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Posted (edited)

Sorry Guys

I was trying to link it to my post in the T.A.G forum.


Instead I have posted it here as an original as well.


Welcome Patriots of the Empire.


On occasion you may be facing countless numbers of rebels or their allies.

At these times you want members of your squad to be armed with superior fire power, and that fire power is the MG-34


To support your squad a MG-34 is a must.

And here is how to get yourself one.


The MG-34 arrives un-assembled



After removing your weapon you need to trim all the excess molding from it. This will give it a more accuracy when firing on Rebel Scum.



Tools need for this are, a sharp knife and emery boards. (The CO requires that when using a knife all cuts are away from body parts)





Once trimmed assembly should begin, the barrel had a pipe within it, this pipe was shortened to about 1.5 inches. To connect it to the stock a number of small holes are drilled in the stock where the pipe meets it, this is then dremeled out.




Safety comes first, when using the dremel on the MG-34 a fine powder is created. Always wear a P2 rated mask.



Begin Adding/Joining all of the parts. The use of Araldite has been approved


Here ends lesson 1



Lesson 2


Welcome Back


There may be some small defect in you weapons look, this can be fixed with what is known as green stuff. (It is a modeling putty that is mixed together and hardens.


After assembly of the parts the weapon needs to be undercoated



After the undercoat has dried it is time to blacken it up.


The stock then needs some attention, here it is painted brown, the washed with a chest nut ink, then washed with a black ink.






The Empire requires that all Troopers maintain there weapons in the highest standard.

However it is understood that from time to time weapons may become weathered. This can be done with the emery board




Now you are ready to support your squad against any threat!



Good Hunting Trooper!

Edited by Marcus


I have not posted much on the FISD whilst I have been building my TK.

But attached is a link to my MG-34 Build.





I can't seem to be able to see this. Is there a way for a different link?


Good job on the build, Marcus!


Just curious, when you cut the pvc pipe that short, does the barrel stay in well(wobble? or comes off easily?) or you affixed it permanently? It'll be a reference for preference, less drilling... ;)


I have the same one and didn't want cut the pvc to ensure a secure & tight fit to be transportable/detachable.


Thanks Anthony


I glued it in place with Araldite, after 24 hours it was rock solid.The Araldite seems to bond really well with the rubber resin.

At this point it does not wobble but I will need to see how it goes on a long troop out in the hot Australian sun.





I did get them from a guy here in OZ, so it is likley that it is your mold.

They must have been some good molds because the detail in it is still exceptional. (Stamps on the stock, distance guaging on the sight)

Also I am about the 50th person to get a kit from him.


I did get them from a guy here in OZ, so it is likley that it is your mold.

They must have been some good molds because the detail in it is still exceptional. (Stamps on the stock, distance guaging on the sight)

Also I am about the 50th person to get a kit from him.



Sweet! My casting guy must have gotten tired of casting them because he told me they were fast approching the end of their useful life!?! He did finally manage to cast the barrels totally hollow without the pvc pipe by pulling it out at just the right time, but he only made a few. I really need to finish mine.

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