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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TK-4510

  1. Next comes the fun!!!! EARS!!!! Here is how I do it. I score a line about an 1/8 inch away from the cap then follow around at the front of the ear tracing the guide line. Pretty much the same in back too except I do a sweep from the cap of the ear to the guide line. The ears always fit better that way. Once I get the ears to fit properly, I sand them down a bit with 80 grit and then use a blade to lightly scrape off the extra material thats left from sanding. That way they are nice and smooth. On the AP mounting the eras is a snap. Just use the pre marked holes and drill them out. Then put the screws in.
  2. I am going to use the pre drilled holes for faceplate placement. I drill them out with a 1/8 inch drill bit...Using the provided screws I mount the faceplate to the cap n back...
  3. Now its time to trim the "flash off the faceplate and fit the rubber trim to the brow.
  4. After that its on to the teeth. I like to cut off the bumps from behind and then trim the teeth out with an exacto knife. A slower more precise way would be to drill out the teeth with a 1/8th inch drill and the use jewelers files to finish the teeth up. I have been doing this a while so its a little easier for me to just do it quickly like a so.
  5. Now I am going to trim out the eyes. I start with a larger blade from behind and finish up with a larger exacto knife.
  6. Next I trim the cap n back. I am going to just trim along the lines. At the corner I am going to use a hole punch so that it does not split easily. I will just trim the extra to smooth it out.
  7. First I take a pencil and mark a line on the eyes and teeth about where I think I should cut.
  8. Well here we go. I received the helmet kit today. I quickly found the blems. Not too bad. Never liked the mic tips. Lets "get it on!!!"
  9. LOL!!! yeah I am doing a KW ANH for Sam, our Squad Leader here in San Diego.
  10. After it dried I primered it again. Next comes light sanding, tack cloth and paint!!!
  11. I sand down the bondo with some 80 grit once it dries......Then wet sand the whole thing....again!
  12. I decided to fill in the chips around the teeth with some bondo too....
  13. Primer, sand, primer, sand, primer, sand...... When will it end....Soon! Today Thats what I did. I also put another coat of glazing putty on the helmet and cracks.
  14. Awesome work. Gino is tops!
  15. The armor in your avatar looks pretty good , I think that would look great.
  16. Yep!!! I picked mine up last night at wally mart!! They had about 5 more left too Smitty, is there a way you have figured out to make it louder? At home it sounds nice, but out and about I wonder if it would be loud enough...
  17. I am going to trim the bottom to make everything nice, when we come back!!!!!!
  18. And now I present to you......... THE OMG TE2
  19. Then I am just going to mount the left ear to the other side...
  20. To make sure everything is even looking I am going to measure from the tear to the ear. I then mark that same distance on the other side.
  21. Once I have the ear right where I want it I drill the top hole and put in a screw just snug. Then I line up the bottom just where I want it and drill the bottom hole while holding the parts together tightly. Notice that I am using a heavy leather glove so I dont drill through my thumb (again). Once the bottom hole is drilled I put in another screw and tighten it snug. Then repeat for middle screw. Looks good!
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