and feel free to message me when the time comes ;)


i suggest you check out your local garrison forums http://www.az501st.com/


even if you only troop once a year i can approve you for EIB if you join :D


501st is a great group. I recommend joining, even if you dont troop much.


To Matt


You will join us...or die! :lol:


Honestly Matt, the 501st Legion is an awesome group of people. I am VERY happy I joined and have met some amazing people. I will have friends for life thanks to the 501st!


Give us a chance, you will NOT be disappointed!


To Matt,


Brian just said all I wanna say, I 1000% agree with him!!!

Join Us! the Empire needs you~


well hopefully it'll still be EIB acceptable since I figured out I have the shim the heck out of it since its TE armor, and i'm a bit of a big kid. So we will see if it gets approved by 501st or not.


But, I will join the Darkside....since some one said you guys have cookies


well hopefully it'll still be EIB acceptable since I figured out I have the shim the heck out of it since its TE armor, and i'm a bit of a big kid. So we will see if it gets approved by 501st or not.


But, I will join the Darkside....since some one said you guys have cookies


Shims are acceptable as long as the gap is not big.


yea, the gap is pretty bad, I have to look into getting rt-mod armor, the te2 armor has a good 3-4 inch gap that needs to be fixed on my kidney to cod section. But I'll just shim it for the con im using it for first an then either alter it or get new armor.


3 inch gaps aren't too bad. and if shimmed correctly are fine for EIB


Really - anything more than a small gap should be shimmed. It's pretty easy to do.

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