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About brulafu

Member Title

  • Position
    Expert Infantryman

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Kilbride, Scotland


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison
  1. The penny dropped not long after my first troop...... Cheers - I wont be back in time for Inverness as Im in Dubai at the mo. I'll def get in touch once I get back as I'm needing to sort my thighs out !!! Cheers mate Bruce
  2. I'm absolutely gutted that I didnt get onto it quicker and would have been in the top 100 EIB's - never mind though !!! Here's a pic taken from a recent troop EDIT: If you go here, you'll see the troop that it was taken at. I've since decided that I really need to sort the shoulder bells and lift the thighs up as they are showing too much black...
  3. I originally bought this set up back in January off ebay (well before I knew that this place (FISD), the UKG and all the other fantastic sites existed) and 'luckily I only paid £380 for mine. The helmet comes complete but the stripes are in the wrong place on the tube, the lenses aren't great and need replaced and its made up from 3 parts. The face, the dome and the back. The thighs on my set are definitely NOT FX recasts as they don't have the cut out bit at the back, so I'm not sure where the thighs were recast from, but the shoulders and everything else looks like its FX. Having now looked into this a lot more and now have a proper set that I've invested in and am very happy with it. I may use the set and do a Sandy with it...but the only issue there is that the ab buttons are formed on and isnt a seperate panel like the other sets.
  4. Hi folks, I received my ROM FX Pro last week and am in love with it and only today discovered some TK chatter that I cold upload onto my MP3 player. So.....Here's my question (since I'm not in anyway a electrical boffin) How can I include an MP3 player into my ROM FX set up so that the TK chatter can play through the speaker but I can still speak when need be via the ROM FX. (Apologies if this doesnt make sense !! hehe) Cheers everyone Bruce
  5. Ok, so now that I've moved house and got all my armor with me. Would it be ok to post close up pics of the gaps without having to re-wear it all ? Otherwise I'll have to entrust the girlfriend with the camera
  6. Race is on......I have to get done this year !! Tomorrow it is...hold on - i'll set up a new thread in preparation
  7. Congrats Anada, Well done mate. Right then.....I'm on the case tomorrow. Will get pics taken and upload them. I want to be EIB this year....;-)
  8. I've got one, just bought one for my girlfriends Christmas and want another one..... Have used macs since 1990 and just love them. Hopefully that will help you
  9. I love the scuffed, beat up look - It took me a while to accept it, but now I love it. On a side note and not to hijack the thread but on the TK secoond from the right, is it just me or is the black bit between the shoulder bell and strap, really shiny and reflective - is this from the neckseal ?
  10. I've taken some more pics and will try and upload them later
  11. No probs at all.. Saying that....I emailed Casey and he's popping a replacement in the post for me. Top service !!
  12. Yeah I got mine delivered last week - beautiful - One word of advice - KEEP the little screw bit safe. I forgot about it and posted it off to someone else in the packaging. You'll know what I mean when you get it.
  13. Shiv - Cheers mate. I think I know what you mean. I've seen the pics of Justins Blaster and it is gorgeous and am not sure I would even troop with it. The resin blaster will hopefully do. (That's not going to stop me getting one ) Derrick - Thats a good point. I'm not sure (All the armour is at my parents and I'm heading there for the weekend tomorrow). I know the armour was previously EIB with Marcel, but i'll check it out when I get back. You are right as they don't seem to have them. If it is the case that there isn't finishing strips on them and that I do need, does anyone have any spare
  14. I was lucky and got my birthdate 7/5/73 hence TK7573, did think about using my visa pin number so i wouldnt forget it but couldnt use 21....oh hold on !!!
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