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Hi all, my name is sean and I am a cadet of the redback garrison.


I have my TK commander and was wondering if I could get peoples thoughts on it... eg is it approvable and what would I need to do to get it up to EIB standard. I am 16, so I have a bit of time to go before I can officially get approved haha. My armour is fx with one of our local makers helmets. Blaster is a hasbro with the doopy doo kit attached.


so far to get it up to EIB I need to get accurate hovi's, close my side gaps, attach my holoster correctly, get correct sized ab buttons and make my blaster more accurate (add t-tracks and d-ring).


let me know what you think! :)


here are the reference shots in which I based my paint off.



here's a couple of shots I got taken at a junkyard.




a couple of shots of my helmet




these are some shots that I got taken with my studio photography kit, i think my ab plate may be sitting a bit too high in these photos but thats an easy fix.









Guest jedislayer5000

that looks excellent, gj.. only thing i notice is like you said, side gaps closed, and i would take the chest up a bit so it doesnt cover the ab panel at all thats about all i can see


that looks excellent, gj.. only thing i notice is like you said, side gaps closed, and i would take the chest up a bit so it doesnt cover the ab panel at all thats about all i can see


thanks mate, so are you saying I should trim the chest piece a bit shorter?? How much do you think? maybe while I'm at it I could shape it to be more accurate as well.


thanks mate, so are you saying I should trim the chest piece a bit shorter?? How much do you think? maybe while I'm at it I could shape it to be more accurate as well.

I would say, that unless you know for sure that you've stopped growing it would be better to keep it until you are sure you're not going to get any taller. It's still two more years until you can join the legion anyway.


It's a great looking paint job you've done btw!


Hey Sean...good to see you here mate :)


I have seen this up close and personal and I reckon it looks great...


Good work mate


Well I have a fair bit of room on my ab plate to allow for growing ( it practically comes to my chest haha ) so I might do the fx chest plate mod to make it more accurate. Also are there any tips on how to close the side gaps.. would it be better to close one side and shim the other side or shim both sides evenly ( if that makes sense ) . I plan to put the six rivets in one side.


You look awesome! At some point you'll want to tighten up the shoulder bells too, but that's one small nit on an otherwise outstanding costume. When do you turn 18? We need a good TK Commander CRL model... :)


You look awesome! At some point you'll want to tighten up the shoulder bells too, but that's one small nit on an otherwise outstanding costume. When do you turn 18? We need a good TK Commander CRL model... :)


thanks :)I turn 18 in May 2012 so still a fair way away :P


what do you mean by 'tighten up the shoulder bells' ?


I'd be happy to give you photos for the TK Commander CRL but if I have to be approved there could be a problem :P


I meant trim them up a tad so they don't overlap the biceps as much.


Haha the first picture taken at the Junkyard, you look just like an action figure!

Yep. I think that's the best compliment you can give a trooper. Everyone's already told you the things you need to fix so I have nothing to add except compliments. Great looking armor, you'll make a fine addition (officially) in a couple years. Your weathering is great - been looking at people's techniques for when I paint my clone.


I meant trim them up a tad so they don't overlap the biceps as much.


how much would you say to trim off??


so far the things I am going to change or need to change:


close side gaps

attach holster correctly

accurate hovis

cut down my hand plates to correct size

put 6 rivets down ab/kidney plate

do the fx chest plate mod to make more accurate

correct sized ab buttons


a couple of questions....


what is needed to make a hasbro blaster EIB acceptable... I know that I have to add t-tracks and a d ring... is that it? or do I have to have a correct scope as well?


for the side gaps - would it be better to close one side and shim the other side or shim both sides evenly ( if that makes sense )






For shoulder bells, the look I recommend trying to emulate are:


* TKDUENO: http://501st.com/crl/TK_CRL/124_Stormtrooper_S_ANH/index124.php

One of the top ANH Stunt suits Legion-wide


* TK-J: http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=9964

Probably the best ROTJ done to date

Posted (edited)

looks good to me i love being commander :rolleyes:


cant be the crl dummy tho he's not eib standard (np trim around the edge of the armour ROTJ style)

Edited by tk8428

looks good to me i love being commander :rolleyes:


cant be the crl dummy tho he's not eib standard (np trim around the edge of the armour ROTJ style)


thanks mate, but the edging isnt a requirement for EIB as far as I know...



This guy is the only TKC EIB and there is no edging on his armour http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=10599


There are two versions for EIB - one based on the action figure (an ANH stunt base) and one on the game render (ROTJ + ANH helmet/hands).


This is what the det voted for at the time. Perhaps when there are more than 1 TKC EI, they'll be tightened... ;-)


As the lone EIB TKC, I have to say that your kit looks great, just a few tweaks and you would be there... I know that I look at mine and want to play more with everything...


sorry i must have misread the eib


i never realised i'm just tweaking my helmet and a couple of bits and will put in for eib status then :D


here are photos of my progress so far. I have trimmed my handplates (getting the size from sonnenscheins template, installed correct size ab buttons and attached my holster correctly. I hope to get some accurate hovis in a couple of weeks and I also hope to have my side gas closed by then too.


handplates before trimming, template is on the right




this shows the amount that I had to trim off.




one handplate done, next to the template.




this shows the return edge that I put on it before I tidied it up, I just used a normal iron to do it :)




both completed handplates.




ab button comparison, chicago screws are on the right... old fx ones are on the left.




new buttons installed.




holster before.






Nice! Do you plan on eventually inverting the ab plate and installing ROTJ door trim? It would really make the armor pop :)

On 11/27/2010 at 11:27 PM, Daetrin said:

Nice! Do you plan on eventually inverting the ab plate and installing ROTJ door trim? It would really make the armor pop :)



i did the trim thing to start with and didnt like it i prefer the non trimmed armour when weathered looks far better.... but thats my opinion lol


On 11/27/2010 at 11:27 PM, Daetrin said:

Nice! Do you plan on eventually inverting the ab plate and installing ROTJ door trim? It would really make the armor pop :)


thanks mate, but I don't plan to do the ROTJ thing... I am doing the Action figure as I like the ANH look a lot better than ROTJ and the ab button is going to be way too much trouble to invert.


I just installed t-tracks on my blaster.


here is my blaster with T-tracks






ok, so I've added the d-ring to my blaster now...


here are photos of my blaster.. Is this up to EIB standard now?













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