That is the problem with all these builds lately. People trying too hard to do this or that a certain way when you should just trim the parts and get it assembled. I know not everyone wants to go for true screen accuracy even though they say they want to be as screen accurate as possible, but the going the way you are, Juan, is the only way to get a screen accurate look. This does not mean you have to take no care in what you are doing, quite the opposite, just look as though it has been rushed or slapped together.
Going back to what I said about using different width strips on the same suit, it is quite possible that a lot of the armours in ANH were made like this. For instance, a bunch of ABS formed sheets would be brought in for trimming and I would say all the parts got piled up after being assembled by several people. Each part would be slightly different yet a finished suit could have parts assembled by many different people resulting in wider strips on one side compared to the other.
Keep up the great work!