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Everything posted by troopermaster

  1. The old pattern fits the blasters very well. I just made a few adjustments to sizes to make them more accurate. I have a real Sterling SMG, a rubber Hyperfirm E-11 and a resin E-11 and they all fit the new version of the holster perfectly
  2. I have made ammendments to this pattern and will post the updated version later.
  3. Hook and eye fasterners, size #3
  4. Use 1 rivet per strap and attach it approx 1/2" from the BOTTOM edge of your belt. Leave a good inch between the belt and the top of the holsetr too.
  5. I think the armour could be one of these in the background, though the helmet in the comparison is the one in the foreground. It's not going to be too hard to track down the exact helmet and armour. The Sandtrooper 3 button strip and the rivets suggesting ribbed shoulder straps point to these suits in the photo above. Note the Sandtrooper knee plate and missing ab buttons on the guy behind Vader? The helmet I have used in the comparison is not an exact match, but it is possible the owner did some trimming to 'clean up' the helmet when he removed the paint. Any flashing could have easily been trimmed away. Just a thought anyway and I am not saying it 'is' this helmet in the comparison.
  6. The eyes look very close to this helmet...
  7. Have a look at this for reference.
  8. The knuckles want to be right on the edge so you can see them from the front.
  9. I don't think they are revised. Some of the elastic is slightly wider compared to John's but that could be down to tolerances in manufacture. Some elastics are more stretched too. All the boots are double stitched.
  10. Cheers Here's some real LFL boots and mine for comparison. I think only my 13's are from the 70's and the 9's have the same colour interior as well, so maybe they could be older models too. The 8's and 10's might be from the 80's as the interiors are a lighter colour and the markings are similar too. Either way, they are all the same brand and model as John's originals and that's what counts
  11. What do you mean by double and sinlge stitched...which areas? I know these 10's are made later than 1976 as the marking inside are slightly different which suggest a later manufacture, but still the same model. My 13's look to be exactly like the old style, just far too big for me unfortunately.
  12. A quick comparison the the real deal....
  13. Thanks! These have been a long time coming. It has taken a few years searching for these boots and finally I have what I want. This is the fourth pair of real boots now. I have sizes 8, 9, 10 and 13. All have been found on ebay so if you want a pair, I suggest you keep looking as they turn up occasionally, you just have to look constantly. Here are a few pics from the auction. Painting will begin soon
  14. The search is OVER! I finally got myself a pair of size 10's Pics up soon.
  15. They look okay but too big and not the same flower design. The search continues....
  16. Also known as "bifurcated rivets"
  17. You have got to be kidding me Bloody hell Pete, simply incredible
  18. Fantastic job Mark I really like the damage/repair to the chest lip, top notch work!
  19. That looks better For uber accuracy, the real hand plates had knuckles indented on the underside
  20. Vern, Can you be bothered to look for yourself or do you want everything handed to you on a plate? Just do what I did and search on ebay for them
  21. I checked my rivet heads and they measure 5/16" across and I'm pretty sure they are the same size as the ones used on the screen suits. The flower head rivets look to be about 3/8" IMO. Nice find though Jack
  22. Happy Birthday Pete
  23. Absolutely. They are just regular fasteners. Any good hardware store should have them.
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