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Ways to turn a stunt face into hero?

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The shape is a bit different (the face, the cap and back are the same or similar). And the stunt has a more pronounced eye bump under the right eye.


You could smooth out the eye bump (heat and bend it down), fill in the furthest left and right tooth gap (glue plastic from inside), paint a smaller pointier frown, add 3 bump hero ears and add bubble lenses.

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Sell the extra stunt faceplate, buy a good hero faceplate.

That is hands down the best option, all other options are only half-way decent...


Got any pics of your stunt helmet collection, Karin? Always nice to see the line-up . :)

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Yes as Dennis said please show us your lid collection Queeny ;) and as others have said Karin i would go for a TM Hero , iam not just saying that because i have one , i have had a few Hero lids and out of them the TM imho is the best for looking like what we see on the screen ;) .

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Thanks everybody!


A know I complete new helmet is best, but I'm always trying to save money.


The teeth are not cut out yet, I thought maybe pushing the plastic back could work without destroying the glossy finish...



as for pics, I have'nt finished any of them. They're asssembleb mostly, but certain things keep me from finishing them, like


correct trims (I know where to get them, but money is tight ATM)

correct lighting gel ( not so easy to come by)

a decent HDPE color (duh!)

sa screws


I have

1 A'P (with severe scratches during assemble, needs to be painted) maybe go sandy

1 ATA assembled, going chipped ESB

1 CAP-W assembled by the maker, going ANH chipped

1 restaurated VT, started ESB, don't know really what to do

1 TM stunt, still in box, maybe going for "idealized display



1 hero helmet


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